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Ganz перевод на английский

122 параллельный перевод
font color - "# e1e1e1" Все!
And it's "ganz he |"... Ali!
font color - "# e1e1e1" "Все дело в шляпе" как говорят в Германии.
"Ganz | er" as they say in Germany.
- Вы все видели. ( нем. ) Мы точно знаем, что вы его сотрудница. ( нем. ) Мы не шутим.
Wir wissen ganz genau dass Sie seine Mitarbeiterin sind.
( нем. ) Прекрасная верность, заставить себя сдохнуть здесь!
Schone Treue, lasst sich ganz einfach krepieren.
Ганц одинохен.
Ganz allein.
Нужно сделать катетеризацию Сван-Ганца.
We should do a Swan-Ganz catheterization.
Я могу поставить катетер Свана-Ганза.
I can put in a swan-ganz.
На моих глазах старший сержант Роберт Ганз был ранен в живот во время атаки минометным огнем, и я держала его на руках, пока он умирал...
I watched my staff sergeant, Robert Ganz, get his stomach blown open after a mortar attack and held him in my arms as he died.
Миюки и Ганз берутся за работу от любого урода? !
Do Miyuki and Ganz take orders from any jerk who's a customer?
Итан Ганц.
Ethan Ganz.
Держи меня в курсе насчет Ганца.
Keep me posted on Ganz.
Парк Вашингтон Сквер не значился в списке тусовочных мест Итона Ганца.
Washington Square Park was not listed as one of Ethan Ganz's hangouts.
Может Кейси решил что Ганц предал его.
Maybe Casey thought Ganz betrayed him somehow.
Дело тут вовсе не в Ганце, верно?
This isn't about Ganz at all, is it?
Сняли отпечатки Итана Ганца.
Picked up Ethan Ganz's prints there.
Ок, так и что, если Ганц подслушал их телефонный разговор, это значит, что он и Шейн скорее всего знают намного больше о том где могт быть Дэнни и Линдси.
Okay, so, if Ganz was tapping their phone lines, that means he and Shane probably know a hell of a lot more about where Danny and Lindsay are than we do.
С глазах Итона Ганса нет петехиального кровоизлияния.
Note the petechial hemorrhaging of Ethan Ganz's eyes.
Кейси должно быть неожиданно напал на Ганца сзади и ударил того по голове.
Casey must have surprised Ganz from behind with a blow to the head.
Наверное, Итан Ганц был последним другом
Ethan Ganz had to be the last friend
Oh, but, uh, when they were walking away, the black guy called the other guy Ganz.
Oh, but, uh, when they were walking away, the black guy called the other guy Ganz.
His name is Russell Ganz.
His name is Russell Ganz.
Ganz is very smart and very violent.
Ganz is very smart and very violent.
Do we have an L.A. address for Ganz or any known associates?
Do we have an L.A. address for Ganz or any known associates?
Okay, mannis might lead us to Ganz, so let's get his photo to all the troops.
Okay, mannis might lead us to Ganz, so let's get his photo to all the troops.
We gotta find Ganz fast.
We gotta find Ganz fast.
О, мистер Ганц хорошо известен в моей сети.
Oh, Mr. Ganz is well-known within my network.
Okay, so if Ganz is doing business poolside, he's probably trying to find a buyer for those bullets.
Okay, so if Ganz is doing business poolside, he's probably trying to find a buyer for those bullets.
Мистер Ганц.
Mr. Ganz.
Так, мы должны проверить эти номера может один из них выведет нас на покупателя Ганза
Okay, we need to run down these numbers, see if we can trace one of them to Ganz's buyer.
Well, Ganz's phone is a burner, and so are most of the numbers he called.
Well, Ganz's phone is a burner, and so are most of the numbers he called.
That's Ganz's partner.
That's Ganz's partner.
I bet Ganz was calling to ask why the hell Violet Young was still alive.
I bet Ganz was calling to ask why the hell Violet Young was still alive.
I'll tell him I met Ganz.
I'll tell him I met Ganz.
Ganz was gonna cut him out of the deal.
Ganz was gonna cut him out of the deal.
Mannis gets pissed, he calls Ganz, maybe one of them lets something slip about the location of the exchange.
Mannis gets pissed, he calls Ganz, maybe one of them lets something slip about the location of the exchange.
Слушай, нам нужно знать, где и когда Ганц is selling those bullets.
Look, we need to know where and when Ganz is selling those bullets.
Это был Ганц.
It was Ganz.
Это будет нашим последним шансом получить Ганца.
This is gonna be our last chance to get Ganz.
Где Ганц?
Where's Ganz?
Рассел Ганц, вы арестованы за убийство Майкла Ройса.
Russell Ganz, you are under arrest for the murder of Michael Royce.
Как далеко ты готова была зайти.. с Ганзом?
So how close did you come... with Ganz?
Джонас Ганц...
Jonas Ganz...
Они принадлежат Гансу.
It belongs to Ganz.
I dug up the intel you requested on Ganz.
I dug up the intel you requested on Ganz.
Looks like Ganz has a former cell mate.
Looks like Ganz has a former cell mate.
If he shared a cell with Ganz, that could explain the print.
If he shared a cell with Ganz, that could explain the print.
All right, Jones, get ahold of Ganz's probation officer, find out where he's staying.
All right, Jones, get ahold of Ganz's probation officer, find out where he's staying.
If Ganz and Ford are working our backyard,
If Ganz and Ford are working our backyard,
Выглядит, будто Ганз собирает команду.
Looks like Ganz is pulling together a crew.
Ганц там планирует Бог знает что.
Ganz is out there, planning God knows what.

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