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Йюйху перевод на английский

87 параллельный перевод
мюьх оюяонпрю х беых гюапюкх с мюя... врнаш ме ашкн мхйюйху мюлейнб мю рн, йрн лш.
Our passports and belongings were taken from us so there wouldn't be any clue as to who we were.
хгпюхкэяйне опюбхрекэярбн ъямн гюъбхкн, врн ху онкхрхйю - ме гюйкчвюрэ мхйюйху янцкюьемхи я реппнпхярюлх.
The Israeli government immediately made it clear that in line with their policy, no deals would be struck with the terrorists.
мн, онрнлс врн бяе днпнцх ашкх гюахрш гебюйюлх, нмх яслекх опхашрэ рнкэйн вепег вюя, мн й щрнлс бпелемх бяъ оепеярпекйю онврх гюйнмвхкюяэ бя ╗ еы ╗ мхйюйху ябедемхи, йнрнпшу лш фд ╗ л я мерепоемхел, ябедемхи н ясдэае гюкнфмхйнб.
But because the roads were congested with onlookers they did not arrive at the scene for another hour by which time most of the fighting was over. Still no word the word we really want, from the hostages.
йюйху фспмюкнб?
рэ ╡ ме опхмхлюкю мхйюйху рюакернй?
Have you taken any pills?
- Ю-ху.
- Yoo-hoo.
- С шоколадным напитком "Ю-Ху"?
- The Yoo-hoo? - Yeah.
- Мне нравится "Ю-Ху".
- I love Yoo-hoo.
А я шесть дней в неделю перевожу этот "Ю-Ху".
And I'm out there six days a week hauling Yoo-hoo.
нм онднь ╗ к й мхл х яопняхк опн ху пегскэрюрш, "ъ хг хгпюхкъ, йюй бш бшярсохкх?"
So he went over and he asked how were your results and I'm from Israel, and how did it go?
нмх унрекх опхирх й йюйнлс-рн пеьемхч, врн яоюя ╗ р ху фхгмх, мн мюдефдш мю щрн с мху ашкн люкн.
They wished to come to a conclusion which might save their lives but they were not very hopeful in that respect.
ясыеярбсер ндхм пеонпрюф бхктю апхлякх хг юяяньхщиред опеяя, б йнрнпнл цнбнпхряъ, врн кеиремюмр онкхжхх яйюгюк елс, врн б 5 вюянб, опхакхгхрекэмн, вепег 29 лхмср нрпъд онкхжеияйху днапнбнкэжеб, ндершу йюй яонпрялемш, оношрюеряъ бгърэ ьрсплнл гдюмхе хгпюхкэяйни нкхлохияйни йнлюмдш.
There's been one report attributed to Wilf Brimsley of the Associated Press... There's been one report attributed to Wilf Brimsley of the Associated Press who said a police lieutenant told him that at 5 : 00 about 29 minutes from now, Munich time a volunteer squad of policemen dressed as athletes would storm the Israeli Olympic team headquarters and would come in shooting.
рюй ашкн опхмърн нйнмвюрекэмне пеьемхе, врн лш дюдхл онмърэ реппнпхярюл, врн лш онгбнкхл хл скерерэ, мн ядекюел бя ╗ бнглнфмне, врнаш ху смхврнфхрэ... хкх юпеярнбюрэ... дн рнцн, йюй нмх онйхмср ярпюмс.
That led to the final conclusion that we give the impression to the terrorists that we'll let them fly out but try everything to then kill them or bring them into prison before they could leave the country.
мн йюй нмх х ху гюкнфмхйх оноюдср б бепрнк ╗ рш, йнрнпше мюундъряъ мю нйпюхме нкхлохияйни депебмх?
But how would they get themselves and their hostages to the helicopters, which were on the edge of the village.
реппнпхярнб нйюгюкняэ ме 4-5, йюй дслюкю онкхжхъ, ху ашкн 8.
There are not four guerillas nor even five, as the police believed.
ю б ющпнонпрс тчпяремтекдбпчй ху нфхдюкн рнкэйн 5 ямюиоепнб онкхжхх.
There are eight, and there are only five police marksmen waiting at Furstenfeldbruck Airport.
бхдъ щрх бшярпекш, онкхжеияйхе ондйпеокемхъ, опхашбючыхе мю леярн, ме гмюъ рнвмн, цде мюундхряъ ху ямюиоеп, опхмъкх, он ньхайе, ямюиоепю # 5... ю рюйфе охкнрю бепрнк ╗ рю, йнрнпши сйпшбюкяъ нр нцмъ блеяре я мхл. опхмъкх ху гю реппнпхярнб х нрйпшкх он мхл нцнмэ.
Seeing these shots police reinforcements arriving at the scene with no knowledge of the precise location of their own snipers mistakenly identified Sniper Five and the helicopter pilot who had fled for cover beside him as terrorists and opened fire on them.
рекю 5 онцхаьху оюкеярхмжеб ашкх оепедюмш кхбхх, цде ху онунпнмхкх, йюй цепнеб.
The bodies of the five dead Palestinians were handed over to Libya, where they received a hero's funeral.
Правитель Ю просит у вас помощи... поскольку вы хорошо знаете дно Чжан-Ху.
Chief Yu requests your assistance since you know the Jiang Hu underworld so well.
Ю-ху! Это
Ю-ху, Джилл!
Yoo-hoo, Jill!
ю б ябнху ояхункнцхвеяйху опнакелюу пюгахпюияъ б ояхухюрпнл!
Save your psychological problems for a shrink.
- Ю-ху!
- Yoo-hoo.
- Ю-ху! Еще бы.
You betc.
Ю ху!
Yoo hoo!
Ю - ху!
- Ю-ху
- Yoo-hoo.
У меня есть Ю-ху.
I have Yoo-hoo.
Трудно сказать нет Ю-ху.
It's hard to say no to Yoo-hoo.
- Uh-huh.
- Ю-ху!
- Whoo-hoo!
♪ Whoo-hoo
Ю-ху, Бенни!
Yoo-hoo, Benny!
" Ю-ху!
" Yoo, hoo!
гмюеьэ, йюй ъ гнбс ху?
My little morties.
рш ме яопняхк, лнпрх, мн ъ рнкэйн врн опшцюк б асдсыее хглепемхе ху ледхжхмю мюярнкэйн пюгбхрю, врн яшбнпнрйю нр оепекнлнб опндю ╗ ряъ б кчани юорейе.
Morty, but what just happened there is... I went into a future dimension with such advanced medicine... that they had broken-leg serum at every corner drugstore. The stuff was all over the place, Morty.
х мер мхйюйху днйюгюрекэярб, врн щрн якекюк ярсдемр кюрхмеж.
Everyone wants to take this to a racial place.
Ю-ху, детка!
Yoo-hoo, baby!
- Ю-ху!
- Holler!
Однажды я встречался с президентом из Ю-ху компании на автобусной экскурсии в Мексику.
I once met the president of the Yoo-hoo company on a bus trip to Mexico.
Ю-ху, ящерка!
Yoo-hoo, lizard!

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