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Adamïn перевод на английский

389 параллельный перевод
Yukarïdayken adamïn aklïna neler geliyor, çok garip.
It's funny how a guy's mind works when he's up there flying.
- Dükkandaki adamïn mï?
- The man in the shop?
Gazetelerde yazdigi gibi... bu talihsiz olayla Thursby denen adamin ölümü arasinda... bir iliski var mi gerçekten?
Is there, as the newspapers imply a certain relationship between that unfortunate happening and the death a little later of the man Thursby?
Bir adamin ortagi öldürülürse, onun bir seyler yapmasi gerekir.
When a man's partner is killed, he's supposed to do something.
Bir adamin kendini kaybetmesinden hoºlanmam.
I hate to see a gent forget his manners.
Owen Merritt gibi iyi niºanci bir adamin peºindeyseniz... saglikli düºünmezseniz, sagliginizi hepten kaybedebilirsiniz.
You know, Mr. Isham, when you're hunting a man that can shoot like Owen Merritt... go losing your head, and you might lose your head.
Adamin Repp de onlarlaydi.
Say, they had your man Repp with them.
Adamin yüzecegini mi saniyor?
Does he think the man will swim?
Patronunun bir adamin cenazesine gelmedigi de oluyormus.
Things come to a pass when the boss can't go to a man's funeral.
Ne zaman yeterli adamin oldu ki?
You're always short of men.
Bir sey gerekirse adamin benim.
If there's anything you need, I'm the guy to see.
Çiftligini sevmek için dogmus adamin, çiftligi olmazsa gidecek yeri yoktur.
A man born to love a farm, he ain't got no place to go when it's gone.
Bir adamin dedigi gibi ; kimin yok ki.
Who ain't, like the man said.
Bubber'la beraber kaçtigi adamin öldürdügünü...
They say that Bubber and the man he escaped with murdered...
Bugün bir adamin öldürüldügünü ve Bubber'in suçlandigini biliyor musun?
Do you know that a fellow was murdered today and Bubber's being accused of it?
"Oz Büyücüsü", korkunç sesi ve koca maskesiyle insanlari korkutan yaşli bir adamin anlatildiği bir peri masaliydi.
"The Wizard of Oz" was a fairy story about an old man who frightened people with a loud voice and a big mask.
Bence adamin uzerine cok fazla gittin, Barb.
I really don't think you should provoke somebody like that, Barb. No question!
Artik dus almak icin bile 6 adamin arkasinda beklemekten yoruldum. Artik yeter.
I'm tired of having to line up behind six people everytime I want to take a bath.
Adamin iceride oldugunu anlamasin sakin.
Don't tell her that the guy is in the house.
Adamin akli fikri su.
The guy's got water on the brain.
Çevreyle ilgilenecek bir adamin varligi sevindirici.
I'm glad there will be a man around to take care of things.
Tavanarasina çikip yasli adamin kiyafetler ¡ n ¡ g ¡ ymeme ¡ z ¡ n var.
I'm allowed to go to the attic and wear any of the old man's clothes.
Bay Thomas Frankl ¡ n yasli adamin ev ¡ n ¡ terk etmem gerekt ¡ g ¡ n ¡ söyled ¡.
Mr. Thomas Franklin told me I must leave the old man's house.
Yasli adamin h ¡ zmetç ¡ s ¡ yd ¡.
She was his maid.
Bu adamin h ¡ çb ¡ r k ¡ ml ¡ g ¡ yok.
This man carries no identification.
Ya da adamin dosyalari ¡ mha ed ¡ Im ¡ s.
Or thirdly, the man's files have been destroyed.
B ¡ r adamin tüm kayitlarini s ¡ Imek mümkün mü?
Is it possible to erase all traces of a man?
Burasinin batisinda 50 kilometre ileride, bir zamanlarin en büyük sehirlerinden birisi olan, ve Eratosthenes isimli adamin yasadigi, eski Iskenderiye sehri var.
It is about 50 kilometers west of what was once one of the great cities of the world, Alexandria. In Alexandria, at that time there lived a man named Eratosthenes.
Bu kadar pekçok büyük adamin arasinda tek bir büyük kadin vardi.
And among these great men, there was also a great woman.
- Adamin biri seni ariyor.
- A crack's out front looking for you.
Adamin kizi da oradaydi diye hatirliyorum.
I recall his daughter was there, too.
Baºlarindaki adamin adi Ashbury.
Man leading them calls himself Ashbury.
Ama sadece sen ve iki adamin gelebilir.
But there'll only be yourself and two men allowed along.
Not long ago, in the unexplored reaches of an unmapped swamp, the creative genius of one man collided with another's evil dream and a monster was born.
Ayrica, müzigi Anthea için hersey olan adamin kollarinda oldugunu fark ediyorsun.
But you also realize you're in the arms of a man whose music was everything to Anthea. It was her whole life.
Bu sabah, Namidabashi'de, sehir merkezinin harikalarindan yirmi dakika uzaklikta,... adamin biri kavsakta trafigi yönlendirmek suretiyle toplumdan öcünü aliyordu.
This morning in Namidabashi, twenty minutes from the glories of the center city, a character took his revenge on society by directing traffic at the crossroads.
Gazeteler bu yakinlarda Nagoya'li bir adamin hikayesiyle doluydu.
Newspapers have been filled recently with the story of a man from Nagoya.
Sonra da adamin kendini suçlu hissetmesi için kangren oldugunu söyleyerek bir bacagini kestirdi.
Then cut her leg off saying she had gangrene, to make him feel guilty.
Bu adamin üzerindeki gömlegin aynisi.
It's like the shirt he was wearing.
Bir adamin yuzunden onun hergele olup olmadıgını nasil cıkartabiliriz?
Can we judge by a man's face if he is a scoundrel or not?
Rémy, adamin pantolonunu indir.
Remy, pull his pants down.
beni unutan bir gecmise sahibim ben bir adamin dul esiyim
Forget me! I have a past. I am a widow of somebody.
Ve onu buldum bazi caniler bu adamin yolunu kesmisti.
And I found some thugs surrounding a man.
Bu adamin yatak odamizda olmasina niye izin veriyoruz?
Why do we let this man in our bedroom?
Daha sonra, adamin biri kafasinda benim donumla dolasacak.
Next thing, some guy is walking around with my pants on his head, you know.
Potansiyel deli bir adamin destegine güvenerek, bu sehir ne kadar saglikli yönetilebilir ki?
What kind of city are we running - when we depend on the support of a potential madman? !
Tanistigin her adamin seni aramsini mi beklersin?
You expect every guy you meet to call you?
Oteki adamin uzun, sari saclari vardi... neredeyse beyaz, ve tuhaf mavi gozleri.
Other guy had long, blond hair... almost white, with weird blue eyes.

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