Alakali перевод на английский
100 параллельный перевод
Mevcut durumun gönüllü olarak kabulü, tamamen gösteriyle alakali asilikle bir arada bulunabilir – ekonomik bolluk o belirli hammaddeyi üretecek hacme ulasir ulasmaz memnuniyetsizlik bir metaya dönüsür.
this world being produced... precisely only as pseudo-enjoyment... which preserves repression within it. To the smug acceptance of what exists, purely spectacular revolt can be added... as something identical : this translates the simple fact... that even dissatisfaction became a commodity at the moment... that economic abundance found itself capable... of extending its production... to the point of utilizing even that sort of raw material.
Bürokratik ekonominin diktatörlügü sömürülen yiginlarina önemli sayilabilecek bir seçim payi birakmaz çünkü tüm kararlari kendisinin vermesi gerekmektedir ve bu nedenle, yiyecek, müzik veya baska bir seyle alakali olsun ondan bagimsiz bir sekilde yapilan seçimler ona karsi bir savas ilani anlamina gelir.
The dictatorship of bureaucratic economics... cannot allow the exploited masses... any notable margin of choice, since it is supposed to have chosen it all by itself... and since any other external choice, whether it concerns food or music, is thus already the choice of its complete destruction.
Seyahatle alakali zamani azaltmis olan modernlesme ayni zamanda kisinin içinde ve dogrultusunda seyahat edebilecegi gerçek alani azaltmistir.
The same modernization that withdrew time from travel... withdrew from it as well the reality of space.
Anlamlari kayboldu. Ama ancak o zaman ilk defa, mutsuzluk ve hafizayla alakali, anlayamadigi o seyin o andaligini algilayabilmis ve ona dogru agir ve yavasça yürümeye baslamisti.
Their meaning has been lost, but it was then that for the first time, he perceived the presence of that thing he didn't understand which had something to do with unhappiness and memory, and towards which slowly, heavily, he began to walk.
Bu baglantiyla alakali asagidaki kisiler aranmaktadir :
The following persons are wanted :
Lenin 3 kanunla alakali calismalarinin baslangiciydi... insan ruhunun yaklasik bir bileseni olabilecegini varsayiyordu.
It's a phrase from Lanning's work on the three laws. He postulated that cognitive simalactra might one day approximate component models of the psyche.
Belki robotlarla alakali daha buyuk problemler vardi. Ve Robertson da bunun ustunu ortmeye calisiyordu.
Maybe there's a bigger problem with the robots and Robertson trying to cover it up.
3 kanunla alakali bir sorunmu var?
Is there a problem with the three laws?
- Yukseklikle alakali sorunum var.
- I'm uncomfortable with heights.
Benimle alakali olmasa bile, bunu da defterime ekleyebilir miyim?
Even though it's not technically related to me, may I still put it in my log?
Sadece bir türünü severim... su maymunlar la alakali olan.
I only like ones that are... You know, about monkeys.
Bu, olaylara bakis açinla alakali, Camille.
it's all about attitude, camille.
- Neyle alakali dedin?
what's about attitude?
Brown hareketinin tamamen atomlarla alakali oldugunu gördü.
Einstein saw that Brownian motion was all about atoms.
uygulamalarin gosterildigi egzersizler verecegim egzersizler ogrenciler ve ogretmenlerin neler paylasabilecekleri ile alakali cunku bizim arastirmalarimiz gosterdiki donemin basi ozellikle ilk hafta herseyin dogru gitmesinin saglanabilecegi bir anahtar niteligindedir bu da akademik basari icin cok onemlidir.
So after lunch, give each exercises designed to demonstrate what we all share, teachers and students. Because our research shows to build this common basis at the beginning of the year, once the first weeks, is the key to give everything right. and, most importantly, for academic success.
gelecekle alakali.
On its future.
biliyormusun biraz dusundum Ms. Jacoby soyledikleriyle alakali.
I was thinking about that Ms. Jacoby said.
neler hissettiniz bizim grubumuzda potentialla alakali grupta kalmalimi?
How do you feel having someone with potential in our group?
anne Nina geldi benim randevu islemlerimle alakali konusmak icin.
Mom! Nina is here to talk of reducing my chances!
acil bir durum vardi arkadasimla alakali.
I had an emergency with a friend.
annem kendisini durduramiyor, tamamen universitelerin dereceleriyle alakali takintisi var. ben universiteye basladigimda da boyleydi.
She can not avoid, is completely obsessed with the notes in the university, though I am your last child in college.
bununla alakali soyleyecek hicbirseyimiz yok uzgunuz.
No, nothing to say, sorry.
pardon ben gazetecilik bolumundenim ve biz kisa bir anket yapiyoruz farkli insanlar ve farkli dinlerle alakali ve anket icin birkac soru sorabilir miyim size?
Excuse me, I'm taking classes in journalism and're interviewing people of different religions and I would like to ask a few questions.
garip birsey var mi aileyle alakali?
It seems strange exit to dance with a friend?
bir secenekle alakali.
As an option.
senin randevunla alakali ve iddiaya girerim sen biliyorsun.
It is true, and affixed you know why.
- Onlari alakali yapan o.
- He's the one who got them involved.
.. evden ayrilmadigimizdan dolayi senle ben alakali yaptik.
We did you and me, when we didn't leave the house when they came home.
Neden her zaman bunun gidilen yerle alakali olmasi gerekir?
Why does it always have to be about the destination?
Chex Party Karisimiyla mi alakali?
- All right, I'm there. - Time for Chex Party Mix? - Mm-mmm.
- Bu Amy'le alakali.
- It's about her.
- idrar yollariyla alakali.
- a urinary thing.
üremeyle alakali oluyor.
it's all about genitals.
Güç duygusunun sisirilmesiyle alakali bir sey degil.
It's not about an inflated sense of... power.
Bence bu senin kendini nasil gördügünle alakali olabilir Alex.
I, I think, maybe that's how you see yourself, Alex.
olabilir belkide... bu bir hormonla alakali, acaba buna karsi birsey yapilabilirmi...
maybe we could... Maybe it is just a hormon confusion, medicine can do something against it...
Tamam, artik gosterinin dinle alakali kismina getirdi bu beni.
Okay, so this brings me to the part of the show that's about religion.
Tum alakali dosyalarinla birlikte benim sececegim zaman ve yerde bulusacagiz.
You will meet me with all the pertinent files at a time and place of my choosing.
Bak, oglun hapishaneye gittikten sonra basina gelenlerle alakali bir sey oldugunu düsünüyoruz.
- Look, we think it has something to do with what happened to your son after he went to prison.
Wade'in babasinin iki sene beklemesinin nedeni de oglunun hapishaneden çiktiktan sonra tam olarak ne kadar yasadigiyla alakali.
And the reason Wade's dad waited two years is because that's exactly how long his son lived outside of prison before he died.
Bu sen ve senin sacmaliklarinla alakali, degil mi?
This is about you and your shit, isn't it?
Bu senin kendi isini ve benimde kendi isimi yapiyor olmamizla alakali.
This is about you doing your job and me doing mine.
Bu sadece savunmayla, Thad Bosley'le ve ya vurucularla alakali bir sey degil.
If there was one thing you could pick out, you'd try to fix it, but just everything is in a funk right now. It's not just the offense, not Thad Bosley and the hitters.
Bu benim yasli bir kadin olmamla alakali degil yada size hayatinizda ne yapmaniz gerektigini söylememle bu sizin hayatinizla ilgili
This is not about me being an old lady and telling somebody what they should and should not do. It's about you all's life.
Yani Brooklyn Köprüsü Parki'nda olanlar batinin değerleriyle alakali! Hosunuza gitse de gitmese de ben bu değerleri sonuna kadar destekliyorum.
So, what happens at the Brooklyn Bridge playground that has to do with Western values to which, whether you like it or not, I happen to subscribe to.
Senin hakkinda soyledigim aslinda benimle ve benim kotu kiz kardesligimle alakali.
What I said about you was more about me being a rotten sister.
Bunun gercekten parayla alakali oldugunu mu dusundun?
[♪ ] [ esp] : Did you really think it was about the money?
isle alakali bir durum da.
Jessie's got a better shot at getting to Megan these days than I do.
insanlar bu konuda hakkinda cok fazla soruyorlar, fakat hayir benim kendi kararim ortumek.kendi secimim benim inanclarimla alakali ve kuran da yaziyor, aile ve gosterisden uzak durmak gerektigi ve tevazu
People ask me much on this, but... no. I decided to use. It was my choice.
peki onunla alakali?
what about him?
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