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Zengindi перевод на английский

206 параллельный перевод
Bence o öldüğünde sizden çok daha zengindi.
Well, in my book, he died a much richer man than you'll ever be.
He was wealthy.
Villette zengindi..... ama artık parayı alamam.
Villette was rich but now I cannot keep it.
Milyonerdi, müthiş zengindi.
It used to be a mill and a barn.
Ailem çok zengindi... ve ben de tek çocuktum.
My family was very well-off... and I was an only child.
Adam çirkin değildi, otuzlarının başındaydı ve çok da zengindi.
The man wasn't bad-looking, in his early thirties, and very rich.
Oscar oldukça zengindi, biliyorsundur.
Oscar was quite wealthy, you know.
Şey, babası çok zengindi.
Well, her father was very rich.
Çünkü o zengindi ve sen onun parasının peşindeydin.
Because she was rich, and you were after her money.
Kocanlz zengindi, degil mi?
Your husband was rich, wasn't he?
Babası Lucius bütün zamanların en kibirli adamı. Öyle zengindi ki benim zengin olmamamı umursamadı.
Her father Lucius, the blowhard of all time, was so rich that he didn't care that I wasn't.
Pierre zengindi.
Pierre's rich.
Bilmiyorum. - Ne kadar zengindi diyebilirsiniz?
- About how wealthy, would you say?
Ama Woldercan'lılar durumlarından memnundu. çünkü aslında kalpleri zengindi.
Yet the Woldercanese were content for in the goods of the spirit they were rich.
Peyrac benden daha zengindi, devlet içinde bir devlet meydana geliyordu.
Peyrac was richer than I, forming a state within the state.
Bir zamanlar çok zengindi.
He was very rich once.
Çok zengindi.
And he was very rich.
Martha'nın parası var çünkü Martha'nın babasının ikinci eşi Martha'nın annesi değil, annesi öldükten sonraki olan çok yaşlı bir kadındı siğilleri vardı, çok zengindi.
Martha has money because Martha's father's second wife not Martha's mother, but after her mother died was a very old lady who had warts, who was very rich.
Ve daha da zengindi.
And he's much richer, too.
- Ve soylu ve de zengindi
- And highborn and rich.
Montareuils, bir zamanlar çok zengindi, hala ailenin ünlü mücevherlerinden kalanlarla yaşıyorlar.
The Montareuils, once very rich still retained remnants of their famous jewellery.
Yakışıklıydı, gençti, zengindi.
He was handsome, young, rich.
Eskiden sofran çok zengindi.
You used to be a gourmand.
Şehir, tahıl ve koyun yönünden zengindi ve hepsi kralın mülkiyetindeydi.
It was rich with sheep and grain, all the property of the king.
İIk eşim zengindi.
My first husband was rich.
Babam eskiden çok zengindi.
My father used to be very rich.
Çok olduğunu biliyorum ama zengindi ve unvanı vardı. Boş ver.
Well, I know it's a lot, but he was rich and he had a title, so, what the hell.
Kültürleri zengindi.
Their culture rich.
Bugün hayal gücümüz çok zengindi...
Imagination was so rich today too...
Kocası çok zengindi ve istedikleri her yere gidebiliyorlardı.
He's so rich they can go where they like.
İkisi de çok zengindi.
They were both very rich.
Dostlarım zengindi, partilere giderdik.
My friends were rich, we went to parties.
Babam, zengindi...
My father was rich.
Babası çok, çok zengindi. Aynı zamanda çok da hastaydı.
Her father was very, very rich... and very, very sick.
Krezüs kadar zengindi, isyancılara katıldı.
Rich as Croesus of course, he'd gone in with the rebels.
Evet, elbette zengindi.
Oh, yeah, sure. Of course he was rich. My family?
- avukat Lionel Hutz hukuk icra kurulundan bay Simpsson, Bea çok zengindi ve- - sürpriz, sürpriz!
- Lionel Hutz, attorney. I'm the executor of the estate. Bea was wealthy and- - Surprise, surprise!
Karısı daha zengindi.
She was more rich.
Eskiden zengindi.
He used to be rich.
Güzeldi, zengindi ve annesi, babası ölüydü.
She was beautiful. She was rich. And her parents are dead.
Zengin bir kadın değildi. ama ruhu zengindi.
She wasn't a rich woman- - - but she was rich in spirit.
Tekrar zengindi.
He was rich again.
Norton zengindi, ama sadece ruh bakımından.
Norton was rich, but only in spirit.
Acayip zengindi.
Extremely wealthy.
Çok zengindi ; ama çok da klasikti.
Very rich. Just... so conventional.
Vay. Önceden acayip zengindi, şimdi acayip pis kokuyor.
He went from stinking rich to just plain stinking.
O bankacılar zengindi. Bizim canımızı yakmak- - Fakir çiftçilerin canını yakmayı kafaya takmıyorlardı.
I knew all of them bankers was rich, and they didn't care about hurting- - they didn't care about hurting us poor farmers.
Fakirdik ve Batı ise zengindi... ve tabii ki bu saçma abluka, başarısızlığa mahkumdu.
We were poor and the West was rich, and, of course, this crazy blockade was bound to fail.
Şimdi, Mark zengindi, o itici olduğundan değil, zaten öyle değil.
Now, Mark was rich, but not because he was a pusher, which he really wasn't.
- Zengindi.
- He was rich.

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