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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ A ] / And even if you did

And even if you did Çeviri İspanyolca

296 parallel translation
And even if you did, what could you do with a million soldiers?
Y aunque la tuvieras, ¿ qué harías con un millón de soldados?
And even if you did, don't you see?
Y si Ie encuentras,?
And even if you did, they'd only say you should've divorced her, that's all, instead of...
Y aunque lo hiciera el jurado pensaría... que podría haberse divorciado, en vez de...
And even if you did not want to make profit out of it, the money is ready.
E incluso si... no querías sacar provecho del asunto, el dinero está listo.
And even if you did, some of the mud is going to stick.
Y aunque pudieses, no nos libraríamos de enfangarnos.
And even if you did, you'd never get through them.
Y si lo hiciera, no las cruzaría.
You don't have the monitor's skill, and even if you did,
No tienes la habilidad del Monitor, Adric, y aunque las tuvieses,...
And even if you did,
E incluso si lo hiciera,
And even if you did away with your rival, even if you were vile enough to push a girl to suicide, it doesn't change a thing for me.
Mi joven amigo, sabe que incluso si hubiera matado a su rival incluso si usted fuera un ser mórbido que empujara al suicidio, no cambia nada para mí.
And I wouldn't even know you if I did. And yet, I'll remember you always.
Si volviera a verte, no te reconocería... y sin embargo te recordaré siempre.
You think you're superior, but you're quite an ordinary man... even if you did marry money... and people like me have got to slave for you... for 320 marks a month.
Se cree superior, pero es un hombre de lo más corriente... aunque se casara con el dinero... y la gente como yo tenga que ser su esclava... por 320 marcos al mes.
Even if you did get one, why, all he'd do is sit by the side of the bed and start crabbing the government for not stamping out fever.
Aunque consiguiera uno, no hacen más que lamentarse del gobierno y recetar brandy para la fiebre...
Well, even if I did want to write the book, and I don't, mind you...
Aunque quisiera escribir el libro, que no quiero, ten en cuenta...
In the first place, there's no reason why they should acquit me and even if they did, I wouldn't marry you.
No hay razón para que me dejen en libertad. Y si lo hicieran, no me casaría contigo.
He'd have come in and when he did, even if he'd never met you.
Habría venido cuando vino aunque nunca la hubiera conocido.
Y aunque Margot dijera que eras malo y tuvo que abandonarte, creo que si estás casado, después puedes aprender a amar a alguien.
And he's out of reach and likely to stay there, even if he did amuse himselfwith you when there was nothing better about.
Y ése está fuera de tu alcance y lo seguirá estando... incluso aunque se entretuviera contigo cuando no tenía nada mejor a mano.
I don't know what's said here, and even if I did - - You wouldn't tell me.
No escucho lo que se dice aquí, pero si lo supiese No me diría nada.
And anyway, even if I did, why did I have to go and tell you about it?
Y aunque así fuera, ¿ por qué tuve que contárselo a Ud.? - ¿ Estás llorando de nuevo?
Well, look, dad. Now, that's not going to be so easy. You see, it's kind of late, and even if I did want to do it...
Papá, no va a ser tan fácil, verás, ya es tarde y aunque yo quisiera hacerlo...
And even if I did, I wouldn't take something from someone like you... with a tarbrush rubbed across his face.
Y aunque lo hiciera, no le quitaría nada a alguien como tú... con alquitrán en toda la cara.
Did you think for one second we'd let you take this child from us, that we'd let her go alone with that vicious, sadistic woman? Did you honestly think that? Even if we have to die right here and now.
Si piensa que va a separar a la niña de nosotros y que se irá con esa sádica está muy equivocado.
And even if I did know, why would I tell you?
Y aunque supiera algo, no se lo diría.
I loved you and even if I did, it does not matter.
Te quería y aunque lo supiera no importa.
I needed to be with eyes half-closed, even then, he has that courage within yourself. I did take out and put me in considering how great, which is good if you have not been washed properly.
cerré los ojos aunque tampoco tiene tantísima leche lo vi cuando le obligué a correrse encima de mí teniendo en cuenta lo grande que es mucho mejor no fuera que no pudiese lavarme bien
Had you killed him, would you feel remorse? I would feel remorse, and you must not forget that, even if I didn't kill him, I did think about killing him.
Habría sentido remordimientos, y no debe olvidar que, incluso aunque no lo hubiera matado, pensé en matarle.
Even if you did get them, and you got to San Francisco, how'd you find me?
Si les vences y vas a San Francisco, ¿ cómo me encontrarás?
Well, even if the people had noticed our little theft action, I don't think that they would come over to us and say, what did you take there or something.
Si la gente hubiese visto el robo, no creo que hubiesen venido a decirnos :
Even if, you, and only you, could persuade me to do what I did.
Aunque tú, y sólo tú, podías convencerme para hacer lo que he hecho.
and so even if they did love you in their queer fashion- -
Así que, aunque los amaban a su manera -
And even if she did escape, wouldn't she be coming after you?
He incluso si hubiese escapado ¿ no hubiese ido tras de ti?
She is proud and she will never forgive you, even if you did find her again, which you will not.
Es orgullosa y nunca te perdonará... aunque la encuentres, cosa que no harás.
But even if you're right and somebody told him to do it, why did he listen?
Pero si Ud. tiene razón y alguien le dijo que lo hiciera... ¿ por qué hizo caso?
And even if I did, I still wouldn't tell you.
Y aunque lo supiera, no te lo diría.
Honey, listen to me. Whatever happens, I want you to know that I still love you and I want the very, very best of care for you. Even if you did walk out on me six weeks ago.
Escucha, cariño... pase lo que pasare, quiero que sepas que aún te amo, y que quiero que tengas el mejor cuidado... aún cuando me abandonaste seis semanas atrás.
And if they did they would be even more naïve than you, Monsignor.
Y si lo hicieran serían tan incautas como monseñor.
But you can meet him because you're his friend And even if you're arrested... They'll think you did it for some personal reason
Y aunque te arresten, creerán... que lo has hecho por algún motivo personal.
And if it's at all possible, God, please try to make all of our sex organs even larger than you did the first time.
y si es posible dios, por favor trata de hacer nuestros organos sexuales más largos que lo que lo hiciste la primera vez.
I don't want any trouble and even if I did, you couldn't do anything.
No quiero problemas E incluso si lo quisiera, no podría hacer nada.
But even if her story is true and you do pity her, that has nothing to do with this case, because those three men did not rape her.
Pero, aunque sea cierta y ustedes Ia compadezcan, no tiene nada que ver con este caso, porque esos tres hombres no Ia violaron.
You had to have big tits and a little nose... and even if they did marry you... they would knock you up and run off with somebody else.
Tenías que tener grandes tetas y una pequeña nariz. y aun así si no se casaban... te dejaban y huían con alguien más.
If I liked you even when I a nerd and if I did not beat up people and I'm not so cool.
- Quiero decir, ¿ Me querrias igual aun siendo un Nerd y que no fuera tan genial?
I don't understand what you're saying and even if I did, I only work for Danata.
No entiendo lo que quiere decir y si así fuera, sólo trabajo para Danata.
- And even if I did it, it wouldn't help you!
- ¡ Aunque lo supiera, de nada le serviría!
- Even if you're right and Joe Goodensnake did have the ability to transform physically into an animal, he's dead!
- Aunque tengas razón y Joe Goodensnake fuese capaz de transformarse en un animal... ¡ Ahora está muerto!
Even if I did get together with him, and this isn't saying I did or anything, but if I did, y'know that it wouldn't actually mean anything, I mean y'know that I really only love you,
Incluso si hubiera estado con él, y no estoy diciendo que haya estado con él, pero si lo hubiera estado, sabes que no significaría nada para mí, quiero decir que tú sabes que sólo te quiero a tí,
I mean, they didn't get you, and even if they did, it wouldn't be permanent.
Me refiero, no te atraparon, y si lo hicieran no sería permanente.
And the fact that my client did some writings, take these back, go back and read'em, but this, in and of itself, is no evidence of murder, and even if you added all the other things,
Mi cliente escribió cosas. Venga, vuelvan a leerlas. Pero eso no prueba su culpabilidad.
I don't want to play cards and even if I did, I wouldn't want to play with you.
no quiero jugar a las cartas y aunque quisiera, no querria jugar contigo.
And even if I did have one, I wouldn't show it to you.
Y aunque la tuviera, no se la mostraría.
I understand, but the best I can do for you is give you an appointment, and even if I did that you wouldn't get Medicaid today.
Lo entiendo, pero lo más que puedo hacer sería darle una cita, y aun así no conseguiría la Ayuda Médica hoy.

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