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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ B ] / But that's all right

But that's all right Çeviri İspanyolca

1,154 parallel translation
That's all right, but you ain't leaving'here with the money, and that's the main thing you think about.
No importa. Pero no se irán de aquí con el dinero... y eso es lo que tienen que tomar en cuenta.
Well, that's just it, I don't know. Oh, Brian can take care of himself all right, but still...
Bueno, eso es justo, yo no lo sé. ¡ Oh, Brian puede cuidar de sí mismo todos los derechos, pero aún...
It's a whole fish all right, but look at that.
Es un pez entero, sí, pero mira esto.
I know everything hasn't been quite right with me but I can assure you now very confidently that it's going to be all right again.
Sé que no va bien todo conmigo pero ahora le puedo asegurar con toda seguridad que todo volverá a la normalidad.
All right. I believe you. But if I get any more trouble out of you, that's it for everybody.
Pero si causáis más problemas, se acabó.
But now that I have apologized to you- - lt's all right. Spoken to your good lady, and I've told her, sir... that it is a terrible thing to have happened... and I'm sorry.
Pero ahora me he disculpado con usted y con su señora... para expresarles cuán profundamente lo lamento.
You should be higher, but that's all we could do for you right now.
Deberías salir antes, pero es todo lo que podemos hacer por ahora.
That's all right, but do you think you'd appreciate that, Mrs. Groza?
Sabe que le va a encantar.
All right, then, 25 %, but that's as high as I'm willing to go.
De acuerdo, dejémoslo en 25 %, pero es lo mas que puedo aceptar.
But that's all right.
Pero eso esta bien.
Well, he's having a lot of mental difficulties with his breakfasts, but this is temperament, caused by a small particle of brain in his skull, and once we've removed that he'll be perfectly all right.
Tiene muchos problemas mentales con los desayunos... pero es una cuestión de carácter... provocado por una parte muy pequeña del cerebro. Cuando se la extirpemos, estará perfecto.
But that's all right
Pero no importa
That is, he'll see you, all right, but only in his office, and only when he's not there.
Es decir, te recibirá, pero únicamente en su despacho y sólo cuando no esté allí.
All right, but watch out... that thing's loaded. I'm...
De acuerdo, pero ten cuidado, esta cargada.
But that's all right!
¡ Pero no le importa!
I said it was different, that's all, but I didn't curse the reverend from right in the front pew.
Le dije que era diferente, eso es todo, pero no me maldigo el reverendo de derecha en el primer banco.
That's all right, but what have you got against my horse?
Pero ¿ qué tienes contra mi caballo?
To Patsy's father, Carol Newquist... I've never heard that name on a man before, but I'm sure it's all right. I ask you, sir, feel no guilt... over the $ 250 check you gave me to mention the Deity in the ceremony.
Al padre de Patsy, Carol Newquist... nunca oí ese nombre en un hombre, pero estoy seguro que está bien... a Ud. le pido, señor, que no sienta culpa... por el cheque de $ 250 que me dio para mencionar a la deidad en la ceremonia.
But that's all right... because it was true.
Pero no pasa nada... porque es verdad.
But that's supposed to be all right with me.
Pero se supone que eso está bien para mí.
Yeah, that's a brother, all right, but I'll be damned if he's my brother.
Eso es un hermano, muy bien. Pero me maldeciré si eres mi hermano.
That's what I wanted to be, all right, but I couldn't.
Eso es lo que quería ser, pero no pude.
That's all right, but can I give you an answer in about a week?
No hay problema, ¿ pero puedo responderte en una semana?
All right, maybe that was dumb of me, but that's the way I figured.
Quizá fuera una estupidez, pero era lo que pensaba.
I hope it's all right, but you said that if I ever needed you again, to come back.
Espero no molestarlo, pero usted dijo que regresara si necesitaba algo.
I know that, but everything's going to be all right.
Lo sé. Pero todo va a arreglarse.
I wasn't sure I was doing the right thing. But faced with the idea of having no Christmas at all drastic measures were called for. What's all that racket out there, Ma?
debia tomar las medidas drásticas querido no es normal para esta epoca querido.
Don't trade it for the marbles,... but say that's what happened. All right.
Está bien.
It was expensive, but that's all right, I can afford it.
Cuesta un ojo de la cara, pero qué más da. Me Io puedo permitir.
That's all right, but don't tell anyone else, not even me! You know nothing! - Basil?
Ensalada Waldorf.
But between you and me she might have been 15. When you get that little red beaver right up there in front of you, I don't think it's crazy at all.
Entre Ud. y yo puede que tuviera 15 años, pero cuando uno tiene enfrente una conchita así, no creo que sea cosa de locos.
- That's all right, Benton, but keep your wits about you.
Lo siento, señor. Está bien, Benton, pero manténgase alerta.
I'll keep you in the right direction if I can, but that's all.
Lo mantendré en la dirección justa si me es posible, pero eso es todo.
All right, I'm a big star, but what's really profound about me is that I'm a big star with a big fan club - Yeah, l-I know.
Vale, soy una estrella, pero en el fondo soy una estrella con muchas fans... que quiere a su mujer.
That's not true, but it's all right.
No es cierto, pero no pasa nada.
If you wanna spend your life in a dentist's chair, that's beautiful for you, but don't wish it on the kids, all right?
Si quieres pasarte la vida yendo al dentista para tener una bonita sonrisa, esta bien. Pero se lo desees a los niños. De acuerdo?
I understand that and I want to cooperate with you, but I would like to make sure that my family's all right first, then I'll come back.
... con ustedes. Pero primero quiero asegurarme que mi familia esta bien. Luego volveré.
All right. That's that. But now what?
Logramos llegar lejos pero ahora qué?
Whatever's down there, a lot or a little, half yours, half mine but the right to tell the world about it, that's all yours.
Haya lo que haya ahí, mucho o poco, vamos a medias... pero el derecho de hacerlo público es todo tuyo.
He's all right, I don't have to get a doctor, but he just isn't that, that well.
No tengo que llamar al doctor pero no se siente bien.
But that's all right, ma'am
No tiene importancía, madam.
Maybe that's all right for him, that X but nobody never need worry about nothing like that in our family.
Pero escucha, Tom Harvey todo el peso de la esclavitud no lo llevas en la espalda.
But if he's all right, that one might...
Si está bien, ese filete...
That's all right, but don't tell anyone else, not even me! You know nothing! - Basil?
- No se lo digas a nadie más.
But that's all right.
No importa.
That's all right, but Billy is upset.
Creo que Billy está enfadado.
You won't go jerking like that at home, But while it is some one else's house everything is all right, whatever gets in the way.
No tirarían así en su casa, pero en la ajena todo vale, lo que se ponga por delante.
# I know it's the middle of the night But heck, that's all right
I know it's the middle of the night But heck, that's all right
I hate you to pieces! Kind of a greasy good day, but that's all right.
Una especie de grasoso buen día, pero está bien.
I was very worried when you made me do that to the sheriff, but now it's going to be all right.
Estaba muy preocupado cuando me obligaste a hacerle eso al sheriff Pero ahora todo estará bien. Sí, me van a dar las gracias.
Furillo, man, I know you said all that stuff to get me out of there... but I don't think that's why I'm giving up, all right?
Furillo, sé que dijiste todo eso para sacarme de allí... pero no creas que es por eso que me entrego, ¿ de acuerdo?

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