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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ C ] / Cecily

Cecily Çeviri İspanyolca

245 parallel translation
Yeah, yeah, Cecily.
Sí, Cecily
What if I said that Saint Cecily, our Patron Saint
Santa Cecilia es la patrona de nuestro pueblo, ¿ no?
A Mrs. latham and her daughter...
Estará la Sra. Latham y su hija Cecily.
You saw it, cecily?
- ¿ Lo viste Cecily...?
Charles, did you notice cecily's face
Charles... ¿ Notaste la cara de mi hija cuando él le dijo...?
Cecily :
- Muchas gracias.
Painting cecily's portrait Isn't the easiest job in the world.
Pintar el retrato de Cecily es el trabajo más fácil del mundo, ¿ sabes?
I don't mind a bit, As long as there are no other wives.
No me importa si ocurre, Cecily, en tanto no haya otro avivado cerca.
Mrs. latham, cecily, The exciting Dr. tuttle, and penny.
La Sra. Latham, Cecily, el excitante Dr. Tuttle y Penny...
About penny, will you? If you are, I'll be nasty about cecily.
... porque si lo haces, yo seré grosera con Cecily.
Was cecily, uh...
¿ Estuvo Cecily...
He wants cecily, not you.
Él la quiere a Cecily, no te quiere a ti...
Cecily, you're the most exasperating woman...
Cecily... Debo informarte que tú eres exactamente una mujer...
Mrs. latham and cecily are getting their wraps.
La Sra. Latham y Cecily están arriba buscando envolturas.
Mrs. latham : Cecily!
¡ Cecily..!
Cecily wants to leave. I'm driving bee to the station.
La Sra. Latham y Cecily se preparan para ir a casa y yo debo llevar a B y a Christine a la estación.
Cecily Browns too much full of pictures of people.
En casa de Cecily Brown hay muchos retratos.
- Who's Cecily Brown?
- ¿ Quién es Cecily Brown?
Cecily Brown's father is in Germany now, he sees him all the time.
El padre de Cecily está en Alemania y lo ve a menudo. - Dice que monta un caballo blanco y que le gusta pelear. - Pero...
But you said Cecily Brown is your best friend.
- ¿ No es tu mejor amiga?
I thought it was Cecily who always fought with you.
Creía que siempre te peleabas con Cecily.
Oh you don't mean Cecily Brown?
¿ No se referirá a Cecily Brown?
He gave me Saint Cecily, protectrice of music players.
Me ha dado a Santa Cecilia, patrona de los músicos.
Cecily's dreadfully cut up.
Cecily está destrozada.
Miss Cecily Furness, Mrs. Lorimer.
La Srta. Cecily Furness, la Sra. Lorimer.
Cecily, dear... do stop crying.
Cecily, cariño... deja de llorar.
Cecily was the maid of honor.
Cecily era la dama de honor.
Now they're all gone but Cecily.
Ahora todos se han ido, salvo Cecily.
It'll comfort Cecily, poor dear.
Le hará bien a Cecily, la pobre.
Come on, Cecily, time to go to bed.
Vamos, Cecily, es hora de ir a dormir.
Cecily, remember.
Cecily, recuerda.
Sit up, Cecily.
Incorpórate, Cecily.
Drink, Cecily.
Bebe, Cecily.
Wake up, Cecily.
Despierta, Cecily.
Cecily's may be a unique case.
Puede que el caso de Cecily sea único.
Cecily, for one.
Cecily, por ejemplo.
Cecily, I want you to try again.
Cecily, quiero que lo intentes otra vez.
Never, Cecily.
Nunca, Cecily.
- Who, Cecily?
- ¿ Quién, Cecily?
Cecily... I'm going to wake you.
Cecily, voy a despertarte.
There, there, Cecily.
Tranquila, Cecily.
Sleep, Cecily.
Duerme, Cecily.
Cecily you'll be able to hear Dr Freud. He's going to question you.
Cecily, oirás al Dr. Freud.
Cecily, you're going back in time.
Cecily, vas a retroceder en el tiempo.
Are you sure?
Cecily, ¿ estás segura?
You're not in a hospital.
Cecily, no estás en un hospital.
- My child, you can't...
- Cecily, mi niña, no puedes...
You are in Vienna now.
Cecily, ahora estás en Viena.
I can fight Cecily.
Con Cecily.
cecilia 136
cecile 104
cecil 125

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