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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ C ] / Chappy

Chappy Çeviri İspanyolca

87 parallel translation
They'll come back, chappy.
Seguro que vuelven. - Sí, mujer, claro.
Kick the chappy in the teeth.
¡ Rómpele los dientes de mi parte!
On your feet, chappy.
En pie, amiguito.
You'll be the chappy from UNIT.
Ustedes serán los tipos de UNIT.
You're really not a happy chappy
No eres un tipo muy alegre
You seem to understand me, by each at once her chappy finger laying upon her skinny lips :
Pareceis entenderme, por el modo de poner el dedo calloso sobre los magros labios :
And this little green chappy is Ali gator.
Y este muchacho verde es Nico Codrilo.
I'll be a happy chappy Also nappy I get the shivers down to my livers
Me harás feliz Como una perdiz Me entra tiritera hasta en la mollera
And Japan's Colonel Sue Horikoshi in the Zero versus our own Colonel Chappy Sinclair in the P-38 Lightning!
Y de Japón coronel Sue Horikoshi en el Zero frente a nuestro propio coronel Chappy Sinclair en el P-38 Lightning!
Another spectacular victory for Colonel Chappy Sinclair, as Colonel Sue Horikoshi is acknowledged in defeat.
Otra victoria espectacular para el coronel Chappy Sinclair, como coronel Sue Horikoshi se reconoce en la derrota.
- He's dead, Chappy.
- Está muerto, Chappy.
Chappy, I think you better take a look at his auxiliary fuel tank.
Chappy, creo que será mejor echar un vistazo a su tanque de combustible auxiliar.
Anna, I'm Chappy Sinclair, Ramón's friend.
Anna, soy Chappy Sinclair, el amigo de Ramón.
It's Chappy Sinclair.
Es Chappy Sinclair.
Chappy's here.
Chappy es aquí.
Tower, this is Chappy.
Torre, esto es Chappy.
Chappy Sinclair is unhurt.
Chappy Sinclair es ileso.
People die in the drug world all the time, Chappy.
La gente muere en el mundo de las drogas todo el tiempo, Chappy.
Come here, Chappy.
Ven aquí, Chappy.
Hardly a proper attendance for a wake, Chappy old chap.
Apenas una asistencia adecuada para un velorio, Chappy viejo amigo.
Chappy, we come to say goodbye.
Chappy, venimos a decir adiós.
Oh, sure he was, Chappy.
Oh, claro estaba, Chappy.
Come on, Chappy.
Vamos, Chappy.
- You can start contacting your people. - How long to prepare, Chappy?
- Puede comenzar contactar a sus personas. - ¿ Cuánto tiempo para prepararse, Chappy?
I can't even tell if the systems are compatible, Chappy.
Ni siquiera puedo decir si los sistemas son compatibles, Chappy.
God damn it, Chappy!
Maldita sea, Chappy!
- Thanks, Chappy.
- Gracias, Chappy.
Chappy... watch your ass.
Chappy... ver su culo.
- Chappy :
- Chappy :
It's dangerous to break radio silence repeatedly at this point, isn't it, Chappy?
Es peligroso para romper el silencio de radio en varias ocasiones en este punto, no lo es, Chappy?
Mayday, Chappy!
Mayday, Chappy!
Mayday, Chappy.
Mayday, Chappy.
We copy, Chappy.
Copiamos, Chappy.
Come in, this is Chappy.
Entra, esta es Chappy.
Chappy, I didn't fly all this way to run.
Chappy, yo no voló hasta aquí para correr.
I think this calls for a celebration, Chappy!
Creo que esto merece una celebración, Chappy!
( Chappy chuckling )
( Chappy Riéndose )
What about a guest shot from you next season, Chappy?
¿ Qué pasa con un invitado disparado desde que la temporada que viene, Chappy?
What he done for me, chappy?
¿ Qué ha hecho por mí, padre?
Are you interested in walkin the rest of your life, chappy?
¿ Le interesa caminar el resto de su vida?
Chappy, if you were anything more than a pile of manure with a badge on it, my colonel might still be alive.
Si usted fuera más que un saco de estiércol con una placa... mi coronel todavía estaría vivo.
Yeah, Chappy?
- ¿ Sí, Chappy?
Lick your fucking chappy-ass lips, man.
Lame tus malditos labios, hombre.
Think girls will talk to you if you have chappy lips?
¿ Crees que las chicas te hablarán si tienes los labios quebrados?
Oh, if it isn't "Unhappy Chappy".
- Pero si es Infeliz Chapucero.
I thought it would be fun if the third groomsman was my family dog, Chappy.
Sería divertido que el padrino sea mi perrito Chappy.
Great. Chappy!
Genial. ¡ Chappy!
You know, Chappy's too small to handle all this snow.
Chappy es pequeño para caminar en la nieve.
You're showing off'cause Chappy's here?
¿ Lo haces por él?

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