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Clap Çeviri İspanyolca

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- Don't clap.
- No aplaudas.
The "Thunder Clap" Hap Hadden,'95.
"El Trueno" Hap Hadden,'95.
Have a shake, then, I ain't got the clap or nothing.
Choca esos cinco, no tengo gonorrea.
But you wouldn't clap yet, because making something disappear isn't enough.
Pero aún no aplaude, porque hacer desaparecer algo no es suficiente.
Well, if people actually believed the things I did on stage, they wouldn't clap, they'd scream.
Si la gente creyera lo que hago en el escenario, no aplaudiría, sino que gritaría.
But you wouldn't clap yet, because making something disappear isn't enough. You have to bring it back.
Pero uno aún no aplaude, porque no alcanza con hacer desaparecer algo.
Without marriage and women we'd all have been drunk, shot ourselves to death, or died of the clap.
Sin el matrimonio y las mujeres, Estaríamos todos ebrios... Asesinados... O muertos por gonorrea.
Clap or I'll kick your ass!
¡ Aplaude o recibirás!
Now I will ask Omi Brother you stop crying you stupid girl clap noise are made by both hands if they or not toghether it would not sound like
Voy a hablar con el Hermano Omi. Deja de llorar. Chica estúpida, el sonido de las palmadas se hace con ambas manos.
Clap, clap, clap.
Clap, clap, clap.
Clap him man!
¡ Aplaude fuerte!
Let's just clap.
Let's just clap. Ready?
Sólo aplausos. ¿ Listos?
But the music isn't what people clap for at the end of the show, is it?
Pero la música no es por lo que la gente va a aplaudir al final del show, o si?
You ever notice how people will shop like crazy in a pouring rain, but one clap of thunder and they scurry home like roaches?
¿ Has notado que las personas compran como locas cuando llueve? ¿ Pero cuando escuchan un trueno corren a sus casas como cucarachas?
Don't rhyme and don't clap.
No hagas eso y no aplaudas
And he had the clap.
Y tenía gonorrea.
Clap for yourselves, because you are on the front lines of the Love Movement!
Apláudanse, porque están a la cabeza del Movimiento del Amor.
Clap with me, clap with me!
¡ Aplaudan!
Clap if you hate that, women. Do you hate that?
¡ Aplaudid si odiáis eso, mujeres!
If he's with Jessica he's probably got the clap by now.
Si está con Jessica, ya se habrá contagiado gonorrea.
Clap heels next, and one.
Golpeen los talones, y uno.
And the recruiter said with any luck, I could get the clap from a 12-year-old Chinese prostitute.
Y el reclutador me dijo que con suerte... podría contagiarme la gonorrea de una prostituta china de 12 años.
with the clap.
con una gonorrea.
If not the clap, it's a botched face lift.
Si no es gonorrea, es un mal estiramiento facial.
In the middle of the song, clap your hands.
¡ Ahora, a la mitad de la pieza, se aplaude!
Got you like a bird in a clap-net!
¡ Te tengo como un pájaro en una red!
I gave my first wife the clap.
Le contagie a mi primer mujer la gonorrea.
We can hardly clap you in irons and parade you through the streets.
No podemos lanzar en esta cadenas y desfile con usted.
It's typical high-minded inde-film clap-drap to make us care about some hayseed suffering from lime disease.'"
Es la típica película idealista, independiente, de palmaditas en la espalda, Para que nos preocupemos por unos montañeses que tienen la enfermedad de Lyme. "
Well, you know, real life murder and mutilation vs academic clap trap - - no contest. Sorry.
- Bueno, ya sabes, la vida real asesinatos y mutiliaciones versus aplausos académicos, no hay competencia, lo siento...
The clap?
¿ La Gonorrea?
- I gave the kid the clap, but I told him to get himself checked.
- Le di al chico un preservativo pero le dije que se hiciera una revisión médica.
In their first film, Open Your Eyes Jack played the part of a soldier who caught the clap.
En su primera película, Open Your Eyes Jack hizo el papel de un soldado que contraía gonorrea.
Just clap hands with me.
Tan sólo choca las palmas conmigo.
Just clap hands with me. Nothing bad is going to happen.
Sólo golpea tus manos con las mías.
It's lik the one-handed clap.
Es como el aplauso de un manco.
Now that was a one-nded clap.
Ese fue el aplauso de un manco.
By the way, Matherton... he has the clap.
A propósito, Matherton tiene gorronea.
[Loud clap of thunder ] [ Horse neighs loudly] WOMAN :
tranquilo whoa
I'm not a performing seal. I don't somersault when you clap.
No soy un mono de feria que da saltos cuando aplaudes.
Now, I want you all to give me your very best attention because when I clap my hands, it's time to... GO!
Ahora quiero que me prestéis mucha atención porque cuando de una palmada será el momento de... ¡ IR!
Like a whore misses the clap.
Como una zorra a la gonorrea.
They could stand, they could clap, they could sing something which made them feel they were bonded together, something which made them feel strong.
Podían ponerse de pie, aplaudir, cantar algo que les hacía sentirse unidos, algo que les hacía sentirse fuertes.
Clap for Alaska!
¡ Apláudele a Alaska!
You could, like, fuck any girl, and know you ain't getting the clap for sure, sure, huh?
Puedes cogerte a cualquier chica y estar seguro de que no te dará una venérea, ¿ no?
Marty jumps up, bites him in the crotch, gives him the clap.
Marty salta, le muerde la entrepierna y le contagia gonorrea.
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands...
Si eres feliz y lo sabes, da unas palmas...
You'll walk through that arch and everyone will clap when they announce your name.
¿ Qué es eso? - Un bebé.
* So just look at them and sigh * ( applause ) I never had anyone clap for me before, and I liked it
Nunca tuve alguien que me aplaudiera antes,... y me gustó.
thanks Mr. Gilbert for being a dad you can clap now, i'm finished ladies and gentlemen, if you'd like to make your way through to the kitchen the dinner will be serve shortly i don't want to go in here
Gracias Sr. Gilbert. Por ser un papá. he terminado.

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