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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ C ] / Come and have a look

Come and have a look Çeviri İspanyolca

536 parallel translation
Come and have a look at your old dad.
Mira a papá.
Come and have a look at my fine goods. For five crowns only.
¡ Mercancía fina por sólo cinco coronas!
Come and have a look. All right, Mr. Martin.
De acuerdo, Sr. Martin.
Come and have a look.
Venga a ver.
- Come and have a look!
- ¡ Venid a echar un vistazo!
Come and have a look in the mirror.
Ven a verte al espejo.
Great Sage, come and have a look.
Gran Sabio, ven y mira.
Come and have a look.
Ven a echar un vistazo.
- Come and have a look.
- Ven a verle.
Oh, do come and have a look.
Venid a echar un vistazo.
- Come and have a look at it yourself.
- Véalo usted mismo.
- Do come and have a look at the snake.
- Ven a echar un vistazo a la serpiente.
Hey Lin, why don't you come and have a look at it With me tomorrow, huh?
Oye Lin ¿ por qué no te vienes mañana conmigo a echarle un vistazo?
Doctor, you'd better come and have a look at Joan Burton.
Doctor, será mejor que venga a ver a Joan Burton.
Come and have a look at him.
- Ven a verle un momento. ¿ Qué será?
Come and have a look at my stockroom.
Ven a ver el almacén y luego me dices algo.
- Come and have a look.
- Echèmosle un ojo.
Come and have a look!
¡ Ven y echa un vistazo!
Come and have a look for yourself.
Ven a verlo por ti misma.
Will you come and have a look at it?
¿ Podría venir y darle un vistazo?
Come and have a look at the altimeter.
Venga y mire el altímetro.
Come and have a look at it from out front.
Venga y échenle un vistazo desde el frente.
Come and have a look.
Venid a ver.
Come and have a last look at San Francisco.
Ven, y échale la última ojeada a San Francisco.
Come here and have a look.
Ven a mirar esto.
- If you hadn't come, I should have had to go and look for you.
Si no hubiera venido habría tenido que salir a buscarle.
Look here, old man. You better come up - and have a lay down.
- Será mejor que te recuestes.
Want to come along and have a look at Horace?
¿ Quieres venir a conocer a Horacio?
Come closer and have a look.
Acércate. ¡ Mira!
I heard the men talking about some rather strange experiments going on around here, so I thought, if you don't mind, I'd come and have a good look for myself.
- Los chicos me han comentado algo de unos extraños experimentos que se hacen aquí, así que he venido a echar un vistazo.
I'll come in And have a little look around anyway, if you don't mind.
Entraré y echaré un vistazo de todos modos, si no le importa.
They may have started this thing as a gag, but after taking one look... at those million-dollar debutantes tonight... I realized I can give them cards in spades and still come out on top.
Si bien todo empezó como una broma, luego de ver... a esas debutantes millonarias... supe que puedo ganarles y estar en la cima, aunque les dé ventaja.
Wouldn't it be a good idea for you to have Ellie May come down to your house and kind of look after the place and cook for you?
¿ No sería buena idea llevarte a Ellie May a tu casa para que te la cuide y te haga la comida?
Come and have a look.
Ven a ver.
I was kind of worried about her, so I thought I'd better come up and have a look.
Estaba preocupado por el avión, entonces, pensé venir a controlar.
Come and have a look.
Hey, Jess, you come right over here and let me have a good look at you.
Hey, Jess. Ven aqui y deja que te eche un buen vistazo.
- Couldn't I come round and have a look?
- ¿ Podría entrar y echar un vistazo?
Look, I could've come in here and thrown a big bluff about being a rich Wall Street man... just cruising around the world, but actually, I don't have a yacht to my name.
Majestad, podría deciros que soy un richachón que recorre mundo. Pero no tengo ni un yate.
I don't know wether you have the right to search a holy place, but come if you wish and look for yourself.
No sé si tienen derecho a registrar un lugar sagrado, pero entren si quieren y busquen ustedes mismos.
Come on up and have a look.
¡ Subid a ver!
I'll have Prince come in and look over your books. Maybe we can work something out.
Le diré a Prince que venga a mirar tus cuentas.
Would you like to come down and have a look? How about it?
- ¿ Quiere venir a echar un vistazo?
Thought I'd come up and have a look.
Quería subir a echar un vistazo.
- And I wondered which of your friends in the Headquarters Staffel of the Second Gruppe of Number Three Fighter Geschwader will look after Simba, your lion cub, now that your deathless exploits with that unit have come to an end.
- Y me pregunto cuál de sus amigos en el cuartel general del segundo grupo del tercer cuerpo cuidará de Simba, su cachorro de león, ahora que sus aventuras inmortales con esa unidad han llegado a su fin.
Oh, I see. Look, sir. All we have to do is take a card, punch holes in it, one for each wrong thing this Major Cargill did, send it through an IBM machine and come up with the right answer.
Mire usted no tenemos mas que coger una tarjeta, perforarla por cada falta que haya cometido ese mayor Cargill, introducirla en una máquina automática, y esperar las respuestas concretas.
Come in and have a look at it.
Ven y échale un vistazo.
Look, why don't you just come on and have a drink with us and join in the party and forget about your mood for a while?
Mira, ¿ por qué no vienes a tomar una copa con nosotros... unirte a la fiesta y olvidarte de tus preocupaciones por un tiempo?
If I hadn't come here to GarbateIIa to see a friend, if I hadn't stopped to look at those kids playing football, and if it weren't for the dog, we wouldn't have met.
Si no hubiera venido a Garbatella buscando a un amigo, no me habría parado aquí a ver a esos niños jugando al futbol, y no hubiera visto ese perro sarnoso... ¿ cuando nos hubiésemos encontrado nosotros?
Every time i come down here and look at them, i just about have a heart attack.
No creo que el pudiera hacerse cargo de ellas, y yo no podría dormir si...
Come on. Let's go and have a look.
Vamos, echemos un vistazo.

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