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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Dalrymple

Dalrymple Çeviri İspanyolca

135 parallel translation
- Dalrymple?
- ¿ Dalrymple?
I'm Colonel Dalrymple's nephew Chester, your new assistant.
Soy el sobrino del Col. Dalrymple, Chester, su asistente nuevo.
You know anything about Angus Duncan and Faye Dalrymple?
¿ Sabes algo sobre Angus Duncan y Faye Dalrymple?
Jean and young Dalrymple are gettin'married today, aren't they? "
Hoy se casan Jean y el joven Dalrymple, ¿ no? "
'Tis not fair for Charlie Dalrymple to be wedding'her.
"No es justo que Charlie Dalrymple la esté desposando, Fiona."
And may God bless me this evenin as much as I would bless him... if I were he and he were Charles Dalrymple.
Y que Dios me bendiga esta noche tanto como yo lo bendeciría a El... "si yo fuera El y El, Charlie Dalrymple."
- Dalrymple, isn't it? "
- Dalrymple, ¿ no? "
" Dalrymple, yes.
" Dalrymple, sí.
Jean Campbell to Charles Chisholm Dalrymple... "
Jean Campbell con Charles Chisholm Dalrymple... "
She literally Mrs. Dalrymple or I. And that evening, we put her on the boat train for America.
Y finalmente conseguimos enviarla en barco a América.
Well, sure enough, when we landed at the airport in Rome, we were greeted by the appalling sight of miss Dalrymple waving hysterically.
Y desde luego cuando llegamos al aeropuerto nos recibió la apabullante Sra. Deriwell saludándonos como una loca.
But - first of all... I want you to absorb some of the atmosphere much as it must have been to those intrepid explorers led my my great and good friend, Sir Giles Dalrymple your premiere archaeologist.
Pero, ante todo, quiero que vivan la experiencia... de esos intrépidos exploradores... dirigidos por mi gran amigo sir Giles Dairympie, su arqueólogo jefe.
Yes, Mr Dalrymple.
Sí, Sr. Dalrymple.
Please, Mr Dalrymple.
Por favor, Sr. Dalrymple.
Brigadier Dalrymple,
Brigadier Dalrymple, 684 01 : 11 : 41.320 - - 01 : 11 : 44.040 oficial I S L H I C, nombre desconocido.
Dalrymple, who does the washing up, can hardly move her poor fingers - and then there's Gilberto's war wound.
Y la pobre señora que se encarga de lavar... Casi no puede mover sus pobres dedos. Y luego está la herida de guerra de Gilberto.
Poor old Mrs. Dalrymple who prepares the salad... can hardly move her poor, swollen fingers.
La pobre Sra. Dalrymple, que hace la ensalada apenas puede mover sus pobres dedos hinchados.
Now, Bob Dalrymple gave me the name of a good man.
Bob Dairympie me dio el nombre de un hombre que es bueno.
Is Mrs. DalrympIe, Somerset.
Es la Sra. Dalrymple, de Somerset.
Mr. Dalrymple, your niece is on the phone.
Sr. Dalrimpel, lo llama su sobrina.
Mr. Dalrymple, I have to talk to you.
Señor Dalrymple, debo hablarle.
Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Dalrymple.
Gracias, señor Dalrymple.
- Russell Dalrymple's secretary.
- La secretaria de Russell.
Excuse me, Mr. Dalrymple...
Disculpe, Sr. Dalrymple.
- But, Mr. Dalrymple -
- Señor...
I'm caling to let you know Russell Dalrymple is no longer with this network.
Te informo que Russell Dalrymple ya no trabaja en la cadena.
We pitched this story to Russell Dalrymple, the president of NBC, and he ate it up with a spoon.
Le mandamos ese guión a Russell Dowripple, el presidente del canal NBC y se lo comió con cucharilla.
Here you are, Mr. Dalrymple.
Aquí tiene, Sr. Dowripple.
Dalrymple just cancelled the pilot.
Dowripple acaba de cancelar el piloto.
The next time Russell Dalrymple comes in the restaurant...
Pídele que me llame cuando Dowripple...
The Dowager Lady Dalrymple and the Honourable Miss Carteret are arrived in Laura place.
Lady Dalrymple... y la señorita Carteret, han llegado a Laura Place.
Lady Dalrymple and the Honourable Miss Carteret.
Lady Dalrymple y la honorable Srta. Carteret.
But I discern no superiority of manner, accomplishment, or understanding in the Dalrymples. And that is all there is to it.
Pero yo no entiendo cuál es la superioridad de los modales, los logros y la inteligencia de Lady Dalrymple, eso es todo.
My dear cousin, the Dalrymples move in the first set, and as rank is rank, your being related will be advantageous.
los Dalrymple serán el centro de atención este invierno en Bath, y como el rango es el rango, es conveniente que se sepa vuestra relación con ellos.
Lady Dalrymple's invitation is most pressing.
La invitación de Lady Dalrymple es muy importante.
So, you would snub Lady Dalrymple for a Mrs Smith, lodging in Westgate Buildings.
¿ Así que plantarías a Lady Dalrymple... por esa Sra. Smith de los Edificios Westgate?
Once and for all, will you accompany us to a tea party at the Dalrymples?
¡ Nos acompañarás a tomar el té con nuestros primos, los Dalrymple!
I've found Lady Dalrymple's carriage.
He encontrado el carruaje de Lady Dalrymple.
Lady Dalrymple's carriage for the Miss Elliots.
El carruaje de Lady Dalrymple para las señoritas Elliot.
I have never... ( Footman ) Lady Dalrymple.
Yo nunca... Lady Dalrymple.
Lady Dalrymple.
Lady Dalrymple.
Their excellencies, Major General Sir Hew and Lady Dalrymple, request the pleasure of Sir Edward Pellew and... acting Lieutenant Horatio...
Sus Excelencias el Mayor General Sir Hugh y Lady Dalrymple Se complacen el placer de invitar a Sir Edward Pellew y ¡ Al teniente en funciones Hornblower!
Sir Hew, Lady Dalrymple.
Sir Hew. Lady Dalrymple. ¿ Cápitan?
Getting a ship at your age. Dalrymple :
- De conseguir un mando a su edad.
I'm Wendy Dalrymple of the Capeside Historical Society. I'm here to answer any questions you may have about Witch Island which, I'm ashamed to say, represents a dark period of our nation's history.
Soy Wendy Dalrymple de la Sociedad Histórica de Capeside y estoy aquí para responder sus preguntas sobre la isla la cual representa un periodo oscuro de nuestra historia.
And a deep drive to straightaway center back, back, Dalrymple leaps over the fence and makes a spectacular catch.
Un lanzamiento alto sobre el centro. Dalrymple salta sobre la cerca la atrapa en forma espectacular.
Dalrymple drifts in and makes the catch.
Dalrymple se aproxima y la atrapa.
A three-run homer for Miles Dalrymple and the A's take a 3-1 lead.
Una base para Miles Dalrymple y los A's vencen por 3-1.
My name is Miles Dalrymple and I'm tired of living a lie.
Me llamo Miles Dalrymple... y estoy harto de vivir una mentira.
Dalrymple :

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