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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Detained

Detained Çeviri İspanyolca

1,240 parallel translation
Why am I being detained here?
¿ Por qué estoy detenido aquí?
The story is a young black guy gets detained and harassed on a public street for no apparent reason other than the colour of his skin and nobody wants to talk about it.
La historia es que detienen a un joven negro y lo acosan en un lugar público sin razón aparente, aparte del color de su piel y nadie quiere hablar sobre ello.
- You're on suspension and to be detained, pending full investigation of your conduct.
- Queda suspendido y detenido hasta que se investigue a fondo su conducta.
- You're on suspension and to be detained, pending full investigation of your conduct.
- Queda suspendido y detenido, hasta que se investigue completamente su conducta.
No chef. He was unavoidably detained.
Estaba inevitablemente atrasado.
I was detained.
I don ´ t think he ´ s fit to be detained!
Llamaré a un doctor para que lo vea.
- You released detained officers.
— ¿ Ha liberado usted oficiales?
An italian citizen is detained here.
Un ciudadano italiano está detenido aquí.
The Court has ordered he be detained for 1 5 days
La corte ha ordenado que sea detenido durante 15 días.
After the war, his job was the men detained in the USSR.
Despues de la guerra, su trabajo fueron los hombres detenidos en la USSR.
- Take him away. Detained on suspicion.
Deténganlo por sospechoso.
Louis Picard has been detained.
Louis Picard fue detenido.
She was detained in New York, searched, again nothing.
La detuvieron en New York, la registraron, no hallaron nada.
I apologize for being late, Captain, I was detained in school.
Siento llegar tarde, capitán. Pero es que estaba en el colegio.
I was detained.
Estaba ocupado.
Well I cant believe that we'll be detained here long.
Bueno no puedo creer que podamos quedarnos aquí mucho tiempo.
Christian said to tell you he was very sorry but he was unavoidably detained. - Oh.
Christian está retenido inevitablemente.
Well, the gentleman has been detained by the histrionics of his mercurial star.
El caballero está retenido por las histerias de su estrella de mercurio.
Questioned once or twice but never detained.
Interrogado, una o dos veces, pero nunca arrestado.
" this porker will be detained until such time as our sentence can be carried out :
" este puerco será detenido hasta el momento en que nuestro veredicto se lleve a cabo :
I was detained, and, uh, I just came by to see if he was okay.
Quiero saber si el esta bien. -?
Sgueeze in a court official of dimension inferior district Since being concerned with to handle a case not shi, and had been detained
Procesado por abusos deshonestos un miembro del tribunal del arzobispado de Sevilla,
We've detained Miss Demeanor long enough.
Ya hemos retenido a la Srta. Demeanor bastante.
I want these two detained, now.
Quiero que los detengan a estos dos.
You're being detained... from whatever it is you'd rather be doing.
Usted está detenido... de lo que sea que prefiera estar haciendo.
- Haven't they detained Serrelec?
¿ No detuvieron a Serrelec?
" Regret unavoidably detained London.
" Lamento inevitable retención en Londres.
You have detained two of our officers. We want to discuss that.
Ustedes han detenido a dos oficiales nuestros.
He's been detained by the Enterprise.
Ha sido detenido por el Enterprise.
- They'll be detained by the Vulcans.
- Serán detenidos por los vulcanos.
Unfortunately, Mr. and Mrs. Rich have been detained permanently.
Lamentablemente, los señores Ricón se han retrasado permanentemente.
You have been detained by them two world-famous paladins of the open road!
¡ Han sido detenidos por dos famosos paladines de los caminos!
You have illegally arrested and detained the captain of this vessel.
Han arrestado y detenido ilegalmente al capitán de esta nave.
We have a right to go where we wish when we wish, with as many as we wish without being harassed, questioned or detained.
Tenemos el derecho de ir donde queramos... cuando lo queramos, con tantos como queramos... sin ser acosados, cuestionados o detenidos.
I was unavoidably detained.
Fui inevitablemente detenido.
Sorry - been detained!
Lo siento, me entretuve.
I guess I don't have to tell you that I've been detained, do I?
Creo que no tengo que decirte que me retuvieron, ¿ verdad?
Your Maxwell has obviously been detained by something more important.
Obviamente, Maxwell debe estar ocupado con algo más importante.
Your commander has been detained for questioning by the Dominion.
El Dominio ha detenido a su comandante para interrogarlo.
- Detained? For how long?
- ¿ Por cuánto tiempo?
I'm sorry. Ted's being detained.
- Lo siento, Ted está retenido.
Police estimate at least 60 people, including an American sheriff, were detained overnight by Canadian authorities.
La policía calcula que unas 60 personas, entre ellas un sheriff americano, pasaron la noche bajo custodia de las autoridades.
Sorry, I was detained.
Disculpe, fui retrasado.
I was detained at my asylum.
Me detuve en mi sanatorio.
I'm afraid your father's been unavoidably detained.
Me temo que tu padre no pudo venir.
Then you're detained.
Entonces están detenidos.
The man had been detained in connection with the murder of Vicki Warwick.
El hombre había sido detenido para ser interrogado en conexión con el secuestro y asesinato de Vicki Warwick.
What has detained you so long?
¿ Qué te ha hecho demorarte tanto?
I've detained him.
- Lo detuve lo más que pude.

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