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Do you know what you are Çeviri İspanyolca

1,645 parallel translation
Do you know what you are saying?
¿ sabes lo que estás diciendo?
Do you know what you are?
¿ Sabes lo que eres tú?
Do you know what you are?
¿ Sabes lo que eres?
Do you know what you are, Mark?
¿ Sabes lo que eres, Mark?
I want to know, what the fuck are you gonna do?
Quiero saber! Que mierda vas a hacer? !
I know relationships are tough, but you you just do what you gotta do to keep it together, okay?
Sé que las relaciones son difíciles pero haz lo que tienes que hacer para estar juntos, ¿ de acuerdo?
Do you know what these guys are like, Paddy?
¿ Sabes cómo son esos tipos, Paddy?
You know, you do what you can as a parent and sometimes you don't always make the right choices, but you are my son and I love you, and I would do anything for you.
Como padre haces lo que puedes y no siempre tomas las decisiones correctas. Pero tú eres mi hijo y te amo. Haría cualquier cosa por ti.
Do you know what they are? They're so cute.
¿ Los conoces?
Look, if effects are very differently... you don't get control a'that thing, you don't know when it's going to kick in, what it's gonna'do it to you!
Mira, afecta de forma diferente a cada uno... No puedes controlar esta cosa. No sabes cuando te va a atacar.
Do you know what the statistics are for a marriage between a 16-year-old and an 18-year-old surviving?
¿ Sabes cuáles son las estadísticas de que un matrimonio entre una niña de 16 años y un chico de 18 años sobreviva?
i don't know what kind of dad you are you can't even give me a million I'm worried about you that no one would be here to tell you for your last few years i would do great in my last few years how come what if i don't take care of you after i got the world championship?
no sé que tipo de padre eres ni siquiera puedes darme un millón me preocupa que nadie estubo aquí para decirtelo estos años lo hubiese hecho genial estos años como así?
The Pistols were like really angry and loud and just yelling about it... whereas The Clash were angry and loud, but questioning about it... and whereas the Pistols would just like... scream about how, you know, something was wrong... the Clash would kinda say... well this is wrong, but what are you gonna do about it.
Los Pistols eran muy agresivos, ruidosos y gritaban mucho. Clash era agresivo y ruidoso, pero cuestionábamos... mientras que los Pistols sólo gritaban sobre como algo estaba mal... y Clash decía que estaba mal, pero, ¿ que vas a hacer al respecto?
I really learned so much, you know, just spending day after day after day, you know, people just talking about what it's all about, and how are we going to deal with this stuff, and how are we really going to move it forward and change the world - - that's what everybody wanted to do, of course, we wanted to change the world.
Aprendí tanto simplemente pasando día tras día con esta gente, hablando de qué estaba ocurriendo en realidad, de cómo íbamos a enfrentarnos con todo esto, de cómo íbamos a sacarlo adelante y cambiar el mundo...
What do you know about plants? This that.. plants are green.
- Que los árboles y las plantas son verdes...
- What do you know about Galveston? - What are you doing? Great.
Soy Hartman Hughes, report...
You still don't know what they're going to do with you... so you are more scared of what may come... than of what you're already going through.
O sea, aún no sabes todo lo que te van a hacer... y por eso te da más miedo de lo que aún te toca que... Io que ya te están haciendo.
Do you know what they are?
¿ Sabes lo que son?
We know who you are, we know what you're trying to do.
Sabemos quien es usted, y lo que está tratando de hacer.
Mitch Anderson, we know who you are, we know what you're trying to do.
Mitch Anderson, sabemos quién es usted sabemos qué está tratando de hacer.
Unknown. What we do know is, if you went to sleep in granite pass last night, chances are you're filling out a body bag this morning.
Lo que si sabemos es que si te fuiste a dormir anoche en Granite Pass... existe la posibilidad de que salgas esta mañana en una bolsa negra.
Do you know what those two are?
¿ Sabes lo que esos dos son?
Do you know what matryoshka are?
¿ Sabes que es una matrioshka?
You wanna know more about who we are and what we do, we'll tell you.
Este es el trato
I know who you are, I know how you think and I know what to do next! Do you?
¡ Sé quienes son, sé cómo piensan y sé qué es lo próximo que harán!
- You know I'm not. I really don't want to go back there, either, but what are we gonna do? Please.
- Eso no es cierto.
- Do you know what these are?
- ¿ Sabes qué son estas flores?
What are you gonna do? You know, the same thing I always do.
Ya sabes, lo mismo que hago siempre.
It's what I know how to do, you know? What are you so afraid of?
Qué es lo que le asusta
- What are you gonna do? I know how he thinks.
Espera, ¿ qué vas a hacer?
Do you know what they are?
¿ Sabe lo que son?
Do you know what the odds are of getting one of those right?
¿ Sabes las probabilidades que tengo de conseguir una de esas correcta?
You know, I've never really shared with anyone who you are or what you do.
Sabes, nunca compartí realmente con nadie quién eres o qué haces.
I don't know, not being able to get up there and declare who you are, what you do?
No lo sé, ¿ acerca de no poder subir allí y declarar quien eres, lo que haces?
Mr. Dubois, do you know what the odds are that someone would guess the exact number of pennies in that jar?
Sr. Dubois, ¿ sabe cuáles son las posibilidades de que alguien adivine el número exacto de centavos que hay en ese tarro?
So do you know what those figurines are?
Entonces, ¿ sabe qué son esas estatuillas?
Look, you know, with what I do, relationships are, they're... they're just not easy, okay?
- Sí, ¿ a qué se debe? - Mira, tú sabes con lo que hago las relaciones son, son no son fáciles, ¿ bueno?
But what I do know, is that if Fibonacci testifies next month you and I are going to be neighbors,
Pero, lo que si sé es que, si Fibonacci testifica el próximo mes tú y yo vamos a ser vecinos.
Do you know what federal asset forfeiture laws are, Choppa?
¿ Sabes qué son las leyes de confiscación de bienes?
Harry, you need to see this. Well, details are still sketchy but what we do know is that Clive McTaggart, a former high ranking member of the intelligence services, was found dead at his home this morning from an apparent suicide.
Los detalles todavía son confusos, pero lo que sí sabemos, es que Clive McTaggart, un ex alto cargo de los servicios de inteligencia... ha sido encontrado muerto en su casa esta mañana,... por lo que parece ser suicidio.
Rodney, do you even know what it is we are looking for?
Rodney, ¿ sabes lo que estamos buscando?
Do you know what nice guys are?
Ya sabes cómo son los chicos agradables.
When the Santa Anas come over the hill in the afternoon and our neighbors are all outside, feeling the wind in their hair do you know what I do?
Cuando se levanta el viento por la tarde y nuestros vecinos están fuera, disfrutando de la brisa ¿ sabes qué hago yo?
And I know that's what some people are gonna tell you to do.
Y sé lo que algunos les van a decir.
here we are do you know that what's the most important thing about being a girl
Aquí estamos. ¿ Sabes cuál es... la cosa más importante... para ser una chica?
Do you know what we are doing today?
¿ Sabes qué haremos hoy?
Well, here, I don't know what the guys are gonna do tonight... but, would you wanna go to dinner... at this lighthouse place across the street?
No sé qué planes tienen para esta noche... pero ¿ te gustaría ir a cenar... al restaurante de enfrente?
So, you know, what are you...? What do you have to...?
Dime, ¿ qué tienes que?
There are two holes in the bedroom floor. What do you know about that?
Hay dos agujeros en el piso del dormitorio.
Oh, my God! I don't want to know what you two are going to do over there.
Oh Dios mío, no quiero saber qué locuras voy a hacer allá
I know what you cats are trying to do, and you can forget it.
Ya sé lo que quieres hacer. Olvídalo.

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