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Doesn't matter Çeviri İspanyolca

24,304 parallel translation
Doesn't matter, okay?
No importa, ¿ de acuerdo?
Doesn't matter.
No importa.
Every Monday... every Monday we do a table read for the network, and it doesn't matter how many times you read the script or how many times you imagine how each one of the... of us is gonna say a line, without fail, every Monday, we are completely blown away and surprised
Todos los lunes... todos los lunes tenemos una lectura por la compañía, y no importa cuantas veces leas el guión o cuantas veces te imagines diciendo esa frase, sin fallar, cada Lunes, estamos completamente impresionados y sorprendidos
- No, it still doesn't matter.
- No, todavía no importa.
I mean, I always thought we'd get remarried, but it doesn't matter.
Es decir, yo siempre pensé que tendríamos vuelto a casar, Pero no importa.
Besides, it doesn't matter.
Aparte, no importa.
It doesn't matter.
No importa.
Actually, being on the base doesn't matter.
En realidad, al estar en la base, no importa.
Doesn't matter.
Sigue siendo tu casa.
Uh, look, it doesn't matter, all right?
Uh, mira, no importa, ¿ todo bien?
- It doesn't matter.
- No importa.
- It's about commitment. Sweat flying, hair dripping, whatever, it doesn't matter.
Hay que darlo todo, sudada, con dolores, no importa.
Doesn't matter to me if you get him in here, on the human side, in the tunnel... get out there, find him, have him.
No importa si lo atrapan aquí, en el lado humano, o en el túnel... búsquenlo, encuéntrenlo, matenló.
It doesn't matter ; most Americans use the same password for everything.
La mayoría de los estadounidenses utilizan la misma contraseña para todo.
But... it doesn't matter, because what matters is that this hospital gets to be what it claims to be :
Pero no importa, porque lo que importa es que este hospital resulte ser lo que dice ser :
It doesn't matter what I say.
Sin importar lo que diga.
Eh, it doesn't matter what has me.
No importa qué es.
Elena doesn't matter to me anymore.
Elena ya no me importa.
Because it only takes one bad day, one bad decision, and then it doesn't matter what you do with the rest of your life, because once the devil comes a-calling you're done.
Porque solo necesitas un día malo, una mala decisión, y no importa lo que hagas con el resto de tu vida, porque una vez el demonio llama... estás acabado.
Doesn't matter what the truth is.
No importa cuál sea la verdad.
Yeah, except this doesn't matter to me.
Vale, excepto que esto no me importa.
Maybe if I pull this trigger, we all live happily ever after, or maybe we die bloody, or maybe it doesn't matter, because maybe there's a different way.
Quizá si presiono el gatillo, vivamos todos felices para siempre, o quizá moriremos de forma sangrienta, o quizá no importe. porque quizá haya otra manera.
It doesn't matter what you say.
No importa lo que me digas.
Doesn't matter anyway'cause my father probably won't help.
De todas maneras, no importa, porque mi padre probablemente no quiera ayudar.
Doesn't matter.
- No importa.
It doesn't matter how ugly you think it is or how bad you think it makes you look.
No importa lo horrible que crea que sea o lo mal que crea que la hace quedar.
- That doesn't matter. - Was it the D. A.'s office?
- ¿ Fue la oficina de la Fiscalía?
Doesn't matter.
lo sé.
- Right. But she said doesn't matter you must pay me _
Pero ella dijo que, " lo que hagamos o no hagamos, no es el problema..
It doesn't matter. Are you okay?
No importa. ¿ Estás bien?
Doesn't matter if something horrific happened.
No importa si algo terrible sucedió.
You know what, it doesn't matter.
Sabes qué, eso no importa.
It-it doesn't matter.
E-eso ya no importa.
Like hell, it doesn't matter.
Como diablos no va a importar!
It doesn't matter. Whether you mean to or not, it's still attempted murder.
Eso no importa, ya sea que lo lograra o no, aun es intento de asesinato.
♪ Turns out having half a brain ♪ ♪ Just doesn't matter all that much ♪
* Parece ser que tener la mitad del cerebro * * no importa tanto *
Not sure why, but it doesn't really matter now.
No estoy seguro de por qué, pero eso no importa ahora.
It doesn't matter.
No importa,
But it doesn't matter'cause I got superpowers now and it's awesome.
Bueno, en realidad eran figuras de acción. Pero eso no importa ya que ahora tengo superpoderes y es grandioso.
Barry, it doesn't matter what you've done.
Barry, no importa lo que hayas hecho.
- It doesn't matter.
- Eso no importa.
It doesn't really matter, does it?
Eso no importa ahora, ¿ verdad?
- Doesn't matter.
- No importa.
Doesn't matter who they are.
No importa quienes sean.
Doesn't matter how much I love them.
No importa lo mucho que los quiera.
Doesn't matter what I want.
No importa lo que quiera.
It doesn't matter!
¡ No importa!
It's a side-business anyway... doesn't matter.
Es un negocio casual, no importa.
Doesn't matter that she wasn't adopted yet.
No importa que aún no la hubieran adoptado.
You know, the fact of the matter is that Gabe doesn't want us helping him.
O sea, el problema es que Gabe no quiere que lo ayudemos.
It doesn't matter where.
No importa dónde.

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