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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Don't tell me that

Don't tell me that Çeviri İspanyolca

3,857 parallel translation
I only came to tell you that I don't do that anymore.
Vine a decirte que ya no me dedico a eso.
Why don't you just tell me what it is that you want me to do to you?
¿ Porqué no me dices qué quieres que te haga?
Actually, I don't have that much to discuss, so... let me just give you this... and tell me what you think.
En realidad, no tengo tanto que discutir, así que permíteme que te dé esto y dime qué piensas.
Well, I don't know what it is that you're trying to tell me.
No sé qué intentas decirme.
Don't tell me you believe in all that crap about moons and omens.
No me digas que te crees toda esa basura sobre las lunas y presagios.
"Let me tell you, that I don't have faith in my love."
"Déjame decirte, que no tengo mucho control en mi amor."
♪ mm-mm ♪ don't tell me that you're scared ♪ ♪ every time
# no me digas que estás asustado # # cada vez #
- No, and don't tell me that you've dealt with this before, because you haven't dealt with this before, Amantha.
- No, y no me digas que ya has lidiado con esto antes, porque no has lidiado con esto antes, Amantha.
Don't tell me that that freak is actually getting to you.
No me digas que ese fenómeno te esta atormentado
You don't need me to tell you that.
No me necesitas para decírtelo.
You don't have to tell me that.
No me lo digas a mí.
And don't tell me, Josh, you opened that closet door, didn't want to live that lie any more.
Y no me digas, Josh, que abrió esa puerta del armario, no quería vivir esa mentira más.
And don't tell me it's that wedding stuff again.
Y no me digas que es por esa boda otra vez
Don't tell me that.
Nunca me digas que me calme.
Don't tell the Supreme Kai that you heard it from me.
No le digas al Supremo Kaio que lo escuchaste de mí.
♪ All these times that you tell me that I don't ♪
# Todas esas veces que me dices que no lo haga #
♪ Tell me that I don't
# Dime que no lo haga
Don't tell me you guys are still mad about everything that happened.
No me digáis que seguís enfadados por todo lo que ha pasado.
Don't tell me that in today's day you thought you'll find a guy who hasn't had a girlfriend.
No me digas que en el día de hoy pensaste que encontrarás un tipo que no haya tenido una novia.
- Don't tell me that that trail's gone cold, too.
- No me digas que ese rastro se ha enfriado, también.
Don't tell me that.
No me digas eso.
You can't look me in the eye and tell me that you don't Realize that every single minute That you try to put him to sleep
No podrías mirarme a los ojos y decirme que no querías a cada minuto tratar de ponerlo a dormir
Don't need you to tell me that.
No es necesario que me diga eso.
Now don't tell me that!
¡ No me digas eso ahora!
Don't you tell me that.
No me cuentes eso.
Don't tell me that wasn't fucking fun.
No me digas que no fue jodidamente divertido.
Come on. Don't tell me you didn't enjoy that.
Vamos, no me digas que no lo has disfrutado.
Don't stand there and tell me that.
No te quedes ahí y me digas eso.
Don't tell me that you haven't already been looking at them.
Este imbécil te tiene.
I don't ever want to hear you tell me that you can't make it faster.
Nunca más me digas que no puedes hacerlo más rápido.
why don't you just tell me that you don't want to talk to me?
¿ Por qué no me dices que no quieres hablar conmigo?
Yes, really, and don't tell me you didn't notice that.
Sí, de verdad, y no me digas que no te diste cuenta.
Just please tell me that you don't know this gypsy girl that they're looking for.
Sólo dime que no conoces a esta chica gitana que están buscando.
Well, clearly there's something that you don't wanna tell me.
Bueno, claramente hay algo que no quieres decirme.
Then i don't have to tell you that Hank picked me up, gave me a job, and a place to live.
Entonces no hace falta que te diga que Hank me recogió, me dio un trabajo y un lugar donde vivir.
Just tell me that there's more to this story, that's there's something that I don't know.
Solo dime que hay algo más de esta historia, que hay algo que no sé.
I'll tell you this, if that's happen to me again, no way I'm backing up. I don't give a shit who it is.
Te voy a decir esto, si eso sucede a mí otra vez, ninguna manera voy a dar marcha atrás.
But don't come complaining to me that no on tried to tell you so when you watch Fred walk out that door.
Pero no vengas a reclamarme que no intenté avisarte, cuando veas a Fred salir por esa puerta.
So, before you tell me that you spent the weekend with Frodo and Gandalf and Bilbo Baggins, why don't you go ahead and take a look at this?
Por lo tanto, antes de que me digas que pasó el fin de semana con Frodo y Gandalf y Bilbo Bolsón, ¿ por qué no seguir adelante y echar un vistazo a esto?
Don't tell me that out of pretty Mr. Blue Sky you suddenly developed an interest in the Laszlos.
No me dirás que tus preciosos ojos azules, de repente, se han interesado por los Laszlo.
Guys, tell me you found her,'cause if we don't cage that Tiger,
Chicos, decidme que la encontrasteis. Si no enjaulamos al tigre,
Would you like me to tell him that you don't want it to be sweeping?
¿ Quieres que les diga que no quieres que sea increíble?
Why do you tell me things that you don't want him to know?
¿ Por qué me cuentas cosas que no quieres que él sepa?
You don't mean to tell me that a girl with such a good head on her shoulders give ear to such tom foolery.
No querrás decirme que una muchacha con una buena cabeza sobre sus hombros presta oídos a tal tontería.
Don't tell me that you read that stuff.
¿ No me diga que Ud. ha leído eso?
You're going to tell me that you don't think I'll ever perfect the equation, that free will is not an illusion, that creativity and improvisation do exist.
Me dirás que no crees que yo perfeccionare la ecuación nunca, que libre albedrio no es una ilusión, que creatividad e improvisación existen. Yo
And don't tell me that your roller broke down.
Y no me digas que tu roller se averió.
I just said that... it's okay if you don't want to tell me.
Sólo preguntaba. No tienes que decírmelo.
Don't tell me that juror suicide has you spooked.
No me digas que el suicidio de ese jurado te ha espantado.
Don't tell me that - - that upset your delicate sensibilities.
No me digas que... que te he alterado tu delicada susceptibilidad.
Ohh! Don't tell me you're that stupid.
No me diga que es así de estúpida.

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