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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ E ] / Eat slowly

Eat slowly Çeviri İspanyolca

105 parallel translation
Eat slowly, Song Min-Che, I'll buy you another.
- Tu helado favorito. - Sí.
Eat slowly! You wolf it down!
Despacio, te vas a atragantar.
And eat slowly.
Y come despacio.
You can all share him. But eat slowly, don't be greedy.
No le den nada al viejo.
Slowly, eat slowly!
Despacio, despacio.
Eat slowly or you'll choke.
Come despacio, que te vas a ahogar.
Auntie said I had to eat slowly.
La tía dijo que debía comer despacito.
But he hates the sight of diners waiting. Neither is worth trying to eat slowly, because also this bothers him.
Detestaba ver esperando a sus convidados o que se esforzaran en comer lentamente, porque eso le fastidiaba.
Eat slowly.
Toma. Comed despacio.
Mr. Zenigata... eat slowly.
Señor Zenigata... coma despacio.
Eat slowly, call Tatsuhei now
Come sin ninguna prisa. - Come un poco más, que tú si que puedes.
Eat slowly
Come despacio.
Eat slowly so that you don't throw up.
Come despacio para no atragantarte.
Mountain guides eat slowly, in silence.
Los guías de la montaña comen despacio sin hablar.
Eat slowly, don't be afraid
Come despacio, no tengas miedo.
What else would I be? Eat slowly.
Come devagar, está quente.
Eat slowly, there is still rice left
- Comed despacio, aún queda arroz. - Gracias.
Eat slowly.
Come lentamente.
I'll eat slowly.
Me los comeré lentamente.
Eat slowly. It's bad for you.
Come despacio, te hará mal.
I don't know what you do, whether you write your radio poems or just eat slowly,
No sé qué haces, si escribes tus poemas para la radio o solo comes lentamente.
- Eat slowly.
- Come poco a poco.
Eat slowly.
Come lento.
Mother, eat slowly. Please!
Mamá, come despacio.
Eat slowly!
¡ Come despacio!
We have to eat slowly, We have to eat slowly, so we can eat longer.
Tenemos que comer despacio, para poder comer más rato.
Mommy, eat slowly.
Mamá, come despacio.
Drink water and eat slowly.
Bebe agua y come lentamente.
Now, lads, for your own good, eat and drink slowly.
Muchachos por su propio bien, coman y tomen despacio.
Eat slowly.
I'll have to tell them to eat it slowly because if they eat it too fast on an empty stomach, they'll...
Les diré que se lo coman despacio porque si se lo comen muy rápido con el estómago vacío, podrían...
You just be quiet. Be a nice girl. Now, eat them slowly.
Estate calladita y cómelos despacio.
You shouldn't eat so slowly on purpose, like that.
¡ No deberías comer así de lento a posta!
Eat it slowly.
Come despacio.
Unimportant, slowly eat
Olvídalo y come.
Eat slowly.
Come despacio.
Slowly... eat more Teacher
despacio... come mas maestro
I know this is your favorite dessert, Richard, but try to eat more slowly.
Sé que es tu postre favorito, Richard, pero come más lentamente.
But don't eat too slowly.
Pero tampoco coma demasiado lentamente.
You must eat it very slowly, particularly the males.
Deben comerlo muy lentamente, En particular los varones.
Savour it, eat it slowly... and then, then, then, you come back for more.
La saboreas lentamente... y entonces comes un poco más.
Slowly, I'd pull a cream puff out of my cleavage and then I'd eat it.
Saco lentamente una barrita de crema de mi escote y me la como.
You're going to lose if you eat it slowly.
Vas a perder si comes tan despacio.
Eat like a human, slowly.
Come como un ser humano, lentamente.
Oh, I just love the paralysis. It means I can eat you slowly.
Oh, me encanta la paralisis asi puedo comerte despacio
OK give him something to eat, but slowly
Ya démosle comida pero despacito, ¿ con cuidado, ya?
- He's little, he won't eat more. - Slowly, slowly. Rachel!
El es un chico, no puede comer más.
Did my parents eat exceptionally slowly tonight?
Mis padres han comido excepcionalmente despacio esta noche?
It's what Americans eat when they want to commit suicide slowly.
Es lo que comen los Americanos cuando quieren suicidarse lentamente.
Normally I'd eat more slowly, but then I end up sitting here alone because he leaves the table as soon as he's done.
Normalmente como más despacio, pero siempre acabo sentada aquí sola, porque él se va enseguida.
You eat so slowly... like an aristocrat.
Comes muy despacio, cómo un aristócrata.

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