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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ G ] / Geoff

Geoff Çeviri İspanyolca

1,294 parallel translation
- You know what they say, Geoff.
- Ya sabes lo que dicen, Geoff.
I don't know what you're on about, Geoff.
No sé que quieres decir, Geoff.
- Geoff, it doesn't matter now.
- Geoff, no importa ahora.
- Geoff, I can't remember it.
- Geoff, no lo recuerdo.
Geoff is ajoke, he enters a talent competition and loses.
Geoff es una broma, entra en un concurso de talentos y pierde.
Calm, Geoff!
¡ Calma, Geoff!
In San Francisco, Geoff Marcy was planet hunting.
Por ejemplo Geoff Marcy, que trabajaba en el observatorio de Lick, en San Francisco.
Geoff Marcy's team alone have now discovered 12 possible planets.
El equipo de Geoff Marcy ya ha descubierto 12 posibles nuevos planetas.
And who could have known that Geoff, the orphan stable boy at our monastery, would reveal the deepest secret... of what is truly in a drag ors heart.
Y quien podria saber que Geoff, un huérfano que limpia los establos de nuestro monasterio, revelaría su secreto mayor, que realmente há hallado el corazón de un dragón?
- Geoff.
You're right, Geoff.
Tienes razón, Geoff.
- I'm Geoff.
- Soy Geoff.
Back at the monastery, Geoff visited the dung eon... every chance he got.
Léjos del monasterio. Geoff visitaba el calabozo siempre que podía.
Geoff must have been sorely disappointed to learn he had befriended a drag on... who had no idea how to fly or breathe fire.
Geoff debe haberse decepcionado al saber que su amigo dragón ni se imaginaba como volar... o lanzar fuego.
Oh, come on, Geoff.
Bueno, Geoff.
I'm Geoff.
- El mío es Geoff.
Geoff, any ideas, because I'm getting tired?
- Geoff. Alguna idéa? Porque estoy cansado.
- Geoff.
Geoff here will be adjunct protector of the realm.
Geoff será protector adjunto del reino.
Well, if-if they're friends of Geoff's, they're friends of mine.
Si son amigos de Geoff, son amigos míos.
Geoff's well on his way to becoming a knight.
Roland. Geoff está próximo a convertirse en caballero.
Geoff, you don't plan to be like the knights in this book, do you?
- Geoff. Tu no pretendes ser como los caballeros en este libro, no?
Didrt Kwan say that most drag ons can't breathe ice? Geoff.
Kwan no dice que muchos dragones no pueden escupir hielo?
Geoff, he is disappointed in you.
Geoff, está desanimado contigo.
Geoff, I don't like the looks of this.
Geoff, esto no me esta gustando.
Be careful, Geoff.
Cuidado, Geoff.
Geoff! Look out!
Geoff, cuidado!
Geoff, I'm not alone.
- Geoff, no estoy solo.
If it wasn't for Geoff, I would've given you my heart... and lost my soul.
Si no fuese por Geoff, yo te habria dado mi corazón... y perdido mi alma.
As for Geoff and Drake, they finally had what they'd really wanted from the start.
En cuanto a Geoff y Drake... finalmente consiguieron lo que querían desde el comienzo :
Oh, Geoff, what are we going to do?
Oh, Geoff, ¿ qué vamos a hacer?
Oh, Geoff, thank God, he's alive.
Oh, Geoff, gracias a Dios, está vivo.
Thank you, Geoff.
Gracias, Geoff.
Geoff,'tis my lady.
Geoff, ésta es mi señora.
Geoff. - What?
- ¿ Qué?
Tell them, Geoff.
Díselo Geoff.
- Geoff.
- Geoff.
And you, Geoff?
¿ Y tú, Geoff?
( snorts ) Maybe Geoff will be Mike's new bride.
A lo mejor Geff sera la nueva novia de Mike.
- Just back from the Himalayas (? ) - ( Geoff laughs )
- Recién vuelvo del Himalaya.
Frankie you know, Geoff I'm sure you've heard of.
Frankie tu sabes, Geoff estoy seguro que has escuchado de esto.
- ( Geoff ) Bye-bye, Martin!
- Chau-Chau, Martin!
- ( Geoff chuckles )
- Bob y Sally.
Geoff, you shouldn't say that.
Geoff, no debes decir eso.
But if anything happens to Martin, it's Geoff's fault, OK?
Pero si algo le pasa a Martin, Es culpa de Geoff, ok?
Um, how was the castle?
- Geoff?
- Como está el castillo?
Geoff, tell Drake to give me his heart.
Trae a Drake para que me dé su corazón.
Come on, Geoff!
Vamos, Geoff.
Geoff, get down!
- Geoff, agáchate!

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