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Harriet jones Çeviri İspanyolca

31 parallel translation
- A woman called Harriet Jones.
- Una mujer llamada Harriet Jones.
Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North.
Harriet Jones, MP de Flydale North. Lo siento, podria esperar esot?
Harriet Jones, MP Flydale North.
Harriet Jones, el MP Flydale Norte.
Harriet Jones MP, Flydale North.
Harriet Jones MP, Flydale North.
Next thing you know, there's a bag of oranges... Is that Harriet Jones?
Lo siguiente que sabes, es que hay una bolsa de naranjas... ¿ Esa es Harriet Jones?
Harriet Jones.
Harriet Jones.
Harriet Jones, Prime Minister.
Harriet Jones, Primer Ministro.
And Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North.
y Harriet Jones, MP por Flydale North.
Don't challenge me, Harriet Jones.
No me desafíes, Harriet Jones.
Look, it's Harriet Jones!
¡ Mira, es Harriet Jones!
Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North.
Harriet Jones. Diputada por Flydale North.
- Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North.
- Harriet Jones Diputada por Flydale North.
- I like you.
- Harriet Jones, me gustas.
- Harriet Jones. I've heard that name before.
Harriet Jones, he oído antes ese nombre.
- It rings a bell. Harriet Jones.
Me suena.
Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North.
Harriet Jones, Diputada por Flydale North.
- Harriet Jones. MP Flydale North.
Harriet Jones, Diputada por Flydale North.
- Harriet Jones! - Who does she think she is?
Harriet Jones, ¿ quién se ha creído que es?
This is his first honest-to-God appearance, just after the downfall of Harriet Jones. And at the exact same time, they launched the Archangel Network.
Ésta es su primera aparición justo tras la caída de Harriet Jones y al mismo tiempo en que lanzaron la Red Arcángel.
Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister.
Harriet Jones, Ex Primer Ministro.
- Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister.
Harriet Jones, Ex Primer Ministro.
Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister.
Harriet Jones. Ex Primer Ministro.
Harriet Jones.
- Harriet Jones.
- Harriet Jones.
Harriet Jones.
Detective Sergeant Jones, this is Miss Harriet Tidyman.
Detective Sargento Jones, ésta es la Srta. Harriet Tidyman.
Dr. Jones, as your Operational Line Manager, I am asking you with extreme prejudice to take a meeting with Harriet Chetwode-Talbot.
Dr. Jones, como director de la línea operativa, le pido con extremo prejuicio que acepte una reunión con Harriet Chetwode-Talbot.

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