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He's still alive Çeviri İspanyolca

1,678 parallel translation
He's still alive.
Está vivo.
I'm talking about you fucking my father's best friend while he was still alive.
Te acostabas con su mejor amigo desde antes.
Concussion is still alive, and he's coming back.
Concusión sigue vivo y va a volver.
Well, look, he's still alive, isn't he?
Bueno, mira, aún está vivo ¿ no?
The fact that Baldwin is still in the hospital and he's still alive.
Que Baldwin siga en el hospital y no se haya muerto.
- He's still alive?
- ¡ John!
He's still alive.
Todavía está vivo
Even if he's still alive, how strong could he be?
, aun si estuviera vivo, ¿ que tan fuerte podría estar?
I feel like Daddy's still alive, and he's just gonna come and save us.
Siento como si papá siguiera vivo y viniera a salvarnos.
He's still alive.
ÉI sigue vivo.
- He's still alive.
- Sigue vivo.
How come he's still alive?
¿ Cómo es que está todavía vivo?
And he's still alive, and I still don't talk to him.
Aún vive y seguimos sin hablar.
He's still alive, sir.
Aún está vivo, señor.
He's still alive
Él está vivo
- He's still alive!
¡ Está vivo aun!
That Morgan character is apparently still alive and he's a maniac.
Al parecer, Morgan está vivo y es un loco.
So the guy has him clipped, But he's still alive When they cut him up.
El hombre ordena que lo maten, pero sigue vivo cuando lo descuartizan.
He's still alive!
está vivo todavía.
If he's still alive when I've said amen, there's still hope.
Si cuando diga "amén" sigue vivo, es que hay esperanzas.
When Cummings finds out that you're still alive, he's gonna come after you again.
Cuando Cummings descubra que sigues vivo irá por ti otra vez. Sí.
But my husband's up there, and if there's any chance he's still alive, then, by God, I'll assist him.
Pero mi esposo está arriba, y si hay posibilidad de que esté vivo por Dios que lo ayudaré.
I need to say good-bye to my best friend Russell while he's still alive.
Necesito decirle adiós a mi mejor amigo Russell mientras todavía esta vivo.
If he took her last night, then she's still alive.
Si se la llevó anoche, entonces todavía está viva.
He's still alive!
Aún está vivo!
If Daniel's still alive hopefully he'll get the message that we're here and he can ring aboard.
Si Daniel sigue vivo espero que reciba el mensaje de que estamos aquí y que podemos transportarlo con los anillos a bordo.
So the guy has him clipped, but he's still alive when they cut him up.
El hombre ordena que lo maten, pero sigue vivo cuando lo descuartizan.
He wants us to think she's still alive.
Él quiere que creamos que ella aun vive.
Ask sergeant Rúnar, if he's still alive. That piece of filth.
Pregúntele al sargento Rúnar, si es que sigue vivo. ¡ Ese desgraciado!
You talk about him like he's still alive! Shut up!
- Hablas como si estuviese vivo.
You talk about him like he's still alive! No!
- Hablas como si estuviese vivo.
- At least we know he's still alive.
Bien, al menos savemos que está vivo.
So you're saying he's actually still alive?
¿ Así que me estás diciendo que, de hecho, está aún vivo?
So Stark is the key, and that monitor in his office is still working, which means he's still alive.
Entonces Stark es la clave y ese monitor en su oficina sigue funcionando lo cual significa que él sigue vivo.
He's still alive.
Aún está vivo.
the intended victim, if he's still alive, is in terrible danger.
La víctima original, si sigue con vida, está en gran peligro.
- That he's still alive.
- Que aún está vivo.
- Yes, that he's still alive.
- Sí, que aún está vivo.
I'll go see if anyone inside knows him. If he's still alive.
Vamos a ver dentro si alguien lo conoce, si todavía está vivo.
I hope he's still alive.
Espero que aún este vivo.
The woman is dead, the guy is still alive... but he's not talking.
La mujer está muerta, el tipo sigue vivo, pero no habla.
So aaron is... trying to find that man - if-if he's still alive-or his family.
Entonces Aaron está... intentando encontrar a ese hombre.. si.. si aún sigue vivo, o a su familia.
If he's still alive.
Si aún está vivo.
Ifhe's alive, he's still up.
Si aun sigue con vida, estará despierto.
It's a miracle that he's even still alive.
Es un milagro que siga vivo.
Hey, he's still alive.
Hey, aún está vivo.
He's still alive.
Aún sigue vivo.
It was a coincidence, and he's still alive.
Eso fue una coincidencia, y el todavía vive
He's all banged up, but he's still alive'cause he's high as a goddamned kite, and we are gonna gonna answer those calls the same way we answered this one tonight.
Esta todo golpeado, pero todavia vivo porque esta drogado como un maldito cometa, Y contestamos esos llamados del mismo modo en que lo hicimos esta noche.
He's still alive.I mean, they don't know why.
Todavía está vivo. No saben el porqué.
Lucky he's still alive.
Por suerte, está vivo.

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