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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / Heurtebise

Heurtebise Çeviri İspanyolca

47 parallel translation
Heurtebise, help Cegeste across the square.
Heurtebise, ayude a Cegeste a cruzar la plaza.
Heurtebise, help them.
Heurtebise, ayúdele.
My name is Heurtebise.
Mi nombre es Heurtebise.
Heurtebise, at your service.
Heurtebise, a su servicio.
There's a woman for you, Heurtebise.
Mira la mujer ésta, Heurtebise.
Where could they be coming from, Heurtebise?
¿ De dónde podrán venir, Heurtebise?
Take her away, Heurtebise, or I'll do something I'll regret!
Llévesela, Heurtebise, o haré algo que tendré que lamentar!
Heurtebise, I may be silly but I feel things.
Heurtebise, puede que sea boba, pero noto ciertas cosas.
- I must go, Heurtebise.
- Debo ir, Heurtebise.
Heurtebise will help you.
Heurtebise le ayudará.
Could I appear and disappear like Heurtebise?
¿ Señora, podría aparecer y desaparecer como Heurtebise?
I suppose, Heurtebise, that you want to stay on Earth?
Supongo, Heurtebise, que quiere permanecer en la Tierra.
Heurtebise, there's nothing more to be done.
Heurtebise, no se puede hacer nada más.
Did you notice anything peculiar about Heurtebise's behavior?
¿ Notó alguna cosa especial en el comportamiento de Heurtebise?
So, Heurtebise... now is the time to say what you have to say.
Y bien, Heurtebise... ahora es el momento de decir lo que tienes que decir.
It's Heurtebise.
Es Heurtebise.
Heurtebise, do you love this woman?
Heurtebise, ¿ ama usted a esta mujer?
Do you love this woman?
Heurtebise, ¿ ama usted a esta mujer?
Heurtebise forbids me to look at myself in the mirror.
Heurtebise me prohibe que me mire en el espejo.
Heurtebise will sit you down while I'm in the kitchen.
Heurtebise te sentará mientras yo estoy en la cocina.
You know that.
Usted lo sabe, Heurtebise.
It had to happen, Heurtebise.
Tenía que pasar, Heurtebise.
The letter, Heurtebise.
La carta, Heurtebise.
Heurtebise leads Orpheus where he should not lead him.
Heurtebise conduce a Orfeo a donde no debería llevarle.
Heurtebise, I'll help you.
Heurtebise, yo le ayudo.
You must will it, Heurtebise. You must!
Debe desearlo, Heurtebise. ¡ Debeis!
A fiinal effort, Heurtebise.
Un esfuerzo final, Heurtebise.
Heurtebise, listen, be it white or grey... flour is tough.
# Heurtebise nota que, sea por blanca o sea por gris,... #... la harina le da sed. #
Heurtebise, my friend... what has become of your sweetheart?
# Heurtebise, mi compadre... # #... ¿ qué has hecho de tu comadre? #
Heurtebise, my friend, you have found again your sweetheart.
# Heurtebise, mi compadre, encontraste a tu comadre. #
Heurtebise, my dear friend, you'll not be thirsty anymore!
# Heurtebise, amigo, ya el gaznate se refrescará. #
Heurtebise, hear, my friend, there's not more thirst!
# Heurtebise, ahora ya, el gaznate fresco está. #
Heurtebise, that's it, your tongue is no longer itching.
# Heurtebise, le va bien a la lengua este frescor. #
Heurtebise, finally the rabies and the smallpox are gone.
# Heurtebise el buen licor aplaca el enojo y el calor. #
Mother of the Barrels, it's been a long time since I last saw you.
Heurtebise : Comadre de la Cuba, cuánto tiempo sin verte.
Heurtebise, my husband, you are so skinny!
¡ Heurtebise, marido mío, estás muy desmejorado!
Heurtebise, my husband I brought some things that will keep you happy! Barrels, barrels, my wife!
¡ Heurtebise, marido mío lo que te traigo te hará estar tranquilo!
Heurtebise, my friend, you have said good things, here's hug! Hurrah for Heurtebise! Hurrah for the Lady of the Barrels!
Heurtebise, amigo mío, muy bién dicho, así que ¡ dame un abrazo!
Is it not the best time to have a drink now that half of France is closer to her heart, and the other half and Heurtebise have found Lady Grapes?
- Campesino 1 : ¿ No es quizás el momento de beber una jarra... ahora que media Francia ha estrechado sobre su corazón a la otra mitad y Heurbetise ha reencontrado a Madame Uva?
You left me alone in the zone where the living are not alive and the dead are not dead. arrested Princess the and Heurtebise with me of became what care you Did. ?
Usted me dejó solo en la zona donde los vivos no están vivos, donde los muertos no están muertos.
Before that, it was the name of an angel in my poem "L'Ange Heurtebise."
Antes, fue él de uno de los ángeles de mi poema "El ángel Heurtebise".
Heurtebise, the princess?
Heurtebise, ¿ y la princesa?
I lost, I mean :
# ¡ Heurtebise! - Reynaldo : He perdido :

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