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I know it's not easy Çeviri İspanyolca

368 parallel translation
It's not easy for me. Oh, I don't know.
No es fácil para mí.
I know. But it's not easy.
No todos lo consiguen...
I know that it's not easy to ask you who have already retired of the performer's life and who lives as someone's wife, but I really want to ask you to help him. Meijinkai?
¿ Meijin-kai?
[All Chattering] i know. i know it's not an easy thing i'm asking you to do. But we can do it if we've got faith enough.
¡ Sé que lo que les pido que hagan no es nada fácil... pero podemos hacerlo si tenemos la fe suficiente!
I know it's not easy to do.
Sé que no es fácil.
I know it's my duty to get back to England into the fight again... ... but it's not easy to leave Laddie behind.
Sé que es mi deber regresar a Inglaterra para volver a filas pero no me resulta fácil dejar atrás a Laddie.
I know it's not going to be easy to convince you that the things I said today was sincere...
Sé que no va a ser fácil convencerte de que lo que te he dicho es sincero...
I know you told me to try and get him out of my mind... but it's not that easy.
Sé que me dijiste que intentara quitármelo de la cabeza, pero no es tan fácil.
It's not easy, I know. But I'd like to explain.
No es muy fácil, lo sé, pero quisiera explicarte...
- I know it's not easy...
¿ No se le ocurre otra cosa?
I can't shut it, it's not easy you know!
¡ No puedo callarla, no es fácil!
I only know it's a good script, and they're not easy to find.
Sólo sé que es una buena obra y eso no es fácil de encontrar.
I would Iike to add mine to those... but I must make up my mind. It's not easy, you know.
Quisiera agregar los míos... pero aún debo tomar una decisión.
It's not easy, you know that, but I intend to find one.
Pero sabes que no es fácil. Tengo la intención.
I know you live as best as you can... and it's not easy.
Sé que vives lo mejor que puedes y que no es fácil.
As you know, signora since I lost my husband life has not been easy for me and frankly it's never been more difficult than it is just now.
Como sabe, signora desde que perdí a mi marido la vida no ha sido nada fácil para mí y francamente nunca ha sido más difícil que en estos momentos.
No, I'm still looking. It's not easy, you know.
No, lo estoy buscando, no es fácil ¿ sabes?
- That's not an easy thing. - I know, but it seems easy to him.
Lo sé, pero parece ser fácil para él.
I know it's not easy, but you must remember we're that nice couple from London on holiday in the Highlands.
Sé que no es fácil, pero recuerde... que somos una pareja agradable de Londres... de paseo en las Tierras Altas.
I know it's late, but this is not easy to live with.
Yo sé que es tarde, pero esto no es fácil vivir con.
I mean, you know, if you've - if you've got a job like, and... well it's-it's no good... you know it's-you know when it's no good, so you... you know, you know you don't do it, but... it's-well it's not... you know-it's not so easy to know what it is you-you really do want to do.
Quiero decir que, si tienes un trabajo... y no es bueno tú sabes cuando no es bueno, ¿ ves? Sabes que no lo haces pero... es... pero no es... Sabes, no es realmente fácil saber lo que verdaderamente quieres hacer.
- It's not easy, I know.
- No es fácil, ya sé.
- Yes, I know it's not easy.
No es fácil.
It's not an easy question to answer. I don't really know. I find it all quite bewildering.
¿ La rietest, Helmer educar antes que él lee la primera letra.
I know it's not easy being an underdog
Sé que no es fácil ser el menos favorecido.
I know it's not easy... but we'll make a human being out of you yet.
Es difícil, claro. Pero lograremos hacer de ti un hombre.
And I found him here. You know, it's not easy getting him to move.
Bueno, lo encontré aquí y ya sabes que no es fácil hacerlos cambiar.
Mr Fériaud, I know it's not easy to admit what one has seen isn't real.
Sr. Fériaud, sé que cuesta admitir que lo que uno ha visto no es real.
Yes, we do. I mean, nowadays, it's not easy to find the time to... I don't know...
Puedes ir para huir de la acelerada vida moderna.
I know honey, it's not easy for you, I'll make it up to you I swear.
Ya sé que no es fácil, cariño, ya lo sé. Voy a ayudarte, te lo prometo.
I know it's not easy.
Muy deprisa.
It won't be easy, letting her know She's not on the phone and I shouldn't call her at the office
Intentaré avisarla, pero no tiene teléfono y al trabajo no puedo llamarla.
You know, I'm not saying it's going to be easy.
No estoy diciendo que será fácil.
I know it's not gonna be easy, but when you come right down to it... all you've got is your loved ones.
No será fácil, pero si lo piensas... es lo único que tienes.
I know it's not easy.
No es sencillo.
Don't be put off by the decor, I know it's not House Garden but I mostly deal with people that are down. I like to make them feel easy.
No se deje llevar por la decoración sabe, la mayoría de las veces trato con gente no muy pudiente y me gusta hacerlos sentir cómodos.
- I know it's not easy for you.
Sé que no es fácil, Karel. - ¿ Pero a quién puedo confiárselo?
I know it's not easy for you all.
Sé que no es fácil para vosotras.
You know, it's not gonna be easy. I'll need evidence.
No va a ser fácil, necesito más evidencia.
I know, baby, but it's not that easy. Well, there's no way I'm moving.
Lo sé cariño, pero no es tan fácil.
I know it's not easy to conquer the world.
Se que no es fácil conquistar el mundo.
I know it's not easy, but you didn't insist, wait and see.
Se que no es fácil, pero no insistes lo suficiente, observa.
Look, I know this is sudden. It's not easy for me, either.
Así, tan repentino, pero tampoco es fácil para mí.
- I don't know - maybe you gotta wait a while, you know...'cause, like, maybe it's not so easy to find, like, the exact right guy, you know.
Porque quizás no es tan fácil encontrar al tipo exacto.
I know it's not easy right now.
Sé que ahora no es fácil.
I know it's not going to be easy, but we must face what's happened.
Sé que no será fácil, pero debemos afrontar lo sucedido.
You know, I'm trying, Brandon, but it's not easy.
Lo intento, Brandon, pero no es fácil.
Well, all I know is that it's not easy for a guy to change who he is.
Bueno, todo lo que sé es que no es fácil para un chico cambiar quién es.
Wherever he is, I imagine him happy. I know it's not easy, but put it out of your mind.
Yo te aconsejaba, a pesar de todo, una visita y no ese tipo de tratamiento a lo idiota.
It's not easy for me. I always control my emotions, my feelings. You know, and I just need time to change.
Siempre controlo mis emociones, necesito tiempo para cambiar.
I know it's not easy.
Sé que no es fácil.

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