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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I want to live with you

I want to live with you Çeviri İspanyolca

465 parallel translation
No, I want to live with you.
No, quiero vivir contigo.
" I want to live with you..
" Quiero vivir contigo...
I want to live with you! Only with you! "
¡ Quiero vivir contigo, sólo contigo! "
"I want to live with you." "Only with you!"
- "Quiero vivir contigo..." - ¡ Quiero vivir contigo!
I want to live, I want to live with you.
Quiero vivir, quiero vivir con vosotros.
I don't want to die. I want to live with you.
No quiero morir, quiero vivir contigo.
# I want to live with you the good life. # I want to be with you in your arms forever.
# Quiero quedarme contigo toda la vida,... # # quiero quedarme contigo, siempre abrazados... #
I want to live with you.
Quiero vivir contigo.
I want to live with you!
¡ Quiero vivir contigo!
I want to live with you and I look forward to us becoming partners.
Yo lo que quiero es vivir contigo y que volvamos a ser socios.
I don't want to live with her or anyone else, I want to live with you!
¡ Yo no quiero vivir con ella ni con nadie, yo quiero vivir contigo!
I want to live with you.
Deseo vivir contigo.
I want to live with you!
¡ Anhelo vivir contigo!
No, I want to live with you
No, quiero vivir contigo.
I want to come and live with you.
Quiero ir a vivir con usted
If I can't live the rest of my life with you... I don't want to live it at all.
Si no puedo vivir el resto de mi vida contigo no quiero vivirla en absoluto.
I don't want to live with a sister who'd do such a thing to you.
No quiero vivir con una hermana que haga tales cosas.
There's a herd of skunks in this town that ain't got a right to live... and when I finish with the head one, you can do what you want with the rest.
En esta ciudad hay una manada de canallas sin derecho a vivir, y cuando acabe con el jefe, haced lo que queráis con los demás. De Jeff Carteret me ocupo yo.
There's a herd of skunks in this town that ain't got a right to live... and when I finish with the head one, you can do what you want with the rest.
En esta ciudad hay una manada de canallas sin derecho a vivir, y cuando acabe con el jefe, haced lo que queráis con los demás.
- I want to live here with you. - You do?
- Quiero vivir aquí contigo.
I know why you've made Walter do his daily lessons with her. I know why you want him to live here.
Y que Walter estudiara con ella y viviera aquí.
I want to live together with you.
Quiero cohabitar con usted.
- Of course. What are you learnin her about dead people for? All I want you to do is to teach her how to act with live people.
Quiero que sepa comportarse con los vivos, y basta.
If Elwood and I and Myrtle Mae want to live with Harvey, what's it to you?
Si nosotros queremos vivir con Harvey,
For as long as we live, I will be content with a symbolic marriage I want you to bring some happiness into my sister's life
Solamente puedo ofrecerte un matrimonio en apariencia, porque sé que así hago feliz a mi hermana.
I don't want to live with a man like you
Yo no quiero vivir con un hombre como tú...
I want to live here with you
Quiero vivir aquí contigo.
you want to go away, but how will we live if I come with you?
Tú quieres irte,... ¿ pero cómo viviremos si voy contigo?
And I love him, and I want to live with him. Do you understand?
Y le amo y quiero vivir con él, ¿ comprendes?
Only I want to be honest with you, I live for my work.
Pero quiero ser sincero con usted, yo vivo de mi trabajo.
Caterina, I want you to come and live with me in my house.
Quiero que te mudes conmigo.
But I don't want to live any other way than with you.
Pero no quiero vivir de otra forma que no sea contigo.
Quiero que los conozcan.
I want to live and die with you.
Solo quiero vivir y morir contigo.
Ally, I want you to know, both of us, we'd like very much for you to come and live with us.
Quiero que sepas... que a los dos nos gustaría mucho que vivieras con nosotros. Vamos.
I want you to take Ally to live with you.
Llévate a Ally contigo. Es un buen chico.
If I get married, you'll be alone, and you'll probably want to live with us.
Si yo me caso, quedarás solo, y querrás vivir con nosotros.
Anna, I want to make you a proposal come back to Rome with me tomorrow, we could live together, if you like.
Anna, tengo algo que proponerte. Vuelve a Roma conmigo, mañana. Podríamos vivir juntos, si quieres.
When will you understand that I can't live like this? ! That I don't want to be with you anymore?
¿ No entiendes que no quiero vivir así ni estar contigo?
I want to live with all the guts and goodness you left behind.
La ocasión de vivir. De vivir con toda la fuerza y valor que perdiste.
I want to live and come to you with victory.
- Quiero vivir y volver contigo victorioso.
I want you to live with me and die with me and everything with me.
Quiero que vivas conmigo y mueras conmigo y todo conmigo.
Let someone ask me what I want : To live with you in peace and love.
Si me preguntaran qué es lo que quiero diría que vivir en paz contigo.
I want you to live with me, but... there's a phone, and you had bad habits.
Quiero que vivas conmigo, pero... hay un teléfono, y tú tienes malas costumbres.
I want to go away with you... and come back with you... and live with you.
Quiero irme contigo, y regresar contigo, y vivir contigo.
If we can get Dani this mess I want you to come live with me as Miller is.
Si sacamos a Danny de este lío, quiero que venga a vivir conmigo, como lo que es, una Miller.
I live nearby, don't you want to come with me?
Yo vivo aquí al lado. ¿ Quieres venir conmigo?
I also want to live with you if I had 12 years.
Yo también quisiera vivir contigo si tuviese 12 años.
If you want to split up, I'll split up with you, but I can't live withiut my son.
Si quieres separarte, me separaré de ti, pero no puedo vivir sin mi hijo.
I want to get well and live with all of you again.
Quiero ponerme bien y volver a vivir con todos vosotros.
I think not started to love myself really Until told you not want to live with you.
Yo creo que no empezaste a quererme de verdad hasta que te dije que no quería seguir viviendo contigo.

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