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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I want you to know that

I want you to know that Çeviri İspanyolca

8,411 parallel translation
Okay, I know you're angry, and I want you to know that I hear you, and that's okay to feel like that.
De acuerdo, ya sé que estás enojado, y te quiero hacer saber que te oigo, y está bien sentirse así.
I want you to know that The Centre arranged for your son to get an early release from his assignment in Afghanistan.
Quiero que sepas que la Central ha dispuesto que tu hijo consiga una pronta liberación de su misión en Afganistán.
I want you to know that all of us who care about you, will be up all night in prayer for you.
Quiero que sepas que todos a quienes nos importas... pasaremos la noche en vela rezando por ti.
I want you to watch me and as you watch, I want you to know that one day you will walk, too.
Quiero que me veas. Y mientras me miras, quiero que sepas... que un día también caminarás.
I want you to know that this isn't your fault.
Quiero que sepas que no es tu culpa.
I want you to know that just because I'm marrying Tommy, it doesn't mean I'm ever going to stop loving you.
Quiero que sepas que el hecho de que me case con Tommy, no significa que dejare de quererte.
But I want you to know that I would never try to replace your mom.
Pero quiero que sepas que jamás intentaría reemplazar a tu madre.
And I want you to know that I think you killed them all, and I hope you get the electric chair for it.
Y quiero que sepa que creo que los ha matado a todos, y espero que le condenen a la silla eléctrica.
I want you to know that it was not my plan to prevent you from getting to know Dante.
Quiero que sepas que no fue plan mí prevenirte de conocer a Dante.
I want you to know that I'm going to look back on my time with you and remember you as an extraordinarily good-smelling woman with a magical ass.
Quiero que sepas que voy a echar la vista atrás a mi tiempo contigo y te recordaré como una mujer que olía estupendamente con un culo mágico.
I want you to know that you can count on me, too.
Quiero que sepas que tú también puedes contar conmigo.
Okay, before I say anything, I want you to know that I'm not even sure how I feel about this.
Vale, antes de que diga nada quiero que sepas que no estoy segura de cómo me siento sobre esto.
Before I go, I want you to know that I've made a decision.
Antes de irme, quiero que sé que he tomado una decisión.
Do I want to know where you had that made?
¿ Quisiera saber dónde hiciste eso?
I just want to make sure we're both on the same page, you know, that you're on board with the plan.
Sólo quiero asegurarme de que estamos en la misma página, ya sabes, que sigues a bordo con el plan.
Okay, and I just want you to know that this was a gag gift.
Y solo quiero que sepas que me la regalaron en broma.
Is that something you want to do? I don't know.
No lo sé.
You know, if that's what you want to do, go ahead, but I gotta tell you it's an awful sight.
Si es lo que quiere, adelante, pero le advierto que es algo espantoso.
And it was so cute, and he was so happy, and now I have to tell him I don't want to, and I don't even know how you say that.
Y Finn dice, "¿ cuál de los dos?" Sí. Nos reímos.
Look, I know, I know that you want to help Vincent and Cat, but you can't.
Mira, yo sé, yo sé que usted quieres ayudar Vicente y gato, pero usted no puede.
not because you think that's what I want to hear but because you know deep in your heart that it's true, and if you don't, we're all gonna die.
sino porque sabes en lo más profundo de tu corazón que eso es verdad, y sino lo haces, todos vamos a morir.
You knowing things that I would want to know.
Que tú sabes cosas que yo querría saber.
It's just that I know how Toby feels about you, and I don't want to see him get his heart broken again.
Es solamente que sé lo que Toby siente por ti, y no quiero ver como le rompen el corazón otra vez.
You want to know how that old man got got. I don't know nothing.
- Quiere saber cómo... es que ese anciano recibió un disparo.
I thought you'd want to know that I...
Pensé que querrías saber que..
I understand, but I want you to know I've been in that seat.
Lo entiendo, pero quiero que sepas que he estado en tu lugar.
I know that you want this to be science-fiction, but we are not in space.
Sé que quieres que esto sea ciencia-ficción, pero no estamos en el espacio.
I want you to suffer more... to know that it's never-ending.
Quiero que sufras más... para que sepas que es interminable.
I need you to do something for me that I know you won't want to do.
Necesito que haga algo por mí que sé que no querrá hacer.
Wherever she goes, she leaves pain in her wake, and I know you don't want April to fall victim to that, or you wouldn't be here.
Allá donde va, deja un rastro de dolor y sé que no quieres que April sea víctima de eso también o no estarías aquí.
I know that I'm the last person you want to listen to, and believe me when I tell you that you are the last person I want to help.
Sé que soy la última persona del mundo a la que escucharías y créeme cuando te digo que eres al último al que querría ayudar.
I understand the need to want to make sense of all this, but you have to make peace with the fact that we'll probably never know.
Entiendo la necesidad de querer que todo esto tenga sentido, pero tienes que hacer las paces con el hecho de que probablemente nunca lo sabremos.
It's just, now that I know exactly what you two have been through, I really don't want anything to mess this up.
Es que, ahora que sé exactamente lo que han... pasado, realmente no quiero que nada lo estropee.
Now, I don't know who Marie Wallace is to you, but I know that's where you want to go.
No sé quién es Marie Wallace para ti. pero sé que es dónde quieres ir.
I'm about to kill Han, and I know you're gonna want to see that.
Estoy a punto de matar a Han, y sé que querrás verlo.
Mr. Gardner, I know you're scared, and I want to assure you that you have nothing to worry about.
Señor Gardner, sé que está asustado, y quiero asegurarle que no tiene nada de lo que preocuparse.
As for me, what I've noticed is that the more weird and gross you are, the less people want to know about you.
En cuanto a mí, de lo que me he dado cuenta es de que, cuanto más rara y asquerosa eres, menos quiere saber la gente de ti.
I, uh--look, I just want to clear the air and let you know that I'm really sorry.
Mira, solo quiero enfriar los ánimos y decirte que lo siento mucho.
You know that means I took his case, and I don't want to hear any gloating.
Sabes que eso quiere decir que acepté su caso, y no quiero oír nada de regodeo.
Look, Chris, I'm sorry. You can have Heather back. But I just want you to know, if you ever treat a real woman the way you treat that doll, you're gonna make her very happy.
Pero solo quiero que sepas que, si alguna vez tratas a una mujer real de la forma que tratas a esa muñeca, tu vas a hacerla muy feliz,
Okay, look, I know that you have been through a lot, and that you don't want to talk about it.
Vale, mira, sé que has pasado por mucho, y que no quieres hablar de ello.
I want to say, guys, you know, we're getting a second chance here, and it's not something that happens to a lot of people, you know?
Quiero decir, tíos, que tenemos una segunda oportunidad aquí, y eso no es algo que le pase a todo el mundo, ¿ sabéis?
Because, you know, I think that I want to be a director / choreographer.
Porque creo que quiero ser directora / coreógrafa.
And I also know that you want to get revenge on them all by exposing this story.
Y sé que quieres vengarte con esto.
Do I want to know why you're dressed like that?
¿ Quiero saber por qué estás vestida así?
I know he is, but I want to hear that you're crazy about him, too, that you're not settling.
Ya sé, pero quiero escuchar que tú también estás loca por él, esa eres tú no sentando cabeza.
Look, despite what the congressman is saying, I just want you to know that I believe you.
Mire, a pesar de lo que dice el congresista, solo quiero que sepa que la creo.
I just want you to know that I'm suppressing the urge to whistle the theme to Close Encounters right now.
Quiero que sepas que estoy sorprendentemente... urgido de silbar el tema de Encuentros Cercanos, ahora.
Because there's something that I wanted to ask you, and I-I didn't want to suggest it in case, you know, I was... .. holding you back.
Porque hay algo que quería preguntarte, y yo no quería sugerirlo en caso de que, ya sabes, yo fuera... reteniéndote.
You know, Mike's always saying that he doesn't want me to treat him like a baby, but right now I'd like to swat him on the bottom and put him to bed without a bottle.
Mike siempre dice que no quiere que yo lo trate como a un bebé... pero en este momento me gustaría golpearle el trasero... y mandarlo a la cama sin mamadera.
You know, that's great if you have absolutely any idea what the hell you want the rest of your life to look like, but I just don't, and I can't take it.
Ya sabes, es genial si tienes absolutamente una idea sobre como demonios quieres que sea el resto de tu vida. pero yo solo no puedo, y no puedo lidiar con ello.

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