If he's not Çeviri İspanyolca
5,458 parallel translation
I cheated to get here, and if you put me in front of Henry Gerard, he's not gonna remember me.
Hice trampas para llegar a donde estoy, y si me pones delante de Henry Gerar, no va a recordarme.
Don't know if you saw on there or not, but he's an organ donor.
No sé si lo viste allí o no, pero es donante de órganos.
And I thought, like, if at Marcus'party, there's just, like, a few stragglers and I'm not there, he's gonna be super bummed, but if there's this awesome game truck packed with his buddies...
Y yo pensé, si en la fiesta de Marcus hay sólo un par de raritos y yo no estoy se va a quedar destrozado, pero si tiene este impresionante camión de juegos con su pandilla de amigos...
Well, if he's not here, maybe he's with the partner.
Bueno, si no está aquí, quizá esté con su cómplice.
Just be yourself, and if he's not into Jessica day, then there's something wrong with him.
Solo se tú misma, y si no le gusta Jessica Day, entonces le pasa algo.
If he feels it's not the bowl, it's not the bowl.
Si siente que no es la fuente, es que no es la fuente.
Well, I'm assuming that he's not the greatest guy if he's hurling bricks at our mother's head.
Supongo que no es mejor chico... si lanza ladrillos a la cabeza de nuestra madre.
He's not under oath, but you'll know if he's lying.
No está bajo juramento,, pero usted sabrá si él está mintiendo.
Okay, well, witness is at Rikers so I guess if I'm late, it's not like he's going anywhere.
Vale, bueno, el testigo está en la cárcel de Rickers por lo que supongo que puedo llegar tarde ya que él no va a ir a ninguna parte.
Nathan said if he's not kidnapped by Sunday, he'll come home.
Nathan dijo que si no es secuestrado antes del Domingo, regresaría a casa.
Not if he's in jail too.
No si esta en la carcel tambien.
I chose the latter, cos if he's found not guilty, he can come and go as he pleases.
Elegí lo último, porque si lo encuentran no culpable, puede ir y venir cuando quiera.
- So if he can't have an honest conversation with your best interests in mind, he's not your friend, and- - and he shouldn't be your boss.
- Así que si él no puede tener una conversación honesta con sus mejores intereses en mente, él no es tu amigo, y - y no debe ser su jefe.
It's not unfaithful if he's dead.
No es infidelidad si está muerto.
If he's not going home with us, we need to find the perfect home for McConaughey.
Si no viene a casa con nosotros, tenemos que encontrar el hogar perfecto para McConaughey.
Because he's not sure if he will be able to endure the situation where... he can't move his body at all and communicate anymore.
Porque no está seguro de poder soportar una situación en la que... no puede mover su cuerpo y estar incomunicado.
If he's going to be programmed By a family experience, why not this family?
Si va a ser programado mediante una experiencia de familia, ¿ por qué no esta familia?
But if he's not a victim or a perp, then why did the machine give us his number?
Pero si no es una víctima ni un agresor, ¿ por qué la máquina nos dio su número?
What if he's not the right man?
¿ Qué sucede si no es el hombre correcto?
And if that makes me a romantic and not a realist, well, that's the way that I'm choosing to live my life.
Y si eso me hace una romántica y no realista, bueno, esa es la manera en que he elegido vivir mi vida.
If he's not there, it hurts the brand.
Si el no esta, daña a la marca
He's not the right profile. You know, if danny were a girl, Blonde, few years younger,
Ya sabéis, si Danny fuera una niña, rubia, unos años menos, este pueblo estaría lleno de periodistas
If he's not there, the girl dies.
Si él no está allí... la chica muere.
And if he says the wrong thing, they'll know he's not an Equesticle!
Si se equivoca con algo de esto sabrán que no es un Ecuestículo.
And it's not like I'd be honor bound to sleep with him if he were.
No es como si tuviese el honor de dormir con el si estuviera.
I believe that a husband should live with his wife, should lay with his wife if he's able to, and if he's not, then be truthful about why.
Creo que un marido debe vivir con su esposa, debe follar con su esposa si es capaz, y si no lo es, entonces ser veraz acerca de por qué.
- I think he has changed, and if it's not enough for you, then- -
- Yo creo que ha cambiado.
I bet he's not, but even if he is, Don't worry.
Apuesto a que no lo es, aunque si lo es, no te preocupes.
~ He's a good customer. ~ Not if he doesn't pay. Give it to me next week.
- Es un buen cliente.
If he's gonna serve time, we want federal prison, not joliet.
Si va a cumplir condena, queremos una prisión federal, no una prisión cualquiera.
If you give him a chance, you might find he's not that different.
Si le dieras una oportunidad verías que no es tan diferente.
This is his moment, and if he's not in it, it's going to just be torture.
Este es su momento, y si no está en él, que va a ser sólo la tortura.
He's not about to let the United States have Japan for themselves, and he believes if can beat America to the punch, his power on the world stage will be unmatched.
Él no está dispuesto a dejar que los Estados Unidos Japón tienen por sí mismos, y él cree que si puede vencer a los Estados Unidos para el ponche, su poder en el escenario mundial será inigualable.
And if it's not, he'll get practice dealing with the not winning, which will also be a win, so it's like a win-win-win-win-win?
Y si no lo es, practicará enfrentando el fracaso... lo cual también es una victoria, así que es como ganar... ganar...
Well, could you not find out if he's clocked on or not?
Bueno, podrías no saber si él está sincronizado o no?
The family can decide who to give the organs to if he's not a donor.
La familia puede decidir que dar a los órganos de si no es un donante.
And if he's not in love with her...
Y si él no está enamorada de ella...
Okay, well, if he's not looking for me, then who is he looking for?
Vale, bien, si no me está buscando, entonces ¿ a quién está buscando?
If you kill him, he's not worth anything to us.
Si lo matas, no nos servirá de nada.
Fine if it is, as long as he's not sniffing around after us.
Bien si lo es, mientras no esté husmeando sobre nosotros.
If he's out, I'm not sure what we'll nail him on.
Si se retiró, no se con que lo atraparemos.
Well, he's getting desperate and if memory serves me... it's not a good thing.
Bueno, se está desesperando y si la memoria no me falla... no es algo bueno.
Well, if he knows all that then we're not dealing with a man who's running away.
Si sabe todo eso, no tratamos con alguien que esté escapando.
That doesn't make sense, if he's not at Ultra...
No tiene sentido, si él no está en Ultra...
And he said he's not gonna say anything different if anyone asks.
Y ha dicho que no va a decir nada diferente si alguien pregunta.
The only other person who knows is the source, and he's not showing his face. - What if he does?
- Bueno, ¿ y si lo hace?
If he says something about Kristen that's true, I'm not gonna deny it.
Si dice algo sobre Kristen que es cierto, no voy a negarlo.
He's not gonna learn his lesson if you forgive him. The only way he's gonna learn a lesson is through pain and suffering and possibly losing a tooth.
Él no aprenderá su lección si tú lo perdonas, la única manera en que aprenderá la lección es a través de dolor y sufrimiento y posiblemente perdiendo un diente.
I've not forgotten the details of this case, if that's what you meant.
No he olvidado los detalles de este caso, si a eso se refiere.
If he's caught up in some of it, but not the worst of it, he'll be scared, and want to save his skin.
Si está metido en algo de esto, pero no en lo peor, estará asustado y querrá salvar el pellejo.
But if he's not lying, Terry Kucik's letters are the truth.
Pero si no está mintiendo, las cartas de Kucik dicen la verdad.
if he's not here 16
if he's not there 17
if he's still alive 35
if he's alive 49
if he's lucky 18
if he's innocent 26
if he's smart 25
if he's telling the truth 16
if he's here 40
if he's there 16
if he's not there 17
if he's still alive 35
if he's alive 49
if he's lucky 18
if he's innocent 26
if he's smart 25
if he's telling the truth 16
if he's here 40
if he's there 16
if he's right 17
if he's dead 32
if he's in there 17
if he's 16
he's not gonna make it 43
he's not my boyfriend 125
he's not worth it 85
he's not here anymore 22
he's not ready 47
he's not here 947
if he's dead 32
if he's in there 17
if he's 16
he's not gonna make it 43
he's not my boyfriend 125
he's not worth it 85
he's not here anymore 22
he's not ready 47
he's not here 947
he's not 1460
he's not there 182
he's not my friend 74
he's not picking up 53
he's not responding 40
he's not here now 24
he's not wrong 55
he's not here right now 52
he's not moving 49
he's not answering 77
he's not there 182
he's not my friend 74
he's not picking up 53
he's not responding 40
he's not here now 24
he's not wrong 55
he's not here right now 52
he's not moving 49
he's not answering 77