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If he Çeviri İspanyolca

153,989 parallel translation
You will talk to him and tell us if he is reliable.
Hablará con él y nos dirá si es fiable.
What man, if he has 100 sheep and has lost a... does not leave the 99 grazing and goes for the lost...
¿ Qué hombre, si tiene 100 ovejas y ha perdido una... no deja las 99 pastando y va por la perdida...
Yes, I would like to know if he spoke of Shahanah to his Iranian lover.
Sí, me gustaría saber si habló de Shahanah a su amante iraní.
If he escapes alone.
When I tell you that you can not nor get into the bath... We'll see if he will send you on a mission.
Cuando le diga que no puedes ni meterte en la bañera... veremos si te manda de misión.
'For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? '
"¿ De qué le sirve a un hombre si gana el mundo entero y pierde su alma?".
If he fights back, you wait for my command before you fire.
Si se resiste, esperas mi orden antes de disparar.
If he was all over my wife like that, I'd have something to say about it.
Si él cogiera a mi esposa así, tendría algo que decir al respecto.
Like, I kept on thinking, "What if he's not good? Or what if I'm not good?"
Me preocupó que él o yo no sirviéramos.
He asked if he could practice-pitch it to me.
Va a ensayar su presentación conmigo.
- I don't know. He asked if he could pitch me, and I said sure, and then he kind of just like kept talking for a while.
Me pidió practicar, le dije que sí, y después siguió hablando un rato.
- What if he was using...
¿ Y si usó...?
Even if he could get away with it, could Dinesh really sell the company, knowing it's basically a Sizzler buffet for the sexually deranged?
Aunque lo logremos, ¿ está bien que venda una empresa sabiendo que es un bufé para pervertidos?
If he can stand, it can only enhance his reputation.
Si puede pararse, solo puede mejorar su reputación.
If he needs to piss or spew up, you'll fetch him a bucket.
Si necesita orinar o vomitar, le traerás un cubo.
Tell Reddington. See if he can find who did it.
Dile a Reddington a ver si puede averiguar quién lo hizo.
Because you don't know if he has it or where to procure it.
Porque no sabes si la tiene o dónde obtenerla.
If he dies, so does the chip, and everything on it.
Si muere, también muere el chip y todo lo que hay en él.
And if he was just a friend, why did you draw the shades when you went inside the house?
Si es solo un amigo, ¿ por qué cerrar las cortinas al entrar?
And if he hadn't set me free to find out, I would have never met you.
Y si no me hubiera liberado, no te habría conocido.
Hey, I don't care if he's Bill Gates.
- que significa eso? - Oye, por mí como si es Bill Gates.
If he were alive, he would've contacted me.
Si estuviera vivo, habría contactado conmigo.
If he hadn't been faking this memory loss, I would've taken the cure months ago.
Si él no hubiese fingido esa pérdida de memoria, yo me habría tomado la cura hace meses.
Thirty years if he pleas out.
30 años si se declara culpable.
Fitzpatrick will be lucky if he gets another week as showroom manager.
Fitzpatrick tendrá suerte si sigue otra semana de encargado de la sala.
I mean, if he were sick, he would tell us, wouldn't he?
Es decir, si estuviera enfermo nos lo diría, ¿ verdad?
I didn't know if he was gonna do it or not.
No sabía si iba a hacerlo o no.
Which, I don't even know if he knew the part about- -
Y ni siquiera sé si él conocía la parte sobre...
If he's miserable enough... It could work.
Si lo pasa muy mal... podría funcionar.
I mean, it would make sense that he's out with those kids if- - if he's trying to work them against Pasha, but... 3 : 00 AM just seems a little late.
A ver, tendría sentido que estuviera con esos otros chicos si... trata de ponerlos en contra de Pasha, pero... Las tres de la madrugada parece un poco tarde.
I told him if he sang one song. Just one. Then he could come to my softball games.
Le he dicho que si cantaba una canción, solo una... que luego podría venir a mis partidos de sóftbol.
Even if he was to write something that's true a little bit... so what?
Aunque escribiera algo que fuera en parte verdad... ¿ Y qué?
And he knows, if he doesn't listen, there's gonna be trouble. Because you know what?
Y sabe que si no me hace caso, va a haber problemas, ¿ porque sabes qué?
If God is love, and making love is love, then what's so terribly wrong?
Si Dios es amor, y hacer el amor es amor, entonces ¿ qué es tan terriblemente malo? Eso es lo que nunca he entendido.
I don't know if this would be relevant, but he did say the word "Oculus" a whole bunch.
No sé si será relevante, pero dijo mucho la palabra "Oculus".
Because even if there is a one percent chance of success and a 99 percent chance of failure and prison, he will do the right thing and get me my money back.
Porque aunque haya un 1 % de chance de éxito y un 99 % de chance de fracasar e ir a prisión, hará lo correcto y recuperará mi dinero.
If I help you and succeed, he'll have me killed, but more than that, you are asking me to sanction your own death.
Si os ayudo y lo conseguís, me matará. Pero más que eso, me pedís que consienta vuestra muerte.
He was not beside Odda, if that is your meaning.
No está con Odda, si es a lo que quiere decir.
Okay, when a man has sex with his brother-in-law, he's a stud, but if a woman does it... ugh.
- Claro. Si un hombre se acuesta con su cuñado es un galán, pero si una mujer lo hace...
And if Jorpf, or whatever he calls himself, was just a friend, why were you wearing your date-night clothes?
Y si Jorph, o como se llame, solo fuera un amigo, ¿ por qué usaste tu ropa de cita?
Meghan, he's so scared of being found that I think it might be good if you came with me.
Meghan, tiene mucho miedo de ser encontrado y creo que tal vez sería bueno si vienes conmigo.
I put it up on the wall anyway, see if anyone comes back for it.
Lo he puesto encima de la pared de todos modos. A ver si alguien vuelve a por él.
If you've got any old shoes lying around your garden, bring them to his place, he'll turn them into hard cash!
Si tienen zapatos viejos tirados en su jardín, llévenlos a su casa, los convertirá en efectivo.
Vincent, what would you say if I told you I earned four times as much as your monthly wage in the last week?
Vincent, ¿ qué dirías si te dijera que he ganado cuatro veces más que tu salario mensual la semana pasada?
When I was over at Stan's, he asked me if she was okay.
Cuando estuve en casa de Stan, me preguntó si ella estaba bien.
Would he worry about taking them down with him, if things go bad for him?
¿ Le preocuparía que ellos cayeran con él si las cosas van mal para él?
He's polite and attentive... even if, like most of the boys his age, his mind wanders easily.
Es educado y presta atención... incluso aunque como la mayoría de los chicos de su edad, su cabeza se disperse con facilidad.
If I- - If I did something wrong, then I'll fix it.
Si... si he hecho algo mal, quiero arreglarlo.
He's a senior now, if you can believe it.
Ya está en último año, aunque parezca mentira.
I thought if I photographed his diary, maybe there'd be something in there that could help you and your people... figure out his new job.
He pensado que si hacía fotos de su diario, quizá habría algo allí que pudiera ayudaros a vosotros y vuestra gente... a buscarle el trabajo adecuado.
I know it would be better if I told you he comes before he comes.
Sé que habría sido mejor si avisado antes de venir.

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