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Inebriated Çeviri İspanyolca

161 parallel translation
You're inebriated.
Alexander, estás bebido.
You're inebriated.
Estás borracho.
- Inebriated.
- Borracho.
So, you think I'm inebriated, huh?
Entonces, ¿ crees que estoy borracho?
I'll show you if I'm inebriated.
Te demostraré si lo estoy.
He was obviously inebriated and overwrought.
Evidentemente estaba ebrio y sobresaltado.
'Last night on a road in Kamiuma, Setagaya Ward...'... Kyoichi Shiga, 34, of the Gondo crime syndicate...'... was struck while inebriated by a passing vehicle...'... and died of brain hemorrhage.
"La pasada noche en una carretera en Kamiuma, Distrito Setagaya Kyoichi Shiga, 34 años, del sindicato del crimen Gondo fue atropellado por un coche que pasaba y murió de hemorragia cerebral."
"that members had been seen inebriated in the streets."
" que algunos miembros fueron vistos ebrios en las calles.
- Drunk! Soused, potted, inebriated, got it?
¡ Borracho, mamado, ebrio!
You know, I'm no doctor, but I could swear this youngster's inebriated.
Mirad, yo no soy médico, pero juraría que este joven está ebrio.
He's not inebriated.
No está ebrio.
You didn't have to endure the spectacle of her inebriated arrival or hear her rude remarks or take her orders.
Tú no debiste soportar su estado de ebriedad al llegar, o escuchar sus comentarios groseros o recibir órdenes.
I'm inebriated with joy over this situation.
Estoy embriagado de alegría por esta situación.
- What? We have a policy at this bar where we don ´ t serve the inebriated.
La política de este bar es no servirles a los ebrios.
As Fezzik nursed his inebriated friend back to health... he told Inigo of Vizzini's death... and the existence of Count Rugen... the six-fingered man.
Mientras Fezzik cuidó de su amigo embriagado, le contó de la muerte de Vizzini... y del conde Rugen, el hombre con seis dedos.
When children eat those they become inebriated...
Un pequeño que coma eso se embriagará completamente.
Every day, every day, every day, I see you walk up and down this block, inebriated.
Te veo rodos los días paseando por el barrio, borracho.
My only daughter, for whom I had dreamed of a wonderful golden future is going to marry an inebriated newt fancier.
Mi única hija, para la que había soñado un maravilloso futuro dorado se va a casar con un aficionado a los tritones ebrio.
But it's gonna take me a while before I remember how to be sewy and charming without being inebriated.
Pero me tomará un tiempo recordar... Es como el volleyball.
" I was inebriated, sir.
" Estaba embriagado, señor.
" She was inebriated, sir.
Ella estaba embriagada, señor.
There's no doubt you saw your Santa Claus is inebriated.
No hay duda de que usted vió que su Santa Claus está ebrio.
I was willing to let it go at that but then, he pulled a knife and came at me and the truth of the matter is he was so inebriated that he just fell...
La verdad es que... estaba tan borracho que se cayó.
I have a sneaking suspicion that that large man back there was inebriated.
Sospecho que aquel hombre... de antes estaba bebido.
The man's inebriated.
El tipo está ebrio.
No, no, I'm the designated driver, and I'm with a very talented, but inebriated artist on board.
No, soy el conductor designado y estoy con talentoso pero ebrio artista a bordo.
While most people is still inebriated with the World Cup...
Mientras la mayoría de las personas está como en un sueño... embriagada con el Campeonato Mundial...
So... very inebriated...
Entonces... muy borracho...
Gentlemen, now that none of us are inebriated, I wanted to remind you of our conversation.
Caballeros, ahora que ninguno de nosotros está borracho quería recordaros nuestra conversación.
She's inebriated.
Ella esta intoxicada
According to employees here, he was severely inebriated but... ... was nonetheless able to register by name and show identification.
Según los empleados estaba completamente ebrio pero pese a ello fue capaz de registrarse con su nombre y mostrar su documentación.
No, your eyes don't seem inebriated.
No, tus ojos no parecen ebrios.
They are always inebriated or numbed by mind-altering drugs.
Viven atontados por consumir drogas.
You never came out of your inebriated state
si usted nunca salió de su borrachera
But Raj is always inebriated
Pero Raj siempre se embriaga
It may be a useful, cautionary measure, sir, if Mr. Kennedy - were to note Dr. Clive's inebriated condition.
Podría ser una médida prudente, Sr. si Mr. Kennedy levantara acta del estado de ebriedad del Dr. Clive.
No, the great drunk becomes hysterically entertaining once inebriated.
El ebrio perfecto se anima cuando se ha embriagado.
You return beat up, inebriated and broke after only two.
Has vuelto... apaleado, ebrio y desplumado después de solo dos
You won't even touch the spirits and yet you are inebriated?
¿ No has bebido y ya estás ebrio?
My mother used to make me sing Santa's Super Sleigh in front of my inebriated uncles and aunts just to get at my dad, I think.
Mi madre me hacia cantar el "Súper Trineo de Papá Noel" En frente de una colección de tíos y tías ebrios para que mi padre se pusiera contento
Here's a few years ago... They were arrested on departure a nightclub, inebriated.
Aquí esta, hace unos años... fueron detenidas a la salida de una discoteca, en estado de ebriedad.
- Your mom must be pretty stupid to give you permission to drive inebriated.
Tu madre debe ser bastante estúpida para darte permiso para conducir ebrio.
You're inebriated.
Estás ebrio.
And if he were a bit inebriated and so used to his routine...
¿ Y si estaba un poco ebrio y acostumbrado a su rutina?
Police investigated a couple of times. Found him to be inebriated and that he started making the calls when his wife passed away.
La policía investigó un par de veces descubrieron que estaba ebrio y que empezó a llamar cuando su esposa falleció.
I feel sorry that your heart has become so hard and small that you've lost the capacity to connect with another human being on any level any more meaningful than the inebriated exchange of bodily fluids.
Lamento que tu corazón se haya endurecido tanto que ya no eres capaz de conectar con otro ser humano a un nivel más profundo que el intercambio embriagador de fluidos corporales.
looked like they were inebriated... were honking their horn at me trying to go around.
parecían ebrios. Me tocaban bocina y trataban de pasarme.
Just watching her live, walk, lulled by the swing of her skirt, inebriated by the fabric sliding against her body.
Simplemente viéndola vivir, caminar, ser acunado por el balanceo de su falda, embriagado por el movimiento de la tela acariciando su cuerpo.
"For some reason, Miss Stewardess, this unstable, inebriated girl, whom I've never met before tonight, suddenly went crazy when I took it out of my pocket."
No sé por qué, Srta. Aeromoza, esta chica inestable y bastante ebria, a quien yo nunca había visto de repente se volvió loca cuando la saqué del bolsillo ".
OK, so I'm inebriated enough to be very wobbly on my feet, particularly after the fall in there.
Ok, así que estoy tan borracho como para no poder sostenerme, especialmente después de la caída.
Records show that you went to Maria Inês de Jesus'residence... known in the art world as Inês Torres Campana... and, in an inebriated state... forced her into carnal conjunction by means of physical violence.
Consta que usted compareció a la residencia de María Inés de Jesús... conocida en el medio artístico como Inés Torres Campana... embriagado... y bajo violencia física, la obligó a conjunción carnal.

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