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Insulted Çeviri İspanyolca

2,299 parallel translation
You have insulted me, and you have insulted my company!
¡ Ud me ha insultado, y ha ofendido a mi empresa!
- I didn't come to be insulted.
No vine aquí para ser insultado.
Don't be insulted by him. He's never heard of anybody.
Él nunca oyó hablar de nadie.
I think I'm a little insulted.
Creo que me siento un poco insultado.
You're insulted?
¿ Te sientes insultado?
( Gulps ) Should I Be Insulted?
¿ Debería sentirme insultado?
Kelly, you've insulted the gentleman.
Kelly, insultaste al caballero.
Have I insulted you?
¿ Te he insultado?
I'm insulted.
- Me siento insultada.
He just insulted me.
Me insultó.
What's nice about the Djamila Bouhired affair, is that Vergès, who told French lawyers to go to hell, who was outspoken, and insulted judges,
Lo bonito del asunto de Djamila Bouhired, es que Vergès, que había mandado al infierno a los abogados franceses, que era muy violento, e insultaba a los jueces,
He insulted the judges, refused to rise for them, sang the Kassamen, the Algerian anthem with the patriots who were on trial, he waved FLN flags in the middle of his pleading, I mean it was really...
Insultaba a los jueces, se negaba a levantarse cuando se lo decían, cantaba el Kassamen, el himno argelino con los patriotas que estaban en el juicio, ondeaba banderas del FLN en mitad de sus alegatos, es decir, era realmente...
For a lone man to be insulted by a lynch mob.
Que un hombre sea insultado por una multitud que quiere lincharlo.
It's just, I think she was quite insulted.
Es sólo que creo que se sintió bastante insultada.
Yo insultaba a mi cuerpo todo el día frente a mis hijas.
Okay, I assume you know me because I once insulted you, your patient, or your relatives.
Supongo que me conoce porque la insulté a usted, a un paciente o a un familiar.
I'm insulted.
Me insultas.
I just insulted you, didn't I?
Te insulté, ¿ no?
As if I had insulted his mother.
Parece que hubiera insultado a su madre o algo así.
my guy threw the first punch But after your guy insulted his friend.
mi chico golpeó primero pero después de que tu chico insultó a su amigo.
You insulted half the people in this audience.
Has insultado a mucha gente en éste óvalo...
Now, something else, and please don't be insulted if I speak about this.
Hay algo más, y, por favor, no se ofendan si hablo de esto. El pan. Hablemos del pan.
Insulted him and hit him.
Lo insultó y le pegó.
I should be insulted.
Usted me ofende.
At first i was insulted,'cause, you know, the kevin levin gu was barely in it.
Al principio, me sentí insultado, porque, ya sabes... el chico Kevin Levin apenas salía.
Why I got to put up with being insulted like that?
¿ Por qué tengo que tolerar que me insulten así?
I insulted Priya.
- Insulte a Priya. - ¡ Qué maravilla!
Bhaskar has been insulted!
Bhaskar ha sido muy insultado.
A man just insulted me.
Un hombre acaba de insultarme.
What if someone insulted them?
¿ Y si alguien las insultara a ellas?
I don't think I would have realized how low I've fallen if you hadn't insulted me.
No creo que me hubiera dado cuenta cómo de bajo he llegado si tú no me hubieras insultado.
Insulted them.
Los insulto.
- I have never been so insulted.
Nunca fui tan insultado.
I've never been insulted by an acupuncturist before
Nunca había sido insultado por un acupunturista.
And he thought I'd be insulted if he told me not to go.
Y pensó que me sentiría insultado si me decía que no fuera.
You have lied to me and you have insulted me.
Me has mentido y me has insultado.
And if I insulted you, I apologize.
Y si te insulté, pido disculpas.
He insulted us!
¡ Nos ha insultado!
He has accepted being insulted and humiliated for 15 years by his employers and his customers, to be able to borrow money from the bank in order to acquire 3 rooms in Levalois-Perret.
Ha aceptado ser insultado y humillado durante 15 años por sus patrones y sus clientes, para pedir dinero prestado al Banco.. ... a fin de adquirir un departamento en Levalois-Perret.
You insulted him instead of apologizing.
Tú lo insultaste en lugar de disculparte.
I will not stay here and be insulted by this rubbish.
No me quedaré aquí siendo insultada con esta basura.
To stand by and do nothing, while your flag is taken down and insulted?
¿ Estar al margen sin hacer nada, mientras bajan nuestra bandera y la insultan?
No. It's my wife she insulted, my responsibility.
No. lnsultô a mi esposa, es mi responsabilidad.
I didn't come here to be insulted. Guten tag!
No vine aqui para ser insultado, hasta luego.
I didn't come here to be insulted. We're leaving!
No he venido aqui a ser insultado... nos vamos.
But don't be insulted.
No te ofendas.
and i was so insulted, i wanted to say, hey, fuck all of you, ok?
y me sentí tan insultado, Quería decirles, Hey, váyanse todos a la mierda, ¿ Ok?
Kaitlin just insulted our uniforms and called our hs olame.
Kaitlin nos insulto los uniformes y que los sombreros son estupidos.
I'm actually a little insulted.
Me siento insultado.
If someone wanted me to lead the University just because of my color, my economic status, I'd be insulted. I'll tell you. That mission should be based on merit, not "need".
... Me han insultado, las admisiones deberían basarse en los méritos
Insulted already?
- Ay, no. ¿ Ya me insultó?

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