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Intimidate Çeviri İspanyolca

935 parallel translation
She's not someone that you can intimidate by flaunting your money.
Ella no es alguien que puedas intimidar por ostentar tu dinero.
You can't intimidate an old canal man like me.
No puedes intimidar a un veterano de los canales como yo.
- Gypo! Show him he can't intimidate us!
- ¡ Gypo, muéstrale que no nos intimida!
Lansing, they can't intimidate me.
Lansing, no pueden intimidarme.
You can't intimidate me.
No puedes intimidarme.
They intimidate me.
Me intimidan.
Newspapers hostile to Zola are permitted to threaten and intimidate the jury.
A diarios hostiles a Zola se les permite que hasta intimiden al jurado.
Don't let him intimidate you.
No se deje intimidar.
Insidious bribery to corrupt, brutal violence to intimidate and cold-blooded murder to silence any who dared protest.
Insidiosos sobornos para corromper, violencia brutal para intimidar y homicidio a sangre fría para silenciar a quien se atreva a protestar.
We can't let this intimidate us. That's what the murderer wants.
No dejaremos que nos intimide.
You can't intimidate us.
No puede intimidarnos.
They can't intimidate me.
No pueden intimidarme.
- All I gotta do... - You needn't try to intimidate me, Mr...
No intente intimidarme, señor...
I can appreciate an invitation issued to a man you've been trying to intimidate.
Aprecio que invitase a un hombre al que quería intimidar.
Those geniuses up there think they can intimidate the Czechs... with public warnings, dopes.
Nuestros genios de arriba piensan que pueden intimidar A estos tercos mulos checos con advertencias públicas. Tontos.
The fire hazards, the broken stairs - you think you can intimidate me?
Hay riesgo de incendio, las escaleras están rotas... ¿ Cree que puede intimidarme?
There's a police booth to intimidate him.
Hay un puesto de Policía que lo intimidará.
Don't you try to intimidate me.
No intentes amenazarme.
- Folco wants to intimidate.
- Folco quiere intimidarme.
- Georges, you intimidate him. - Papa, you intimidate me.
Y tú, tía Léo, eres demasiado astuta.
These men are here to intimidate us!
¡ Estos hombres han venido a intimidarnos!
Your Honor, I object to this attempt to intimidate the witness!
Me opongo a este intento de intimidar a la testigo.
We intimidate them
Nosotros les intimidamos.
I intimidate him
Conmigo se siente intimidado.
- Do I intimidate you? Yes.
- Te impresiono, ¿ eh?
You intimidate me a lot, you know?
Me intimidas mucho, ¿ sabes?
You've done nothing wrong and I won't let anyone intimidate you.
Ni muertos. No has hecho nada malo. y no dejaré que nadie te intimide.
You don't intimidate me.
No me intimida.
Doctor, if you look at me so, you intimidate me.
- Si me mira así, me intimida. - ¿ Le resulta embarazosa?
So you thought that if you could kidnap my wife--without my permission- - you could intimidate her into helping you to get Kastner.
¿ Creía que podía raptar a mi víctima sin mi permiso? ¡ Para intimidarla y llegar a Kastner!
Are you afraid that I'll intimidate her?
- ¿ Y temes que yo pueda intimidarla? - Intimidarla no.
- Intimidate? No.
- Fascinarla.
I've the impression that we've before us a clever man who's not easy to intimidate.
Tengo la impresión de que nos encontramos ante un tipo astuto que no pierde el ánimo con facilidad.
You're not gonna intimidate me.
No me van a intimidar.
The court is aware of efforts... by friends and sympathizers of the James brothers and their followers... to intimidate.
Esta sala está al corriente de que amigos y simpatizantes de los hermanos James han intentado intimidar al jurado.
You intimidate me.
Me intimidas.
Don't let him intimidate you!
¡ No te dejas intimidar!
- A young society maiden. - And I intimidate her?
Es una muchacha, abuela.
- Does that intimidate you?
- ¿ Te intimida?
Society women intimidate him.
Las Mujeres de la Sociedad le intimidan.
He goes to wait for them outside their house, to intimidate them.
Va a esperarla delante de su casa, para intimidarla.
But they won't intimidate us.
Pero no nos van a asustar.
You're not going to intimidate me.
¡ No conseguiréis intimidarme!
You are not going to intimidate me.
¡ No conseguiréis intimidarme!
You tend to intimidate people.
Sueles intimidar a la gente.
I hate to think what desperation has made you think that you can try to intimidate me.
Muy desesperado tendrías que estar para creer que me intimidarías.
You let the neighbours intimidate you.
Dejas que los vecinos te intimiden.
If a respected boss lets some sorry blind man intimidate him, it could seriously damage his reputation.
Si un respetado yakuza se deja intimidar por un lastimoso ciego, podría dañar seriamente a su reputación.
You don't wish to intimidate me, do you?
No querrá intimidarme, ¿ verdad?
That phase one is intended to intimidate the population to search houses, to find and arrest resistance.
Que la primera fase es para intimidar, registrar casas y encontrar a los de la resistencia.
It's because you intimidate me a bit! But even if you didn't like me, I'd be happy the same.
Es que me cohíbe un poco. - ¿ Sí? - Sí.

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