It's medicine Çeviri İspanyolca
824 parallel translation
Now if every time anybody happens to need a bottle of medicine... they can break into a drugstore and take it... well, then, of course, my property isn't safe, is it, nor is any other merchant's. I think these two boys ought to be punished.
Si siempre que alguien necesite un frasco de medicina puede entrar a robarlo en una farmacia, entonces, mi negocio no está a salvo ni el de cualquier otro comerciante.
- It's my medicine.
- Es mi medicina.
But it's gone, for the doctor and for medicine.
Pero tuve que pagar el médico y los remedios.
It's a a medicine.
¡ Muy bien, Zuleika! Gracias, señora.
It's time for her medicine.
Es la hora de su medicina.
It's medicine to me, my own prescription.
Esto es lo que me cura.
It's too dangerous, too far outside of known medicine.
Es demasiado peligroso, más allá de la medicina conocida.
This isn't alcohol, it's medicine.
Esto no es alcohol, es un medicamento.
I think another one would be a mistake. It's just medicine.
Creo que uno más sería un error.
Well tell him that the Great White Father, who speaks with lightening over the singing wire, is sorry for the wounding of his Indian son, BUT that lightning talk is strong medicine and it MUST go through. 739.5 01 : 08 : 03,157 - - 01 : 08 : 09,332 [Shaw relays Creighton's message in the Indian language.]
Pues dile al Gran Padre Blanco, que habla con el rayo por el cable que canta, siente que hubiesen herido a su hijo, pero que el rayo que habla es gran medicina y debe continuar.
Now, holding the wire Shaw, and explain to him that it is good medicine for us, but it's bad for our enemies.
Ahora, sujeta el cable, y explícale que es buena medicina para nosotros, pero mala para nuestros enemigos.
Hey, Chafi, don't you think it's time for my medicine?
Oye, Chafi, ¿ no crees que llegó la hora de mi cucharada?
It's time for you to take your medicine, Badluck.
La hora de tomar tus cucharadas, Malasuerte.
" P.S : I can't keep on writing because it's time for Badluck's medicine and since he doesn't want to take it anymore I have to tie him up...
" P.D. no le escribo más porque es hora de la cucharada de Malasuerte y como ya no las quiere tomar tengo que amarrarlo.
Bien, si es medicina, no te hará daño tomarla
It's 12 : 30, time for the medicine to help your digestion.
Son las 12 : 30. Su remedio para ayudar a hacer la digestión.
Miss Luisinha says it's time to take your medicine.
La señorita Luisinha manda decir A Vª Exª que es la hora del remedio.
But it's miles and miles away from the fever medicine jungle.
Pero está a muchos kilómetros de la selva donde está la medicina.
In the morning, it's medicine.
Por la mañana, es medicina.
- Perhaps it's a medicine for weakness.
A Io mejor son remedios para Ia debilidad. Eso, eso.
Medicine... that's it!
Medicina... ¡ Eso es!
It's time for your medicine.
Debe tomarse la medicina.
Since it's a medicine, I'm not offering you any.
Es mi medicina. No voy a ofrecerle.
Without anything, it's too bitter, Like medicine.
Lo bueno es tomarlo sin azúcar, pero no me gusta.
We gave them your medicine behind jeff's back. Don't ever let him know about it, though.
Le dimos las medicinas a sus espaldas, pero que no se entere.
It's nothing that medicine will cure.
Es algo que la medicina no puede curar.
Well, it's taken medicine a good many years to define that connection... and I haven't time, unfortunately, right now to explain it all to you.
A la medicina le ha costado mucho tiempo establecer esa conexión, y por desgracia ahora no tengo tiempo de explicárselo.
Well, any story about ol ´ Pecos is bound to be right strong medicine, so maybe it ´ s best to sashay into it kinda gentle-like,
Bien, cualquier cuento acerca del viejo Pecos es pasible de ser la correcta medicina, Así que mejor es adentrarnos en ella de forma gentil
It's time for me to take me medicine.
Es hora de tomar la medicina.
It's the best medicine.
- Es la mejor medicina.
- It's a... It's that new medicine.
- Es esa nueva medicina.
If it gets you down, why don't you try. Dr. Monaco's miracle medicine?
Si te sientes mal acuérdate del remedio del Dr. Mónaco.
I only know a sheepman in Fort Humboldt. It's bad medicine.
Solo conozco a un criador de ovejas en Fort Humbolt mal asunto.
Maybe you ought to buy that medicine. They say it's good for old folks.
Compra esa medicina, dicen que es buena para los ancianos.
It's medicine he needs.
La medicina que necesita.
Listen, about this psychological migraine, I know that it's something you've got to beat down by yourself without medicine.
Oiga, respecto a esta migraña sicológica... sé que es algo que debe superar sin medicamentos.
Your medicine's there if you want it.
Tu medicina está ahí si la quieres.
Well, it means that there's very little That medicine can do for you.
La medicina puede hacer poco por Ud.
As students of medicine, it's important at the outset... that you realize that a cadaver in a classroom is not a dead human being.
Como estudiantes de medicina, es importante que de entrada... sepan que un cadáver en el aula no es un ser humano muerto.
Whether the practice of medicine should become more intimately involved... with the human beings it treats... or whether it's to go on in this present way of becoming... more and more a thing of pills, serums and knives... until eventually we shall undoubtedly evolve an electronic doctor.
Si la medicina debe verse involucrada de forma más íntima... con los seres humanos a los que atiende... o si debe seguir por la vía actual, convirtiéndose... en una ciencia de píldoras, sueros y escalpelos... hasta que con el tiempo nos convirtamos en médicos electrónicos.
It's to medicine what Harvard is to law.
Es en Medicina lo que Harvard en Derecho.
Thanks, but it's my medicine. I'll take it.
Gracias, pero yo lo guiso y yo lo como.
There is a medicine, it's even nonprescription.
Un billete de ida a Suiza.
It's the Toyama medicine dealer.
Es el comerciante de medicinas de Toyama.
- No, it's medicine.
- No, es medicina.
It's only this medicine I have to take.
Es por culpa de las medicinas.
It's Miss Dickinson's idea that we play Medicine Bend, not mine.
Es la idea de la Sra Dickinson de que hagamos Medicina Bend, no mia.
And it's the only medicine in the world that'll cure what ails you right now.
Y es la unica medicina en el mundo que curara lo que te aflige en estos momentos.
When medicine reaches a point where it never has to walk hopelessly away from a case, then you can criticise the Church because it's left some spiritual illness uncured.
Cuando la medicina no tenga que dar un caso por perdido entonces podrá criticar a la Iglesia por dejar alguna enfermedad espiritual sin curar.
Maybe... - Maybe it's the name of a cough medicine.
Quizá... quizá sólo sea el nombre de un jarabe para la tos.
- It's a bad medicine for them.
Los comanches suelen estar durmiendo.
medicine 187
it's fine 7136
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's fine 7136
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
it's me 10254
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's just 7387
it's a girl 287
it's me 10254
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's just 7387
it's a girl 287