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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / It happens to all of us

It happens to all of us Çeviri İspanyolca

61 parallel translation
It happens to all of us.
Nos pasa a todos.
Sooner or later, it happens to all of us.
Tarde o temprano, nos pasa a todos.
It'll happen to you some day, just like it happens to all of us.
A ti también te ocurrirá algún día, como nos ocurre a todos.
It happens to all of us.
Pasa en las mejores familias.
It happens to all of us.
Nos ocurre a todos.
- It happens to all of us, Dutchy.
- Todos vamos a morir, Dutchy.
It happens to all of us.
Nos tiene que pasar a todas.
It happens to all of us.
Le puede pasar a cualquiera.
It happens to all of us eventually.
Con el tiempo, nos pasa a todos.
It happens to all of us, Wes.
Eso nos pasa a todos, Wes.
Whether you are famous or not, it happens to all of us.
Seas famoso o no, el tiempo pasa para todos.
It happens to all of us.
Pasa con todos.
You know, it happens to all of us.
Tu sabes, nos pasa a todos.
It happens to all of us. I once had one on the end of my nose for a decade.
A todas nos pasa, yo tuve una de esas en la punta de la nariz por una década.
It happens to all of us
A todos nos pasa lo mismo.
It happens to all of us.
Nos ha pasado a todos
It happens to all of us.
A todos nos sucede.
Nos pasa a todos.
Look, we're a team. Something happens to you, it happens to all of us. Right?
Somos un equipo. si algo te sucede, nos sucede a todos. ¿ Cierto?
I mean, it happens to all of us.
Nos pasa a todas.
It happens to all of us.
¿ Ah sí?
Believe it or not, It happens to all of us.
Lo creas o no, nos sucede a todos nosotros.
It happens to all of us.
Nos sucede a todos.
Sooner or later, it happens to all of us.
Todos morimos algún día. No se puede hacer nada.
It happens to all of us.
Eso nos sucederá a nosotros.
- It happens to all of us.
- Nos ocurre a todas.
Don't worry, it happens to all of us.
Nos ha pasado a todos.
Look, it happens to all of us.
Mira, nos pasa a todos.
It's OK, it happens to all of us
Está bien, nos sucede a todos.
It happens to all of us, it's...
Nos pasa a todos, es...
Oh, it happens to all of us.
Oh, eso nos pasa a todos.
Well, it happens to all of us.
Bueno, nos pasa a todos nosotros.
Look, it happens to all of us eventually.
Mira, al final nos pasará a todos nosotros.
It happens to all of us.
Le pasa a todas nosotras.
It happens to all of us.
Le pasa a todos nosotros.
You know, it happens to all of us at some point in life.
Ya sabes, nos pasa a todos en algún momento de la vida.
I know it's hard losing someone and it happens to all of us, but the best way to cope with rejection is to move on.
Sé que es duro perder a alguien y nos sucede a todos nosotros, pero la mejor manera de enfrentar al rechazo es seguir adelante.
It happens to all of us... at some point.
Nos ocurre a todos... en algún momento.
It happens to all of us, right? Yes!
Nos pasa a todos, ¿ verdad?
It happens to all of us at one time or another.
Nos pasa alguna vez a todos.
I'm sorry you're dead, but... But it happens to all of us, sooner or later.
Siento que estés muerto, pero nos sucede a todos, tarde o temprano.
It happens to all of us.
Le pasará a todos nosotros.
It happens to all of us in this fort.
Todos los tenemos mal.
And that whatever happens to the world I know that he's doing his best to make sure it's all right for the rest of us.
Y que pase lo que pase con el mundo sé que está haciendo todo lo que puede por el bien de todos.
It happens. To all of us.
Nos ocurre a todos.
- it's free of charge for all of the Victims - in this heroically war you and us that you disdain and fight against both feed ourselves no matter what happens you live a better life than we do you absolutely have no need to do so actually you still said that
- qué pasa con las víctimas? - en esta guerra heroica contra la que usted lucha ambos nos alimentamos no importa lo que pase usted vive mejor que nosotros no hay necesidad de hacer lo que hace nuestro lider y Alemania la protegen en el Palacio Wittelsbacher, o en casa de mi familia
It's just a private friend who happens to know all of us from different ways, is throwing a private birthday thing.
Es un amigo personal que nos conoce de distintos lugares... -... da una fiesta privada.
If I may be a little bit impertinent and relate to an unfortunate experience, probably known to most of us, how it happens that while one is engaged in sexual activity, all of a sudden one feels stupid.
Siendo indiscreto, mencionaré una experiencia infeliz, que todos posiblemente conocen, que acontece cuando, durante el acto sexual, de repente nos sentimos idiotas.
but it's still such a shock gonna happens i'm sorry, i'm trying to be brave you don't have to, not under the time like this all the great time the two of us had together
pero... es muy triste Lo siento. Trato de ser fuerte.
And there was a song on the radio, Everlong, and all of a sudden there were videos on MTiV, and it was happening to us, that thing that happens to new bands when they start to get popular.
Por la radio sonaba Everlong y de repente empezaron a poner los videoclips en la MTV. Nos estaba pasando lo que les pasa a los grupos que empiezan a ser famosos.
I saw it in the future, what happens to all of us.
Vi en el futuro lo que nos pasa a todos nosotros.

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