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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ L ] / Limite

Limite Çeviri İspanyolca

871 parallel translation
And if you did that, the sky's the limit.
Y si haces eso, el cielo será tu limite.
Morning found a wagon city on the edge of the town.
El alba encontró una ciudad de carretas en el limite del pueblo.
This title replaces a section of Limite that has been lost, In which we see Man # 1 give help to Woman # 2
Este titulo substituye una sección de Limite eso se ha perdido, en la que vemos al Hombre # 1 dar ayuda a la Mujer # 2.
But it was too high a limit, just a friendly little game.
Pero fue demasiado alto el limite, para una pequeña partida amigos.
And I played a five-cent-limit poker with her brother, Joel.
Y jugué una partida de póquer con limite de 5 centavos con su hermano, Joel.
He's chivalrous to the point of idiocy.
Es caballeroso hasta el limite de la idiotez.
The English people will go so far, Capt. Blood... and then they get up on their stubborn hind legs.
Los ingleses tienen un limite, capitan Blood... y luego se levantan sobre sus testarudas patas traseras.
Doctor, I advise you to confine your experiments to animals.
Doctor, limite sus experimentos a los animales.
Have to wait for the sheriff to pass them through the parish line.
Entonces deberían haber llegado ya Seguro han tenido que esperar a que el sheriff les lleve al limite del condado
Would prefer confining evidence to present world.
Prefiero que limite pruebas a mundo presente.
Miss Houlihan, may I suggest that you confine yourself to your secretarial duties?
Srta. Houlihan, le sugiero que se limite a sus labores como secretaria.
But in a limited L sub infinity a difficult seems to arise.
Pero en el limite L sub infinito parece surgir una dificultad.
Mr. Roosevelt proposes that every nation in the world limit its armaments to the weapons a man can carry on his shoulder.
Roosevelt propone que cada país limite sus armamentos a cuanto pueda llevar un hombre.
Very well, if it amuses you. But I advise you to confine your hobby to the entertainment of yourself and your friends.
Muy bien, pero le aconsejo que limite sus aficiones... para distraer a sus amistades.
Young woman, I shall call the police unless you confine yourself to English and sensible English at that.
Joven, llamaré a la policía, a menos que se limite al inglés, y a un ingles razonable.
As long as the cancer is limited to the mammary glands, it is not so serious.
Mientras el cáncer se limite a las glándulas mamarias, no es grave.
I must again caution the witness to confine himself to answering questions.
Debo advertir al testigo... que se limite a contestar Ias preguntas.
Sorry about that, Lucienne.
Creo que será mejor que me limite a contar calorías.
This time he's gone too far!
¡ Esta vez paso el limite!
Mr. Latimer's been very busy. He hasn't asked for any of his calls. I've quite a list of them.
El Sr. Latimer me ha pedido que me limite a anotar sus llamadas.
I'll back you without limit.
Te apoyaré sin limite.
You're an adviser here, Doctor, a guest, and you can oblige me by confining your authority to your own duties.
Ud. es un asesor aquí, doctor, un invitado... y le pediré que limite su autoridad a las tareas que le competen.
I suggest to you, Rommel, that you confine your genius to fighting... and leave the conduct of the war to those who are responsible for it!
Sugiero que limite su talento para el combate. ¡ Deje la conducción de la guerra para los responsables de ella!
'Folks, Yo-Yo is a very famous bull.' 'He has never been rode to the limit.' Yo-Yo?
"Yo-Yo" es un toro muy conocido pues nadie lo ha montado hasta el tiempo limite
You just rode Yo-Yo to a standstill is all.
Has montado a "Yo-Yo" hasta el tiempo limite
I must ask that you limit your remarks To testimony which has direct bearing on shipbuilding dispersal.
Debo pedirle que limite sus comentarios a los testimonios que influyen directamente en la dispersión de la construcción naval.
I'm defending myself within the limits of the law.
Yo me defiendo en el justo limite de la democracia.
I strongly advise you, doctor, confine yourself to the method in hand.
Le aconsejo, doctor, que se limite a escribir.
The court directs you to confine yourself to evidence permissible under its rulings.
El Tribunal le ordena que se limite a las pruebas aceptadas por este Tribunal.
Don't just sit there.
No se limite a sentarse ahí.
- And you've gone past the borderline.
- Y ya ha traspasado el limite. - ¡ Fuera!
I hope whatever's taking place is confined to Santa Mira!
¡ Espero que lo que sea que este pasando se limite sólo a Santa Mira!
A man just takes so much, sonny.
Hay un limite para todo.
You'll find that simply saying you're guilty is not enough.
Que se limite a decir que es culpable no basta.
Tell me, Mr. Adams, what is the speed limit back in New York, where you come from?
Digame, Sr. Adams, cual es el limite de velocidad... en Nueva York, de donde Ud viene?
Then suppose you tell me what you think the speed limit is around here.
Entonces, digame cuanto cree que es el limite de velocidad aqui.
I had to speed up to pass you, but I wasn't traveling over the speed limit when you blew that siren.
Tuve que acelerar para poder pasarlo, pero no viajaba... mas alla de la velocidad limite cuando ud. hizo sonar la sirena.
And we were safely within the speed limit when you stopped us.
Y estabamos dentro del limite de velocidad cuando ud. nos detuvo.
"Subject exceeded state speed limit by seven miles per hour " at a point 10 miles north of the Robertsville town line on Route 7.
El sujeto excedio el limite de velocidad por 7 millas en el punto distante 10 millas al norte de Robertsville, Ruta 7.
Naturally, I fine you five dollars a mile for every mile above the speed limit to which you have confessed.
Naturalmente, lo multare con 5 dolares por cada milla que Ud confeso haber superado al limite de velocidad.
Don't just splash about!
- No se limite a chapotear!
But, this is the end ;
Pero este es el limite.
- Chi Chi DeVayne.
Ella está al limite. Chi Chi DeVayne.
I merely supplied a little polish.
Yo me limité a pulirlo un poco.
I merely substituted English sails.
Me limité a sustituir sus velas por las inglesas.
Hugo just brought them in, and I just signed them.
Me limité a firmar.
I merely put my arm around your waist.
Me limité a pasarte el brazo por la cintura.
I merely carried out our mutual plan.
Me limité a llevar a cabo el plan acordado.
I merely told him that my mother would certainly... take me out of this miserable school when I told her how I'd been "humilated."
Me limité a decir que mi madre me sacaría de este colegio cuando le contase que me habían "humillido".
Well, you can quote me as saying,'All I did was hold his coat.'
Diga que me limité a sostenerle el abrigo.
I just passed on the message, sir.
Yo me limité a dar parte, señor.

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