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No dice Çeviri İspanyolca

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You don't say!
Usted no dice!
This doesn't say "patent pending."
Esto no dice "patente pendiente".
He doesn't say much, but he sees everything.
No dice mucho, pero ve todo.
That doesn't really narrow it down, now does it?
Eso no dice mucho, ¿ no?
So... you know, no dice.
Así que... ya sabes, no tienes opción.
- I don't know what happens today because the journal doesn't tell me everything.
- No sé qué va a pasar hoy porque el diario no dice nada de eso.
Ask him. I did but he doesn't say anything.
- Ya Lo hago, pero no dice nada
My brother says he doesn't know who signed on the ship as him.
Mi hermano dice que no sabe quién firmó el embarque en su nombre.
No, no I think it says something about our priorities that we spend so much money on pets when there are literally millions of children without adequate nutrition.
No, no. Creo que dice algo sobre nuestras prioridades cuando gastamos tanto dinero en mascotas cuando hay literalmente millones de niños sin una nutrición adecuada.
One time, I texted Bo that I couldn't find my phone, and then he's like "Hey, dummy, what are you texting me on?"
Una vez, le escribí a Bo que no podía encontrar mi teléfono y me dice : "Hola, tonta, ¿ qué me estás escribiendo?".
I talked to Antonio, he says it's not too late to issue an order against Grant.
Hablé con Antonio, dice que no es muy tarde para conseguir una orden en contra de Grant.
I don't care for cheese.
El embutido no me dice nada.
She says that he sounded lost, but then he said he spotted her car, still he didn't show.
Dice que parecía perdido pero que luego dijo que había visto su coche pero que no apareció.
He says the plane can land in Jefferson City and that he will accept all of the refugees, even if Florida won't.
Dice que el avión puede aterrizar en Jefferson City y que aceptará a todos los refugiados, aunque Florida no quiera.
ME says no criminality.
El forense dice que no hubo crimen.
She says that Yuri's plans for the power supply are of no value alone.
Dice que el proyecto de Yuri de alimentación eléctrica no vale nada solo.
There is no evidence of the amount of money your father was talking about hidden anywhere.
No hay pruebas de que la cantidad de dinero que tu padre dice haya sido ocultada en ningún sitio.
No, she says that to the dog.
No, si se lo dice al perro.
So if he tells me a restaurant's great, I know I don't want to go there, because it'll be rubbish.
Pues si él me dice que un restaurante es genial, sé que no quiero ir, porque será una porquería.
- Mm-hm. But James says it isn't.
- Pero James dice que no es así.
Richard says he doesn't want any.
Richard dice que no quiere.
Literally no idea what he's on about.
Literalmente ni idea de lo que dice.
He says that if they'd been any good, they would have caught on, and he points out that they didn't.
Dice que si sirvieran para algo, serían populares, y ha dejado claro que no lo son.
And I bet you any money he's saying "I had a misfire."
Te apuesto lo que quieras a que dice : "No carbura bien".
Not by anything she says, no.
No por lo que ella dice, no.
My gut said it wasn't a suicide.
Mi instinto me dice que no fue un suicidio.
Grace said that Hill was "reluctant to go to the police " because... she did not want to implicate others. "
Grace dice que Hill se mostraba reacia a acudir a la policía porque... no quería implicar a otros.
Who says "No" to an invitation like that?
¿ Quién dice que no a una invitación como esa?
Doesn't say.
No lo dice.
Her little husband comes in, he's like, "You're not voting."
Su pequeño esposo entra y dice : "No vas a votar".
Your boyfriend tells you you're fat, we'll be like, "I'm sorry, Chad, please don't get out of the kayak."
Tu novio te dice que estás gorda, decimos : " Lo siento, Chad, por favor no salgas del kayak.
Bunch of giblets in a henhouse. " No-one says giblets in a hen...
Menudos de pollo en un gallinero ". Nadie dice...
Obviously, I'm thinking maybe it's gout, but there aren't any crystals under the microscope, just cells, so I call the intern who drew it, and he tells me he's trying to rule out cirrhosis,
Obviamente, estoy pensando que es gota, pero no hay ningún cristal bajo el microscopio, solo células, entonces llamo al internista que lo llevó y me dice que está tratando de descartar cirrosis, lo que no tiene ningún sentido,
It say, uh... it says "I lay," uh, I don't...
Dice "Me acuesto", yo no...
Uh, it's just, you know, you're-you're usually the one who... who tells me how great I am, and you're not here.
Es que, ya sabes, normalmente eres tú la que... la que me dice lo genial que soy, y no estás aquí.
Well, because he does what he wants, he says what he wants...
No, porque hace lo que quiere, dice lo que quiere
Relax. Kant says that you mustn't lie even when we think it's justified.
Kant dice que no hay que mentir
Here I have the document from the head teacher who says that you haven't handed in the programming.
Que dice que aún no ha entregado la programación
And you, something tells me... you don't have many layers, just one.
En cambio tú, algo me dice Que no tienes tantas capas, que sólo tienes una
What Butler says is that gender is not a natural fact and that we are not required to identify ourselves as men or women.
Lo que dice la Butler es que el género no es un hecho natural Y que no estamos obligados a identificarnos como hombres o mujeres
She says that we don't have to respect others?
O sea ¿ dice que no tenemos que respetar a los demás?
Just that a guy doesn't tell another guy that he loves him.
Res. Que un tío no le dice a otro que lo ama
But isn't it you who always tells us that we have to fight for things? Don't listen to me too much.
¿ Pero no eres tú quien siempre nos dice que tenemos que luchar por las cosas?
No, what Descartes tells us is that the thought...
No, lo que Descartes nos dice es que el hecho de pensar
Zizek says that, in fact, we don't fall in love with the person, but with the too perfect image that we make ourselves.
Zizek nos dice que, de hecho, no nos enamoramos de las personas Sino de la imagen demasiado perfecta que nos hacemos
No, Lao-Tzu said :
Lao-Tsé dice :
But he said he doesn't think you're able to deal with this type of talk on your own.
Pero dice que no te ve capaz De hacer frente a una charla de este tipo tú sola
So, one of the machinists working with Brandon said he had no idea Beth was making fully-completed lower receivers here.
Uno de los maquinistas que trabajaba con Brandon dice que no tenía ni idea de que Beth estaba fabricando cuerpos de fusil aquí.
Jimmy said it wasn't him, but who else do you know that eats graham crackers and cottage cheese?
Jimmy dice que no fue él ¿ pero a quién más conoces que coma galletas saladas y queso de cuajada?
No, Jake, it's says, "Heists are dumb."
No, Jake, dice : "Estos golpes son una chorrada".
These are all components that tells us that the black holes are not the result of the material world but maybe that the material world is the result of the dynamics of black holes.
Estos son todos los componentes que nos dice que los agujeros negros no son el resultado del mundo material pero tal vez que el mundo material es el resultado de la dinámica de los agujeros negros.

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