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Overreact Çeviri İspanyolca

446 parallel translation
Don't overreact. You got it?
No te pases de la raya, ¿ entendido?
Don't overreact.
No sobrerreaccione.
Let's not overreact.
¿ Por qué precipitarse?
- Don't overreact.
- No exageres.
Let's not overreact.
¿ Qué hace a fin de cuentas?
To overreact is often less effective than not to react at all.
El reaccionar de forma exagerada es menos efectivo que no reaccionar.
No, Mr. Malpica. No. Don't overreact nor ask for a miracle.
Ay, no, Sr. Malpica, no hay que ser exagerado ni pedir milagros.
Don't overreact, Mrs. Filogonia.
No, tampoco exagere Doña Filogonia.
We do not overreact.
No exageremos.
I don't want you to overreact.
No quiero que se altere.
Please, do not overreact.
Te lo ruego. no seas exagerada.
Let's not overreact.
Intentemos no perder los nervios.
She loves to overreact.
Le encanta sobreactuar...
It's led her to overreact to this situation which she has not consciously faced.
- Exagera la situación... que no encara conscientemente.
overreact, strikeout, sabotage the machine for good.
reaccionar en exceso, arremeter, sabotear la máquina para el bien.
Don't overreact.
No exageres.
This child tends to overreact.
Ese niño tiene reacciones excesivas.
- Overreact a little.
- Lo sé. - Sobreactúo un poco. - Lo sé.
- [Chuckles] Now, Betty, don't overreact.
- [Risas] Betty, no reacciones exageradamente.
- Overreact?
- ¿ Exageradamente?
Why does she always overreact?
¿ Por qué siempre reacciona de forma exagerada?
When you overreact, it makes what happened much too important.
Cuando exageras tu reacción aumenta la importancia de lo ocurrido.
Well, a lot of people overreact.
Mucha gente reacciona en forma exagerada.
Well, at least she didn't overreact.
Bueno, al menos no exageró.
But when things aren't working at home, you overreact to things on the street.
Pero si las cosas no van bien en casa, uno tiende a exagerar en la calle.
Oh... So I guess this guy didn't overreact.
Entonces este tipo no exageró.
- Don't overreact, Ted.
- No reaccione mal, Ted.
Please, just don't overreact. Let me... Please, let me explain, okay?
No ha acabado aún, por favor, dejame explicarte, ¿ está bien?
- You always overreact.
- Tú siempre exageras.
Let's not overreact.
No exageremos.
Look, I didn't overreact.
No reaccioné mal.
She has a tendency to overreact.
Tiene tendencia a reaccionar de forma exagerada.
Don't overreact now.
- No exageres.
- Don't overreact.
- Que no exagere.
I won't overreact!
¡ No exageraré!
I mustn't overreact. I must remain calm.
No debo dramatizar, debo mantener la calma.
- Let's go overreact together, okay?
No, no creo en todas esas pruebas.
Perhaps Mr. Bryles did overreact.
Quizás el Sr. Bryles exageró.
And I said, "Why would I overreact? Nobody in my family overreacts."
Yo dije que nadie en mi familia reacciona exageradamente.
And passionate people tend to overreact at time.
La gente apasionada tiende a reaccionar exageradamente.
Mrs. Amado tends to overreact.
La Sra. Amado tiende a reaccionar exageradamente. ¿ Le molesta?
Hi, did I overreact?
Hola, ¿ me he pasado?
Maybe I did overreact a bit.
Tal vez reaccioné un poco exageradamente.
- He thinks you'll overreact.
Cree que te vas a pasar de la raya.
Reaccionar en exceso.
Now, don't overreact.
No se alarme demasiado.
- You're gonna overreact on this.
¿ Que es esto? - Vas a enfadarte por esto John.
No exageren.
It's only natural that there'd be some interpersonal conflicts to work through, but now it's cool. Well, at first, she tended to overreact.
- Bueno, al principio, reaccionó exageradamente.
There's no reason for them not to overreact.
No tiene motivos para no reaccionar sobremanera.
- Don't overreact.
Ya iré yo.

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