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Painless Çeviri İspanyolca

823 parallel translation
And the operation practically painless.
Y la operación es prácticamente limpia.
You will oblige me greatly if you will assist... in making this incident as painless as possible.
Me haría un grandísimo favor si me ayuda... a resolver este incidente de la forma más indolora posible.
- Painless so far.
- De momento, llevadero.
You'll hang out a big sign, "painless dentistry."
"Se arrancan muelas sin dolor".
I'll be painless, Doctor.
- No dolerá.
I'll just have to be the father of painless dentistry.
Voy a tener que ser el padre de la odontología sin dolor.
Dr Horace Wells of Hartford Connecticut and his assistant are about to demonstrate the Wells Method of painless extraction.
El Dr. Horace Wells de Hartford Connecticut y su ayudante están a punto de demostrar el método Wells de extracciones sin dolor.
I'm the father of painless dentistry.
Soy el padre de la ortodoncia sin dolor.
That's the first painless...
Es la primera vez sin dolor...
The first absolutely painless...
La primera absolutamente sin dolor...
"Painless extractions or double your money back."
"Extracciones sin dolor o le devolvemos el doble de su dinero."
The old man's going to try another painless operation.
El viejo va a intentar otra operación sin dolor.
They've got their painless operations and I can get back to work.
Ellos tienen sus operaciones sin dolor y yo puedo volver al trabajo.
That stuff she bought to put him away was absolutely painless.
Lo que me compró para que no sufriera era absolutamente indoloro.
It's absolutely painless.
Es absolutamente indoloro.
Where's the guy who calls himself a painless dentist?
¿ Y el tipo que se llama a sí mismo el dentista "indoloro"?
That's why they call me Painless Potter.
- Gas hilarante. Por eso me llaman "Indoloro".
Painless, you're just the man I've been hoping to meet.
Indoloro, eres justo el hombre al que quería conocer.
Painless, there's something about you that appeals to me.
Indoloro, hay algo en ti que me gusta.
Mr. And Mrs. Painless Peter Potter.
Potter. Sr. y Sra. Indoloro Peter Potter.
Now, remember, Painless, you promised to love, honor and protect me.
Recuerda, Indoloro, prometiste amarme, respetarmey protegerme.
Now, Painless, I'll be with you.
- Indoloro, estaré a tu lado.
Just think, some day there'll be a sign on that door, "Painless Potter slept here."
Imagínate, algún día habrá un cartel en esa puerta. - "Indoloro Potter durmió aquí".
Calls himself a dentist, Painless Potter, but that's just a front.
Se hace pasar por un dentista : "Indoloro Potter".
Mr. And Mrs. Painless Potter with baggage.
El Sr. y la Sra. Indoloro Potter, traemos maletas.
Isn't this wonderful? Painless, wait.
Indoloro, espera.
It'll be a statue of Painless Potter.
Vamos. Será la estatua de Indoloro Potter.
And under that statue, it'll read : " Painless Potter :
Al pie de la estatua un cartel dirá :
Well, I might as well come clean, Painless.
Será mejor que te lo diga, Indoloro.
You might just as well face it, Painless.
Será mejor que lo afrontes.
Good-bye, Painless.
Adiós, Indoloro.
I steered'em onto the wrong party. A husband I picked up in Fort Deerfield, name of Painless Potter.
Les llevé a la persona equivocada... un marido que encontré en Fort Deerfield, Indoloro Potter.
Hooray for Painless Potter!
- ¡ Miren! ¡ Peter Potter! - ¡ Hurra por Indoloro Potter!
Indoloro, despierta.
Painless, do you love me?
¿ Me quieres?
" Painless Potter :
"Indoloro Potter, pendejo".
Painless Potter rides again!
Indoloro Potter cabalga de nuevo.
Painless, tell him the truth.
- Dile la verdad.
Painless, can you take it?
Indoloro, ¿ podrás soportarlo? No, pero dímelo de todas formas.
Some fish that went to Painless Palmer.
Algunos pescados fueron a la "palmera sin dolor".
Matarle sin que sufra demasiado.
The drug I've brought with me is effective in three seconds... and painless.
La droga que traigo conmigo hace efecto en tres segundos y sin dolor.
They're giving me a drug. It's painless and effective immediately.
Me van a dar una droga, sin dolor y con efecto inmediato.
I prayed to Allah to grant me a quick and painless death.
Recé a Alá por una rápida e indolora muerte.
Painless. Yes?
- ¡ Indoloro!
Painless. Yes?
¿ Indoloro?
Painless. What now?
¿ Qué?
# This is your hubby Painless #
Soy tu maridito Indoloro
Jump, Painless!
¡ Salta!
I'll make it as painless as possible.
Procuraré que sufras poco.

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