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Plainly Çeviri İspanyolca

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Of all the blatant things i ever heard said... well, as we are speaking plainly...
¡ De todas las barbaridades que le he oído...! Bien. Y ya que estamos hablando claro.
I can hear it plainly.
- Puedo oírla con nitidez.
I'm going to say something just as plainly as I possibly can.
Voy a decir algo tan claramente como me sea posible.
Yes. I remember it as plainly as if it was yesterday... though I was only a little girl at the time.
Lo recuerdo tan vivamente como si hubiera ocurrido ayer... aunque entonces sólo era una niña.
Miss Barrett, may I speak plainly?
- Srta. Barrett, ¿ puedo hablar claramente?
This has been a painful necessity but I had to speak plainly lest your very innocence should smirch the purity I'm utterly resolved to maintain in my household.
Esto ha sido un dolor necesario pero tenía que hablar claramente para que no se mancille la pureza de mi hogar.
Very plain... I mean, plainly.
Nada "exagerao", digo exagerado.
We might as well speak plainly.
- Y hablar francamente.
You have. Very plainly.
- Has hablado muy claro.
It's awfully hard to say unless I say it plainly.
Es difícil decirlo si no se hace claramente.
You can hear them Very plainly from the coast When the wind's This way.
Las puede escuchar con más precisión desde la costa cuando el viento sopla así.
I must speak plainly, Agnes.
Te hablaré con franqueza, Agnes.
But after that word, I can plainly read in a different style of engraving "To Joe," obviously meaning...
Pero después de eso puedo leer claramente. En un tipo diferente de grabado... "Para Joe".
I think this sketch shows it plainly.
- Este bosquejo lo muestra claramente.
I saw that plainly enough.
Me he dado cuenta de ello.
Today, I'm going to put it to the world plainly.
Hoy se lo diré claramente al mundo.
Speak plainly!
¡ Habla claro!
I'm saying very plainly that the Yankees are better equipped than we.
Digo claramente que están mejor equipados.
Even if I don't believe anything you say I can see pretty plainly that you're in a tough spot.
Bueno, entonces nunca estará seguro, Sr. Van.
Plainly and simply put.
No hay razón para que ataquen este hotel, pero es fácil que ocurran accidentes.
I see what Cecil and his friends are plainly enough :
Veo suficientemente bien lo que son Cecil y sus amigos.
They know you have a wife and you say in your actions as plainly as you could in words that you prefer a servant.
Saben que tienes una esposa y con tus acciones dejas muy claro que prefieres a una sirvienta.
- Now, now, you must forgive an old man for talking so plainly. - How dare you.
- ¿ Cómo te atreves?
Plainly, mademoiselle, he deserts you.
Sin rodeos, mademoiselle, le ha abandonado.
Then, the microbe will be plainly seen for it and nothing else on the slide will be stained.
El microbio será visible, ya que estará tintado.
Leslie, I shall have to talk very plainly to you.
Leslie, te hablaré claramente.
Thank you! You make me feel certain, the way my proposal is sanctioned by the authority of your parents, you would plainly say yes!
Eso me hace sentir más seguro que cuando mi propuesta sea autorizada por sus padres, ¡ Usted simplemente dirá que sí!
But a kind of a - an overpowering lassitude. Or more plainly, a deep, enveloping sleep.
Sin embargo, cayó en un agradable letargo y finalmente se quedó dormido.
As a matter of fact, he's told me so rather plainly.
Mi padre siempre lo dice. Me lo ha dicho con toda sinceridad.
¡ Claramente!
I can plainly see that she adores her father.
Creo que adora a su padre.
Judging by appearances, I should say you've done very well. By a couple of miracles I broke into the best circles, as you can plainly see.
Por algún milagro he acabado en la "mejores círculos".
Bright horizontal beam plainly visible from the air.
Un rayo de luz horizontal, visible desde el aire.
By faith and honour, our madams mock at us and plainly say our mettle is bred out and they will give their bodies to the lust of English youth, to new-store France with bastard warriors.
¡ Por la fe y el honor, nuestras damas se burlan de nosotros y dicen claramente que nuestro valor está degenerado... Y que ofrecerán sus cuerpos a la lujuria de los jóvenes ingleses para repoblar Francia con bastardos guerreros.
I can hear you plainly.
Yo te oigo bien.
We saw it quite plainly.
Lo vimos claramente.
I'll tell you plainly.
Se lo diré claramente.
Speak plainly.
Hable claramente.
As you can plainly see, I shaved it off.
Como ven, me la he afeitado.
It's best I speak plainly.
Es mejor que hable claro.
Would you mind speaking quite plainly?
Sra. Shackleford, creo que insinúa muchas cosas.
I'm tired, son. You'll have to talk plainly.
Estoy cansado, "hijo" Háblame más claro.
Miss Robey has demonstrated, very plainly, that she will go to some lengths to deceive me.
Miss Robey ha demostrado que no se detendrá ante nada para engañarme.
Virgil, will you say that again, please, slowly and plainly and simply?
Virgil, ¿ quieres repetir eso más despacio?
The others without uniform don't show his face so plainly.
Hay otra sin uniforme, pero no se les ve tan bien.
* and it's a uniform that takes the girls by storm * * they say the admiral is crazy over me * * and so he ought to be * * for he can plainly see * * so though I owe a lot to the Navy *
Me vistieron de uniforme. Y aunque el uniforme molesta a muchas chicas... el Almirante está loco por mí. Mejor así.
Everything here is plainly marked.
Aquí todo está muy definido.
Please say what you have to say, plainly and distinctly, and then let me take my nap.
Di claramente lo que tengas que decir, y luego déjame echar la siesta.
- More plainly and more distinctly?
- ¿ Lo digo más claramente?
Very plainly!
- ¡ Muy obvio!
- I will deal plainly.
Seré franco.

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