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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Q ] / Quinn

Quinn Çeviri İspanyolca

6,367 parallel translation
Chet to Quinn.
Chet a Quinn.
Not to mention the fact that Quinn wants to shoot me with my shirt off, riding a horse down the beach, shouting,
Sin mencionar el hecho de que Quinn quiere grabarme sin camisa, montando un caballo por la playa, gritando,
Quinn promised me that this season was gonna be different, though.
Quinn me prometió que esta temporada sería diferente.
Uh, Quinn says to tell you that, um, her husband was physically abusive... hit the kid, too, broke her arm, and that you should, you know, use it.
Quinn dijo que te dijera que, su marido era físicamente abusivo... golpeaba a la niña, también, le fracturó el brazo, y que deberías, ya sabes, utilizarlo.
Do you want to do something that'll fully flip Quinn out, something big?
¿ Quieres hacer algo que volteará por completo a Quinn, algo grande?
You handled what, Quinn?
¿ Tu te encargaste de qué, Quinn?
Somebody get me Quinn now.
Alguien consígame a Quinn ahora.
Quinn's door is locked.
La puerta de Quinn está cerrada.
Oh, you think Quinn's letting you rescue Anna without a camera?
¿ Crees que Quinn te dejará rescatar a Anna sin una cámara?
¿ Quinn?
You've got Quinn's ear.
Quinn te escucha.
I mean, whatever you said to Quinn obviously paid off.
Quiero decir, lo que le hayas dicho a Quinn dio su fruto.
Quinn, I think I can bring it on budget.
Quinn, creo que puedo llevarlo a presupuesto.
I will ask Quinn to have Chet talk to his friend.
Le pediré a Quinn que haga que Chet hable con sus amigos.
Do you know what Quinn's gonna do to me if she sees these guys here?
¿ Sabes lo que Quinn va a hacerme si ve a estos tipos aquí?
Well, it means a lot to me that you had a word with Quinn.
Bueno, significó mucho para mi que hubieses hablado con Quinn.
I didn't say anything to Quinn.
No le dije nada a Quinn.
Okay, look, Quinn is gonna be here in 15 minutes.
Bien, mira, Quinn estará aquí en 15 minutos.
You know, you want to get my attention, you don't have to roll around in the gutter, Quinn.
Sabes, si quieres tener mi atención, no tienes que rodar por una alcantarilla, Quinn.
Quinn, I have worked for you for three years.
Quinn, he trabajado para ti por tres años.
I'll finish the season, Quinn, and after that, I'll be working for Chet on his new shows.
Terminaré esta temporada, Quinn, y después de eso, trabajaré para Chet en sus nuevos programas.
No, it's proof-positive that the show was Quinn's idea.
No, es una prueba positiva que el programa fue una idea de Quinn.
Hey Quinn. Can I talk about the video invites?
Hola, Quinn. ¿ Puedo hablarte de las invitaciones en video?
Quinn, what's wrong?
Quinn, ¿ qué pasa?
Sorry, Quinn, but I kind of feel like everybody knows that.
Lo siento, Quinn, pero me parece que todos saben eso.
No, no, no, Quinn.
No, no, no, Quinn.
I'm Quinn.
Soy Quinn.
What are we gonna tell Quinn?
¿ Qué vas a decirle a Quinn?
I won't tell Quinn, I promise.
No le diré a Quinn, lo prometo.
Quinn, Chet's looking for you.
Quinn, Chet te está buscando.
But, no, Quinn chums the water, and you're right there.
Pero, no, Quinn chapotea en el agua, y vienes enseguida.
That crap about Quinn forcing your hand?
Esa mierda sobre Quinn obligándote?
It is just one more thing off my to-do list, and it keeps him from wandering too far, so... Thanks, Quinn.
Es solo una cosa más de mis tareas por hacer, y le impide deambular demasiado, así que... gracias, Quinn.
You're gonna tell Quinn?
¿ Le vas a contar a Quinn?
"I can do this, Quinn."
"Puedo hacer esto, Quinn."
Um, Quinn just asked me to tell you she can't make it.
Quinn me pidió que te dijera que no podrá venir.
Madison : Quinn just wants everyone in their room.
Quinn quiere a todo el mundo en su cuarto
You and Quinn don't have a line,
Quinn y tú no tenéis ninguna línea.
You need to call Quinn.
Necesitas llamar a Quinn.
Quinn, can I... can I talk to you?
Quinn, ¿ puedo.. puedo hablar contigo?
Quinn : Rachel, get in here.
Rachel, ven aquí.
Quinn, we have to - take responsibility.
Quinn, tenemos que aceptar la responsabilidad.
- Quinn, that's not - the same thing.
- Quinn, eso no es lo mismo.Es totalmente diferente
- Quinn being nice.
- Quinn es agradable.
You mean till Quinn sees if the cops are gonna press charges.
Dices, hasta que Quinn vea si los polícias van a presentar cargos.
No... [Sighs] I mean, yeah, Quinn's a surly, old bitch, to be sure, but she protects her own.
No... pero se protege a sí misma.
Quinn, are you seriously just gonna fall into your drink because some suit had a tantrum? That's crazy.
Quinn, en serio vas a caer en la bebida porque un trajeado tenga una rabieta?
No, I mean that dickhead's not gonna get rich off our show and throw you into the gutter.
No, me refiero a que de imbécil no va a hacerse rico con nuestro show y tirarte a la cuneta. Quinn, tienes que luchar.
Quinn, you have to fight. - They're already onto the meds, and as soon as they figure out Shia's little secret, I am dead and buried. - This is crazy.
- Esto es una locura.
- Forget it, Quinn, okay?
- Olvidalo, Quinn, vale?

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