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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / Severely

Severely Çeviri İspanyolca

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Has anyone ever told you that you overplay your various roles rather severely, Mr. Kaplan?
¿ Nunca le ha dicho nadie que sobreactúa usted mucho, Sr. Kaplan?
You're getting brutalized so severely, you don't know when it's gonna end.
Te sacudes tanto no sabes cuando acabará.
Don't punish me so severely for this little mistake of mine!
No me castigues tan severamente porque este es mi pequeño error.
His heart and lung muscles are severely affected.
Su corazón y pulmones están afectados severamente.
She also severely put the noses out of joint of the male disciples, especially St. Peter who hated her and he said in one of these books to Jesus,
Tambiйn hizo sentir incуmodos a los discнpulos masculinos... especialmente a San Pedro, quien la odiaba. Y en uno de estos libros le dijo a Jesъs...
No matter who wins, all sides will be severely weakened.
No importa quién gane, todas las partes se verán seriamente debilitadas.
This attorney should be sanctioned severely, Your Honor.
Este abogado debe ser sancionado.
I don't know, but if Gibbons knew he was severely allergic, I bet he carried one of those auto-injector pens.
No lo se, pero si Gibbons supo que estaba severamente alérgico, habría llevado una de esas lapiceras autoinyectoras.
The victim had been severely beaten.
La víctima había sido golpeada seriamente.
Heart muscles contract so severely, they rupture.
El corazón se contrae tan rápido que colapsa.
Well... obviously, they will be punished for this - - severely.
Bueno, obviamente serán castigados de forma severa por esto.
But her legs were severely injured and orthopedic surgeons were not able to salvage them.
Pero las piernas estaban demasiado dañadas y los cirujanos no han podido salvárselas.
He's already been severely beaten under your care.
Ya ha sido severamente golpeado bajo tus cuidados.
I'm severely limited by 20th-century Earth technology.
Estoy severamente limitado por la tecnología del siglo 20 terrestre.
Your heart is severely damaged and will not recover.
Su corazon está severamente dañado y no se va a recuperar.
- Her immune system is severely compromised.
- Su sistema inmune está inhibido.
- Her immune system is severely compromised.
Su sistema está severamente inhibido.
No. George Maloof is giving a lingerie party tomorrow... which severely limits availability, and there's a Brad Pitt movie shooting.
George Maloof núm está dando una fiesta de lencería mañana... lo que limita seriamente la disponibilidad, y hay un tiroteo Brad Pitt película.
Detective, you do understand the child was severely brain-damaged from hypoxia?
Detective, ¿ comprende que la niña sufrió un daño cerebral grave por la hipoxia?
- You two are severely retarded.
- Son un par de retrasados.
We were thinking of having children, but that would have severely drained my power crystals.
Pensábamos tener hijos, pero eso habría agotado mis cristales de poder.
The body is already severely damaged.
El cuerpo ya está gravemente dañado.
My time with the representatives was severely limited by Rand security forces.
Mi tiempo con los representantes fue severamente limitado por las fuerzas de seguridad de Ran.
We are severely outnumbered.
Nos superan seriamente en número
- She was severely damaged.
El Prometeo ha sido severamente dañado.
Face has been severely disfigured.
Su cara esta desfigurada.
King is coughing severely, Master Martin. Cough rips out his chest.
El rey tose, el Maestro Martín.
Allison severely gouged herself trying to claw off her imaginary neck device and then bled to death.
Allison se lastimó severamente tratando de salir del aparato imaginario. y murió desangrada.
They are beating me severely.
Me están pegando severamente.
Fear of losing the case, they beat me severely with hired goons.
Temiendo perder el caso, enviaron matones que me dieron una paliza.
Without question, Crewe's five-year federal probation for point-shaving has been severely violated tonight.
Sin duda, la libertad condicional de 5 años concedida a Crewe fue violada gravemente esta noche.
The autopsy found that it was a cumulative effect from numerous physical traumas exacerbated by malnutrition which severely inhibited her ability to recuperate from those traumas.
La autopsia reveló que fue un efecto acumulativo de numerosos traumas físicos exacerbados por una malnutrición que inhibió severamente su habilidad de recuperarse de esos traumas.
The girl is severely traumatized!
¡ La muchacha está severamente traumatizada!
In 1801, when Beethoven first discovered he was losing his hearing, he got severely depressed.
En 1801, cuando Beethoven descubrió que estaba perdiendo la audición entró en una profunda depresión.
And he is severely overweight.
Además, tiene mucho sobrepeso.
"She had been severely depressed about being pregnant out of wedlock."
Estaba severamente deprimida por un embarazo no deseado.
As the winter progresses the father will be severely tested.
A medida que el invierno progresa... el padre será puesto a prueba con severidad.
The propeller's been severely damaged.
La hélice está severamente dañada.
Two men are dead and a $ 1 billion boat is severely damaged.
Dos hombres han muerto y un navío de 1 millar está severamente dañado...
I promise that I am going to severely chastise him.
Juro que lo castigaré severamente.
You just pissed off a severely hormonal pregnant woman.
¡ Acabas de hacer enfadar a una embarazada llena de hormonas!
The Isokaze's hull has been severely damaged by a foreign agent.
El casco del ha sido severamente dañado por un agente extranjero.
That would severely hamper submarine operations.
Esto dificulta cualquier operación con submarinos.
If the tribute is late, you will be severely punished.
Si el tributo llega tarde, uno es severamente castigado.
38-year old Lee Jo-hyung was severely burned and moved to a hospital.
Lee Jo-hyung de 38 años recibió severas quemaduras... y fue trasladado a un hospital.
I made a mistake. I severely regret it.
- Cometí un error y lo lamento.
India more than 200 million people severely malnourished permanent.
La India tiene más de 200 millones de habitantes que sufren de malnutrición severa permanente.
As chief of security on this ship, I would like to severely protest bringing the artifact aboard.
Como jefa de seguridad de la nave, debo protestar por traer ese artefacto a bordo.
I rated him severely.
Le reprendí severamente.
You are hurt severely and call it little bruises.

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