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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / She knows what she wants

She knows what she wants Çeviri İspanyolca

154 parallel translation
I don't think she knows what she wants.
No creo que sepa lo que quiere.
She knows what she wants, and she's going to get it.
¡ Sabe lo que quiere y lo conseguirá!
She knows what she wants...
Ella sabe lo que quiere...
She knows what she wants. "
Opina y sabe lo que quiere ".
She knows what she wants and she asks for it.
Cuando quiere una cosa, la pide.
She knows what she wants and she's gonna get it.
Ella sabe lo que quiere y va a por ello.
I prefer a woman like that, she knows what she wants.
Prefiero a las mujeres así, que saben lo que quieren.
She knows what she wants.
Esa mujer sabe lo que quiere.
She knows what she wants, but not how to say it.
Sabe lo que quiere, pero no sabe decirlo.
She knows what she wants.
Sabe lo que quiere.
And she knows what she wants.
Y sabe lo que quiere.
No, no. She knows what she wants to do.
No, sabe lo que quiere hacer.
My little Debbie tells me she knows what she wants to do in life.
Mi Debbie me dijo que sabe qué quiere hacer con su vida.
She knows what she wants.
En todo caso, sabe lo que quiere hacer en la vida.
'She knows what she wants.
'Sabe lo que quiere.
She knows what she wants, you can't blame her.
No la puedes culpar. Gracias, Lenny.
Yeah, but how do you know that she knows what she wants?
Sí, pero cómo sabes que ella sabe lo que quiere?
She knows what she wants, she knows what's best.
Sabe lo que quiere, sabe lo que es mejor.
It must be awfully boring, listening to a woman who knows what she wants.
Debe ser aburrido escuchar a una mujer que sabe lo que quiere.
God knows, I'm very sorry, but this is what she wants.
Tengo mucha pena, bien Io sabe Dios, pero ella así Io quiso.
I think Rusty knows what she wants to do with her own life.
Creo que Rusty ya sabe lo que quiere hacer con su vida.
At 18, she's a working girl, and she still knows what she wants.
A los 18 años es una chica que trabaja y que aún sabe lo que quiere.
Regularly turns out to me the customer who pretends the clerk to understand.. on the fly what she wants, and that not even she knows!
Una clienta pretende que el vendedor sepa qué es lo que quiere, aunque ella no lo sepa.
- Zaccardi knows what she wants.
- Los Zaccardi saben lo que quieren.
A squaw never knows what she wants until you tell her.
Una india no sabe lo que quiere hasta que se lo dices.
LiIiane knows very well what she wants and doesn't want.
Liliane sabe muy bien lo que quiere y lo que no quiere.
Give her what she knows she wants.
Dale lo que quiere...
I'm a woman who knows what she wants.
Soy una mujer que sabe lo que quiere.
If the husband's a real man, he wouldn't be threatened by a woman who knows what she wants.
Si el marido fuera un hombre de verdad, no se sentiría amenazado por una mujer que sabe lo que quiere.
She knows what she wants. And if not, she's crazy,
- Sabe lo que quiere.
finaly she caves in, gives up and takes what is offered because she knows she can because she knows she wants she lacks faith and therefore patience
"Finalmente se desploma, se rinde" "y toma lo que se le ofrece." " Porque sabe que puede.
- Sure. - She knows exactly what she wants.
No te preocupes, él sabe bien lo que esas dos quieren.
She knows exactly what she wants, she isn't afraid to shell out money for quality merchandise, and she has good taste, but not too discriminating.
Sabe exactamente lo que quiere. No teme gastar por mercadería de calidad y tiene buen gusto, pero no muy discriminatorio.
- l know how it looks... I like a customer who knows what she wants.
- No puedo comerme esto. - Sé que no tiene buena pinta... Me gustan los clientes que saben lo que quieren.
Besides, Faith always knows what she wants.
Faith siempre sabe lo que quiere.
I don't think Kelly knows what she wants right now.
No creo que sepa lo que quiere en este momento.
She knows Bill's gonna do what Matt wants, find me.
Sabía que Bill me encontraría.
A lady who knows what she wants.
Una dama que sabe lo que quiere.
When Captain Janeway comes in here, she knows exactly what she wants.
Cuando viene la Capitán Janeway, sabe exactamente lo que quiere.
Yeah, you know, she even knows what kind of china pattern she wants... pink and purple with unicorns.
Sí, usted sabe, ella incluso sabe qué tipo de modelo china que quiere... rosa y púrpura con los unicornios.
She really knows what she wants. - That's good.
- Sabe lo que quiere.
- Sounds like the kind of girl who knows what she wants.
Una chica que sabe lo que quiere.
I would like to congratulate... my very brave friend, Charlotte... who knows what she wants... and who goes for it.
Quisiera felicitar... a mi amiga muy valiente, Charlotte... que sabe lo que quiere... y lucha por eso.
But for now, she just wants what she knows.
Pero ahora, sólo quiere lo que conoce.
Find out what Kitty wants andjust give it to her... but don't find out what she knows.
Pregúntale qué quiere y dáselo... pero no averigües qué sabe.
See, he's somebody who knows exactly what she wants, and he's just gonna be here long enough to straighten her out.
Veréis, es alguien que sabe exactamente lo que ella quiere y sólo estará aquí el tiempo suficiente para que ella se recupere.
What kind of woman wants the child of a man she barely knows?
¿ Que clase de mujer quiere un hijo de un hombre al que apenas conoce?
Oh, and whatever you land, you better do it fast, because Amy knows what she wants and it's you.
Pero tendrás que decirlo rápido porque Amy sabe lo que quiere y... eres tú
I need a woman who knows what she wants, and how to get it.
¿ Qué estás pensando?
Do you think that Marissa knows what she wants?
¿ Tú crees, honestamente, que Marissa sabe lo que quiere ahora mismo?
Older woman who knows exactly What she wants and what she Gets, and she knows exactly how
El hecho de estar con una mujer mayor que sabe exactamente... lo que quiere y lo que consigue, y sabe exactamente como... mantenerlo.

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