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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / Sir hugh

Sir hugh Çeviri İspanyolca

53 parallel translation
Sir Brian De Bois-Guilbert and Sir Hugh De Bracy, milord.
Sir Brian De Bois-Guilbert y Sir Hugh De Bracy, mi señor.
Sir Hugh, if you want the facts.
Sir Hugh, para ser precisos.
Sir Hugh.
Sir Hugh.
In Cornwall, the death has been announced today - of the former minister without portfolio,
En Cornualles se ha anunciado hoy la muerte del ex-ministro sin cartera... general Sir Hugh Marksby-Smith.
Sir Hugh was vice-president of the Rotarian movement. In the match between Glamorgan and Yorkshire, The Yorkshire bowler Nicholson took eight wickets - for three runs.
En el partido entre Glamorgan... y Yorkshire, el lanzador del Yorkshire recibió ocho rastrillos por tres carreras.
The head of the Aerial Command, Sir Hugh Dowding, agreed.
El Jefe de la aviación de caza Sir Hugh Dowding, estaba de acuerdo.
That's Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Massingbird-Massingbird,
Sí, el mariscal en jefe Sir Hugh Pelapájaros,
Their excellencies, Major General Sir Hew and Lady Dalrymple, request the pleasure of Sir Edward Pellew and... acting Lieutenant Horatio...
Sus Excelencias el Mayor General Sir Hugh y Lady Dalrymple Se complacen el placer de invitar a Sir Edward Pellew y ¡ Al teniente en funciones Hornblower!
I hear Sir Hew keeps an uncommon fine table.
- Una alegria. - He oido que Sir Hugh disfruta de manjares poco comunes.
Are you entrusting me to a mere babe, Sir Hew? ( chuckles )
¿ Me pone al cuidado de este niño de pecho Sir Hugh?
Oops, I'm forgetting my manners. To you, Sir Hew.
Olvidaba mis modales A su salud, Sir Hugh.
- Oh, Sir Hugh, is it?
Sir Hugh, ¿ no?
- Are you all right, Sir Hugh?
- te encuentras bien, Sir Hugh
- Sir Hugh?
- Sir Hugh?
Sir Hugh?
Sir Hugh?
Thank you, Sir Hugh.
Gracias, Sir Hugh.
I'll send a valet for you, Sir Hugh.
Voy a enviar un ayuda de cámara para usted, Sir Hugh.
Sir Hugh, are you enjoying yourself?
Sir Hugh, te estás pasando bien?
Oh! Sir Hugh!
Sir Hugh!
Oh. Sir Hugh's kitty!
Sir Hugh gatito!
Do you know Ser Hugh of the Vale?
¿ ConocŽis a Sir Hugh del Valle?
Where is Ser Hugh?
¿ D — nde est ‡ Sir Hugh?
Get a message to this paragon of yours- - discreetly- - send him to question Ser Hugh.
Dele un mensaje a tu modelo a seguir... discretamente. Env'ale a preguntar por Sir Hugh.
- Ser Hugh?
- ¿ Sir Hugh?
- Ser Hugh!
- ¡ Sir Hugh!
- Littlefinger : Ser Hugh of the Vale.
- Sir Hugh del Valle.
Sir Hugh, who even lies to himself.
Sir Hugh, en el que incluso miente a sí mismo.
Visit Sir Hugh Bodrugan, the owner of the pheasants.
Visitar a Sir Hugh Bodrugan, el dueño de los faisanes.
And according to Sir Hugh, there's scarcely a pheasant left in his woods.
Y de acuerdo con Sir Hugh casi ya no hay faisanes en sus bosques.
Sir Hugh Bodregun, may I present mistress Demelza Poldark.
Sir Hugh Bodregun, le presento a la Sra. Demelza Poldark.
And she seems very well attended by Sir Hugh Bodregun.
Y parece star bien atendida por Sir Hugh Bodregun.
Who is that young person dancing with Sir Hugh?
¿ Quién es esa joven bailando con Sir Hugh?
And your admirer, Sir Hugh, has called in the soldiers.
Y tu admirador, Sir Hugh, llamó a los soldados.
Sir Hugh Bodrugan has heard different.
Sir Hugh Bodrugan ha oido otra cosa.
Quartered with Sir Hugh at Werry House, whither I'm attempting to lure your wife.
Alojado con sir Hugh en Werry House, mientras trato de tentar a su esposa.
Sir Hugh wants me to tend to his cow, though I say I've no skill.
Sir Hugh quiere que atienda a su vaca, aunque he dicho que no tengo esa habilidad.
But since she has a special fondness for Sir Hugh, no doubt she'll be over directly.
Pero como tiene debilidad por sir Hugh, estoy seguro de que acudirá rápidamente.
She do look fair sick, Sir Hugh.
Parece bastante enferma, sir Hugh.
- Sir Hugh, you forget yourself!
- ¡ Sir Hugh, se pierde usted!
Sir Hugh, I believe you're wanted at the house.
Sir Hugh, creo que le requieren en la casa.
Sir Hugh's a mite unruly sometimes.
Sir Hugh es un bicho ingobernable a veces.
I'm not overjoyed to think of Sir Hugh in possession of Emma.
No me entusiasma pensar que sir Hugh se quede con Emma.
General sir Hugh Marksby-Smith.
Sir Hugh era vicepresidente del movimiento Rotarlo.
My colleague, Hugh, has received a death threat. That's right, it arrived this morning, and it's addressed to "Dear Sir or Madam".
Así es, llegó esta mañana y está dirigida a, "Estimado señor o señora".
Hugh, sir.
Hugh, señor.
Hugh Man sir!
Usted insignia, ¿ cuál es su nombre?
"Hugh." Yes, sir.
- Hugh. - Sí señor.
I'm afraid'm not able to say anything more, sir, until I'm convinced of your bona fides. - Hugh? - Yeah.
Me temo que no voy a poder decir nada más, señor, hasta que me convenza de su buena fe. - ¿ Hugh?
No, sir, this is Hugh Lang, he's the attorney we brought on to handle the criminal side of Captain Whitaker's situation.
No, señor, él es Hugh Lang el abogado encargado del lado criminal de la situación del capitán.
Hugh Stevens, sir.
Hugh Stevens, señor.
HUGH : Yes, sir.
Sí, señor.

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