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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / Sir keith

Sir keith Çeviri İspanyolca

60 parallel translation
- Excuse me, Sir Keith?
- Perdone, Sir Keith.
Sir Keith?
¿ Sir Keith?
I overlook nothing, Sir Keith.
Yo no paso nada por alto, Sir Keith.
Sir Keith, I'll make a bargain with you.
Sir Keith, haré un pacto con usted.
Okay, Sir Keith, I get the picture, but I still don't see where I fit in.
Vale, Sir Keith, tengo la imagen, pero aún no veo dónde encajo en esto.
- You have problems, Sir Keith.
- Tienes problemas, Sir Keith.
Oh, the usual friction between Sir Keith and Stahlman.
Los roces habituales entre Sir Keith y Stahlman.
Sir Keith! - Did you order those shields to be lowered?
Sir Keith. ¿ Ordenaste bajar los escudos?
- Sir Keith wants you to look at something in there.
Sir Keith quiere que le eche un vistazo a algo. - ¿ Qué demonios es?
What is it, Sir Keith?
¿ Qué es eso, Sir Keith?
Professor, I have to speak to you and Sir Keith on a matter of great urgency.
Profesor, tengo que hablar con usted y con Sir Keith sobre un asunto urgente.
Well, talk to our good friend Sir Keith.
Hable con nuestro buen amigo Sir Keith.
- That's hardly the point, Sir Keith.
- Ése no es el asunto, Sir Keith.
- So am I, Sir Keith.
- Yo también, Sir Keith.
I have every right, Sir Keith.
Tengo todo el derecho, Sir Keith.
Shouldn't you go at once, Sir Keith?
¿ No debería irse ya, Sir Keith?
And Sir Keith. How is Sir Keith?
Y Sir Keith. ¿ Cómo está Sir Keith?
What do you know about Sir Keith?
¿ Qué sabes de Sir Keith?
- He asked to speak to Sir Keith Gold.
- Pidió hablar con Sir Keith Gold.
Sir Keith Gold was killed in a motor accident 24 hours ago.
Sir Keith Gold murió en un accidente automovilístico hace 24 horas.
- Sir Keith dead?
- ¿ Sir Keith muerto?
Now, Sir Keith, if you'd had your way, we would never have started this project.
Vamos, Sir Keith, si por usted fuera, nunca habríamos comenzado este proyecto.
- Sir Keith, for instance?
- ¿ Sir Keith, por ejemplo?
I gather Sir Keith Gold's vanished, too.
Creo que Sir Keith Gold también se ha desvanecido.
- Sir Keith Gold has disappeared.
- Sir Keith Gold ha desaparecido.
- Therefore, in view of Sir Keith's anxieties...
Por tanto,... - en vista de los temores de Sir Keith...
- Sir Keith is an old woman.
- Sir Keith es una ancianita.
The safety margins are for cautious old women like Sir Keith.
Los márgenes de seguridad son para ancianas cautelosas como Sir Keith.
I'm here because I was sent for by Sir Keith!
Estoy aquí porque me llamó Sir Keith!
Oh, yes, one of Sir Keith's little army of experts.
Sí, es parte del pequeño ejército de expertos de Sir Keith.
Now, that ridiculous Doctor has gone, Sir Keith himself has gone, why don't you follow their example?
Ahora que ese ridículo Doctor se ha ido y también Sir Keith,... ¿ por qué no sigue su ejemplo?
DOCTOR : Sir Keith!
Sir Keith!
Sir Keith, unless we do something very, very quickly indeed, there's going to be a disaster.
Lo vimos. Sir Keith,... si no reaccionamos cuanto antes,... se producirá un desastre.
- Why don't you give the order? - I can't.
- ¿ Por qué no das la orden, Sir Keith?
Sir Keith... I think you better give orders for that shaft to be filled in straightaway.
Sir Keith,... creo que es mejor que ordene que se tapone ese pozo cuanto antes.
- Are you leaving, Sir Keith?
- ¿ Se marcha, Sir Keith? - Todos nos vamos.
- Goodbye, Sir Keith.
- Adiós, Sir Keith.
I went to interview Sir Keith Joseph.
Fui a entrevistar a Sir Keith Joseph.
He likes to be called Sir Keith.
Le gusta que le llamen Sir Keith.
Sir Alfred McGlennan Keith at your service.
Sir Alfred McGlennan Keith, a vuestro servicio.
When one's name is Sir Alfred McGlennan Keith, R.F.D., one doesn't have to meet them. The chumps?
- ¿ Cómo los conoces?
One fights them off with sticks.
Querido amigo, cuando uno se llama Sir Alfred McGlennan Keith uno no tiene que salir a conocerlos, sino quitárselos de encima.
The Lady Eve Sidwich... and Sir Alfred McGlennan Keith.
Lady Eve Sidwich y Sir Alfred McGlennan Keith.
You got your orders! But, sir, Lord Keith's orders...
Pero señor, las órdenes de lord Keith son...
Good night, sir.
Buenas noches, Keith.
- Keith, sir.
- Keith, señor.
( SIR KEITH CHUCKLING ) - What's this supposed to be?
¿ Qué se supone que es esto?
Ah, Sir Keith.
Ah, Sir Keith.
Thank you, Sir Keith.
Gracias, Sir Keith.
- Bye-bye, Sir Keith.
- Adiós, Sir Keith.
- My name is Keith Jennings, sir.
- Me llamo Keith Jennings, señor.

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