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Stacks Çeviri İspanyolca

584 parallel translation
In his house there were stacks of photographs.
En su casa había pilas de fotografías.
Garry had stacks that were about hip high.
Garry tenía pilas que llegaban a la cadera.
If I had the price, I'd been outside of six stacks of them already. - Oh.
Señora, si tuviera dinero ya me habría zampado seis docenas.
Give us a couple more stacks.
Dame más fichas.
After all, I've always been known to have stacks of style.
Después de todo, siempre me han conocido por tener mucho estilo.
Acouple of stacks of the blues.
Dos pilas de las azules.
So long as I'm in command, I don't want any squadron commander playing hide'n'seek among the chimney stacks!
Mientras yo mande, un jefe de escuadrilla no juega al escondite entre las chimeneas.
Put the piano over there with shelves for music... plenty of space to walk up and down, manuscripts all over the floor... hot pincers to tear the flesh from people who keep telling me luncheon is ready... stacks of checks from my publishers, and...
Es ideal. Con el piano ahí y estanterías para la música. Mucho espacio para caminar de un lado a otro, partituras por todo el suelo.
This type of cruiser has three stacks.
Este tipo tiene tres tubos de escape.
Five, 10. I made all stacks of five.
Haré grupos de cinco.
Two stacks, please.
Dos montones, por favor.
Stoneclough towering above the town, and the mill stacks looking like spires in the haze.
Stoneclough elevándose por encima de la ciudad. Las chimeneas de las fábricas parecían torrecillas en la niebla.
There would be various stacks. 'For the landlord,'Mama would say piling up the big silver pieces.
"Para el casero", decía mamá apilando las piezas grandes de plata.
We had stacks. And in the evening, he'd put on his travelling coat.
Por las noches nos contaba cosas de los viajes.
Stacks and stacks of hard cash.
Montones y montones de dinero.
But I owe him for the glass in the office, and I owe him for the glass in the bookcase, and this week, I think for three stacks of records.
Pero debo anteojos, en la oficina, y además debo anteojos en la biblioteca, y esta semana, creo que por tres pilas de discos.
Twin stacks. What is it?
Tubos de escape gemelos.
You're a flyer. You didn't get that yard sitting on the ground. You've seen guys blow their stacks.
Ud. es aviador y ha visto perder el juicio a más de uno.
You're always blowing'your stacks over some guy that fanned.
Siempre pierden la cabeza por un tipo que la ha fastidiado.
Burn the hay stacks.
Quema los hatos de heno.
Put it in stacks of $ 500, it'll be quicker that way. Lew!
Haga montones de 500, y métalos.
I've got stacks of old copies.
Tengo muchos ejemplares antiguos.
Stacks of it.
You're a dealer in books and two-cent fines and pamphlets and closed stacks and the musty insides of a language factory that spews out meaningless words on an assembly line - words, mr.
Un insecto rastrero. Una pequeña criatura malformada que no tiene propósito aqui, ni significado. Soy un ser humano!
He made seventeen stacks for us.
Por su propia iniciativa ha hecho diecisiete montones. Diecisiete, ¿ comprendes?
You're doing the stacks now.
Ponte a trabajar.
And one night when my parents were sleeping, I took my father's tape measure and put the donkey right in the middle of the two stacks of hay.
Y una noche, mientras mis padres dormían, tomé la cinta de medir de mi padre y puse al burro justo en la mitad de los dos montones de heno.
Well, now we can get down to Briar Stacks.
Bueno, ahora vamos con el meollo,
Not the way those cabbage stacks come off a turn.
No es la manera en que esas pilas de col desprende de un giro.
Six stacks. Is that right, Shooter?
Seis montones, ¿ no, Shooter?
Their names are well known. Small stacks of photos were found in their pockets. The photos captured images of these soldiers, their wives, mothers, children... and... these scenes.
En los bolsillos de sus camisas, se les halló esas fotos junto a las de ellos mismos,... las de sus esposas, sus madres y sus hijos.
I have stacks of information.
- Tengo una pila así... - Disculpa, tengo prisa.
Remember, I have stacks of information.
- ¡ Una pila así! ¡ Para aburrir!
This is the way it stacks up. We're going to change places with the girls.
- ésta es la idea vamos a suplantar a las chicas
Clean money, I want stacks of them
Es moneda legal De la cual quiero una pila
There you'll find huge stacks of gold coins.
Allí, abajo, hay montañas de oro.
What did you try to find in the dark stacks of the library?
Qué intentaste encontrar en los oscuros estantes de la librería?
I know stacks of other kids that's worse than me, but they seem to get away wi'it.
Conozco a un montón de chicos que son peores que yo, pero parecen salirse con la suya.
- Have any more birds before him? - Stacks.
- ¿ Has tenido más pájaros antes que éste?
Build up and strap on solid fuel stacks.
Abastecimiento de los tanques de combustible sólido.
The solid stacks are being strapped on and we'll be moving the bird on the pad in about nine hours.
Todo a punto en las torres de lanzamiento. Trasladaremos el pájaro a la plataforma dentro de unas 9 horas.
I went back in the stacks to do some research in the rare book collection.
Así que me metí a documentarme sobre colecciones de libros raros.
From the coal heap of course, they've got stacks of it there.
De la estación de trenes, tienen a montones allí.
I'll have two stacks now.
- Gracias. Ahora deme dos pilas.
Chop the wood and pile it in stacks.
Cortad leña y apiladla.
Although a reporter named Jimmy Stacks, God bless him, nosed around until he uncovered the unofficial information that some of the victims were missing some blood, and that the killer was supposed to be some kind of superman.
Aunque un reportero llamado Jimmy Stacks, que Dios lo bendiga investigó hasta que destapó la información no oficial. que algunas víctimas perdieron algo de sangre y que el asesino se suponía que era algún tipo de súper hombre.
Straw stacks and barns.
En montones de paja y graneros.
It's not in the stacks... and I was wondering if there was someplace else I could look. No, if it's not in the stacks, it's not in.
No está en su estante... y me preguntaba si hay otro lugar donde buscarlo.
There's a room above the stacks... where they keep all of the actual notes... the professors took when they were law students here. They're just sitting there waiting.
Hay un cuarto en la biblioteca... donde guardan las notas... que tomaron los profesores cuando eran estudiantes.
Give us four stacks, Flores.
Cuatro pilas, Flores.
Fan all the stacks till you find them.
Apáñeselas como quiera.

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