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Stalk Çeviri İspanyolca

786 parallel translation
"In the end," says Pizarro, "we were forced to eat the buds of a plant like a vine stalk,"
"Al final," dice Pizarro, "nos vimos obligados a comernos los brotes de una planta parecida a la vid."
We'll stalk it and observe its habits!
"¡ Nos acercaremos furtivamente y observaremos sus hábitos!"
We used to take her on hunting trips to stalk the game.
Nos la llevábamos de caza para levantar las piezas.
It was the sight of the Alpine stalk that turned me cold and sick.
Fue la vista de la cascada lo que me dejó helado y enfermo.
Look, Doc. One of Swede's orchids is due for the stalk.
Mira, doc. Una de las orquídeas de Swede está por dar un tallo.
- I fear he'll never stalk again. - That's a relief.
- Me temo que jamás volverá a hacerlo.
But then, of course, we didn't count upon a creature... that has learned to stalk the most cunning animal... that can catch scents upon the Wind... that has mastered the trick of moving through a forest as if he were transparent.
Claro que no contamos con uno que sepa acechar al animal más astuto, que sepa distinguir los olores en el viento, que domine el arte de moverse por el bosque como si fuera transparente.
I daresay I have been a bit thick... but, well, from the way you talked about hunting and all that... I assumed you knew it was a sporting stalk.
Yo diría que he sido un poco torpe, pero, bueno, por su modo de hablar de la caza y todo eso, he supuesto que sabía que era un acecho deportivo.
A what? A sporting stalk.
¿ Un qué?
If I can stalk an animal and get within range, the rest is a mathematical certainty. And that's sheer cruelty, and I don't like cruelty.
Si puedo acosar a un animal y tenerlo a tiro, el resto es certeza matemática, pura crueldad, y a mí no me gusta la crueldad.
I told you it was a sporting stalk.
¡ Por supuesto! ¡ Le he dicho que era un acecho deportivo!
You actually think you had no intention to kill... that It was all a''sporting stalk, " as you call It.
Usted piensa de verdad que no tenía intención de matar, que era un "acecho deportivo", como lo llama usted.
Do you expect me to tell you that it was a sporting stalk?
¿ Espera que le diga que era un "acecho deportivo"?
How do you stalk them?
¿ Cómo les acecha?
Stalk, you know, like hunting.
Acecharles. Como para cazar.
There are no Indians to stalk around here.
Ya no hay indios a quienes espiar por aquí.
They don't stalk'em all, boss.
Ellos no las acechan, jefe.
Only, what I mean is, if my wife ain't one of'em floozies, why did they stalk me?
Sólo que, si mi mujer no es una de esas, ¿ por qué me acechan?
He was just snapped... the way a pretty girl would snap a stalk of celery.
Sólo lo habían quebrado... como una muchachita quiebra un tallo de apio.
Tragedy can stalk the house without assistance.
La tragedia puede asolar la casa sin ayuda.
This stalk of celery is Holmes - and this bit of cheese is me.
El apio es Holmes, yo el queso.
And you stalk the poor jerk who was right to bump him off!
Y usted acecha al pobre imbécil que estaba en su derecho de liquidarlo.
Celia, when's the "stalk" comin'?
Oye, Celia, ¿ pa'cuándo llegan las iguanas?
- Come on, Giant. Back to the bean stalk. - Get your coat.
- De vuelta al castillo, gigante.
A place where disaster and tragedy stalk the big top, haunt the backyard and ride the circus train, where death is constantly watching for one frayed rope, one weak link, or one trace of fear.
Un lugar donde la desgracia y la tragedia acechan la carpa principal, rondan el patio de atrás y conducen el tren del circo, donde la muerte busca sin parar... una cuerda deshilachada, un eslabón flojo, o un indicio de temor.
Are you going to stalk me until I die?
Juntos los dos hasta la muerte, ¿ no?
These are Stalk.
" Their lips were four red roses on a stalk...
" Sus labios eran cuatro encarnadas rosas sobre el tallo,
What does "stalk" mean?
¿ Qué significa eso?
"Stalk" means... um...
Significa... Significa...
- The lion, the wolf, the shark, they stalk and wait for the kill.
El león, el lobo, el tiburón, todos acechan a su presa.
We won't leave a solitary cane stalk, or cotton bale for those Yankee thieves.
¡ No dejaremos ni una caña de azúcar! ¡ Ni una bala de algodón para esos yankees!
We'll stalk him somewhere.
Ya caerá en nuestras manos.
They'll stalk those ridges until there isn't a still left in Kentucky or Tennessee.
Acecharán esos riscos... hasta que no quede ni una destilería en Kentucky o Tennessee.
It grows on a double stalk. They say it sprang from the blood of Prometheus.
- Surgió de la sangre de Prometeo.
- Bobo, haz la tortura caña de bambú bajo la uña.
I distinctly saw the stalk of one of the roses bend close to me, as if an invisible hand had bent it, and then break, as if that hand had picked it!
Vi claramente el tallo de una de las rosas doblada cerca de mí, como si una mano invisible lo hubiera doblado, y luego se quebró, como si esa mano lo hubiera agarrado!
- I'd never hit a woman. Not even with a flower stalk.
- Yo a una mujer nunca le pegaría ni con el tallo de una flor.
We will stalk them in the night like jaguars.
Los acecharemos de noche como jaguares.
I'm going to turn me back so you can stalk me, right? Come up as quietly as you can Right close up behind me, then in with the raspberries, right?
Bien, sigilosamente, acérquense por detrás de mí.
You stalk the unicorn.
Tú acecha al unicornio.
Shadow That Comes In Sight taught me the bow and arrow and how to stalk game.
Sombra que Asoma me enseñó a disparar flechas y a cazar al acecho.
Ectoplasmic stalk through net, moving toward table.
Tallo ectoplasmático acercándose a la mesa.
If it doesn't work out, he'll stalk LeJeune for as long as it takes.
Si no funciona, perseguirá a Le Jon el tiempo que haga falta.
Uh, let's head to the bean stalk.
Vayamos al tallo del guisante.
They're headed for the bean stalk!
¡ Se fueron hacia el tallo del guisante!
Pull up the bean stalk!
¡ Tira del tallo!
Why do you stalk poor devils?
¿ Por qué persigue a los desafortunados?
and we'll stalk the hound together.
- Y buscaremos al perro juntos.
The tiger will stalk our streets.
El Tigre atacará en nuestras calles
But you could show up, I have to stalk you like a girl!
No querrás que te persiga.

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