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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / Takumi

Takumi Çeviri İspanyolca

145 parallel translation
Takumi Shinjo * KawasakiAkane Teruko Omi Mizukami Yasuhiro * Yoshitaro Asawaka Gomi Ryutaro
Takumi Shinjo * KawasakiAkane Teruko Omi Mizukami Yasuhiro * Yoshitaro Asawaka Gomi Ryutaro
Sakai Osamu * Ishibashi Renji * Kanie Keizo * Shimegi Shigako * Shinjo Takumi
Sakai Osamu Ishibashi Renji Kanie Keizo Shimegi Shigako
Okamoto Ken * Akashi Tsutomu * Okawa Osamu Akiyama Masashi * Nanjo Shintaro * Fukae Akiyoshi
Shinjo Takumi Okamoto Ken Akashi Tsutomu Okawa Osamu
Warning There was misconduct in the final exam given in the past day ( Organic Chemistry ). The following students will not get credit for the class regardless of their test grade. Shinobu Ezak, Kenji Kimura, Sho Tonegawa, Takumi Nakamatsu, Yumi Morishita, Kazumichi Rikimaru We wish that students perform their tests with awareness of their actions and upon reflection of oneself.
[Por mala conducta los siguientes alumnos no aprueban a pesar de la nota.]
Missing Kawahara Takumi, age 25
Desaparecido Kawahara Takumi
Are things going well for you, Takumi and Yuji?
¿ Como se encuentran tú y Yuji, Takumi?
You're not in good health, Takumi.
Takuni, tú no tienes una buena salud.
¿ Takumi?
My name is Takumi...
Mi nombre es Takumi...
This is Takumi.
Habla Takumi.
You spilled too, Takumi.
Tú también escupes, Takumi.
¡ Takumi!
Hello, Takumi?
Hola, ¿ Takumi?
Would you please take care of Takumi and Yuji?
¿ Podrías cuidar de Takumi y de Yuji?
Lately, Takumi said he was meeting someone he liked.
Hace poco, Takumi dijo que conoció a alguien que le gustaba.
So... I wanted to ask someone to take care of Takumi and Yuji.
Así que quiero que alguien cuide de Takumi y de Yuji.
Because I don't want Takumi to live with someone else...
Porque no quiero que Takumi viva con nadie más...
I heard from Takumi. You always help him out with many things even at home.
Me contó Takumi que tu siempre lo ayudabas con cosas de la casa.
Takumi Aio.
Takumi Aio.
Takumi, I want to know about you.
Takumi, quiero saber de ti.
Leaving my loving Takumi and Yuji behind.
Dejando atrás a mis adorados Takumi y Yuji.
Takumi Fujiwara, it's you?
Takumi, fuiste tu?
Takumi, Takumi, Takumi
Takumi, Takumi, Takumi
takumi pick me up at the station this sunday you promised ok i'll leave
takumi, recógeme en la estación el domingo lo prometiste ok ya me voy
takumi, pick me up at the station this sunday you promised
takumi, recógeme en la estación el domingo, lo prometiste
i mean, the time that u won that GTR that wasn't me i haven't been to the mountain for a long time but all these years... that was takumi takumi?
quiero decir, cuando venciste al GTR ese no fuí yo no he ido a la montaña hace mucho pero todos estos años... ese es takumi takumi?
dad, i made up my mind i don't want a GTR that's good takumi's dad was right if a racer fell ¡ ­ he has to stand by himself dad
no quiero un GTR que bueno el padre de takumi tiene razón. papá, me decidí. si un corredor cae debe pararse él mismo papa
bean curd, you bastard you want my son dead Amu took my car make sure that takumi is going to the mountains tonight
tofu, bastardo! quieres a mi hijo muerto! Amu tomó mi auto asegúrate que takumi suba a la montaña estoy ocupado, no tengo tiempo que es esto?
hello bean curd if takumi wins that GTR tonight our bill is... is... all the cars that are going into the mountain are hold up all the roads are cleared you can race anytime you want
hola tofu si takumi vence al GTR hoy nuestra cuenta... está... todos los autos que van a la montaña fueron desviados todo esta despejado, pueden correr cuando quieran
the real god is here takumi's dad
el verdadero dios está aquí el padre de takumi
Takumi, what are you doing here?
Takumi, que haces aquí?
if takumi wins tonight we are even didn't i say so 2 hours ago?
si takumi gana esta noche estamos a mano no te lo dije hace dos horas?
that GTR is really fast can takumi make it?
el GTR es muy rápido. podrá takumi?
according to you takumi is sure to win it all depends on the five final turnings
según tu, takumi es ganador seguro todo depende de las últimas cinco vueltas
takumi, how come you have so many scars?
takumi, porque tienes tantas cicatrices?
Takumi, you drive really well i got sick every time i take a long-distance ride but i didn't today that's a relief i had fun today thank you
Takumi, conduces muy bien siempre me mareo en viajes largos pero no hoy que bueno fue divertido, gracias
Takumi how did you drive?
Takumi, como condujiste?
Takumi, you are different you have a chance to be a good racer work hard
Takumi, estás diferente tienes una oportunidad de ser un gran corredor - esfuérzate.
takumi you are back what are you doing here?
takumi, volviste que haces aquí?
Takumi i think racing is where you belong who told you that?
Takumi, creo que tu perteneces a ese mundo quién te dijo eso?
Takumi i think racing is where you belong
Takumi, creo que perteneces al mundo de las carreras
tuo I have some Want to tell my good friend who
Takumi tengo algo que decirle a mi buen amigo a quién
A hai, stop Don't hit
Takumi, basta no peleen porque se pelean?
Don't hit ¡ ­ a hai ¡ ­
sin golpear! Takumi!
I only want to stay with tuo now
solo quiero ver a Takumi ahora
coming ¡ ­
Takumi? ­

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