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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / That's it right there

That's it right there Çeviri İspanyolca

1,071 parallel translation
That's a good picture of Tony right there, isn't it?
Qué bonita es esa foto de Tony.
There's a point to that whole story, I don't know what it is right now.
La historia tiene una moraleja. Pero ahora no recuerdo cuál.
To judge the right, our right to follow Donatus's doctrine You also were there, Augustine It seemed that everything would happen in complete freedom
Parecía que todo tendría lugar... en plena libertad... pero luego que el veredicto nos fuera desfavorable...
Now you just give me the combination to that big iron box in the back of your office, and me and the boys will just... seak right in there real quiet-like, take what's ours, bring you the rest, or leave it there safe and sound, that's up to you.
Dame la combinación de esa gran caja fuerte que está en tu oficina, y los muchachos y yo entraremos en silencio, tomaremos lo nuestro y te traeremos el resto, o lo dejaremos allí sano y salvo, como quieras.
- A-M-P-I-R-E, vampire, That's what it says right there,
- A-M-P-I-R-O, vampiro, eso es lo que dice aquí.
When you say that, when you get me out there all by myself... on what you say, you better be right there in back of me... because when you say it happens, it's gonna fuckin'happen.
Cuando dices eso, cuando me dejas ahí solo... confiando en lo que tú dices. Mejor que estés ahí para respaldarme... porque si tú dices que así será, puedes jurar que así será.
That's right. There was all that fuss about it in the press.
- Así es, por aquel escándalo en la prensa.
So it matters to take certain precautions, like pretending to be sick'cos there's this incredible hoard of microbes that just sort of float around you. When they think the time is right Zac!
Uno tiene que tomar precauciones, incluso fingiéndose enfermo, porque en cuanto esos millones de microorganismos.
Lieutenant, I can tell you in the gym right now... there are at least a dozen men... that could lift up that bar and put it on Gene's body... if that's what happened.
En el gimnasio hay por lo menos una docena de hombres que podrían levantar esa barra y ponérsela en el cuello si es eso lo que ocurrió.
But between you and me she might have been 15. When you get that little red beaver right up there in front of you, I don't think it's crazy at all.
Entre Ud. y yo puede que tuviera 15 años, pero cuando uno tiene enfrente una conchita así, no creo que sea cosa de locos.
There are certain procedures... and it's important that we have the right people in place so that situations that are of concern would be in the right hands and so that we could work them out together... and we'd like you to be with us.
Hay diferentes relaciones. Se trata de que las personas adecuadas lleguen a puestos adecuados para que los asuntos que tratamos estén en buenas manos.
Whatever's down there, a lot or a little, half yours, half mine but the right to tell the world about it, that's all yours.
Haya lo que haya ahí, mucho o poco, vamos a medias... pero el derecho de hacerlo público es todo tuyo.
I dοn't knοw that man in there, but it seems tο me he's nοt made οf the right stuff.
Ese que está allí, no sé nada de él mas parece de esos que mejor perderlos que encontrarlos.
Poor Gino, now that he's old, I think it's even right to go there to keep him a bit of company.
¡ Pobre Gino! Ahora que se ha hecho mayor, me parece justo que yo vaya allí, .. a hacerle un poco de compañía, ¿ no?
It's not that I like the Empire. I hate it. But there's nothing I can do about it right now.
No es que no odie al Imperio pero no hay nada que pueda hacer.
If there's some trail dust that has to be washed out, I'll get right at it.
Si hay algún rastro de polvo que deba ser eliminado, me encargaré de ello.
It's as if the dogs were trained to be right there at the phone when Dr. Hunter got that call just before he was murdered.
Es como los perros fuerón entrenados A acudir al telefono, cuando el Dr. Hunter contesto la llamada. justo antes de asesinarlo.
That's it. Get this little son of a gun right there.
Saca a este imbécil de aquí.
I'm sorry, but that truck went right into the old drink... and it wasn't anybody's fault, it just rammed it right in there.
No quise que el camión se hundiera hasta el fondo del lago. No pude hacer nada. Lo arrollamos hasta el fondo del lago...
All right? Good. It's right there, that gray door.
Por allá, esa puerta gris.
Look, that's it, right there.
Mira, esta es, ahí está.
That's it right there, Mr. Ross!
¡ Eso es justo así, señor Ross!
No, Mr. Havercamp, the green is right over there. It's that way.
No, el campo está allá.
If there's a war, and they draft him, though he doesn't know why, and the war goes on anyway, then that's his fault ; and it serves him right.
Si hay una guerra le llaman a filas, y él no sabe por qué, la guerra puede continuar también sin él, pero es culpa suya y lo tiene merecido.
Now is that what you believe? I think my nurse told me, or someone did anyway that if the priest got there before the body was cold it was all right. That's so, isn't it?
Creo que mi niñera decía, o tal vez era otra persona... que si el sacerdote llega antes de que el cuerpo esté frío también sirve, es así ¿ no?
It's right in that room over there.
En ese cuarto de allí.
You know, it's real scary, like,'cause when we play we're right down there in the audience and there's lots of creeps out there. And there's lots of people that have grudges against you now, too.
Es aterrador, cuando tocamos... estamos a la altura, del publico y hay mucho arrastrado, muchos nos tienen rencor.
It's right over there! Look at that!
¡ Mira eso!
I know there's a big fireball in the sky that usually rises in the east and we're walking right into it.
Se que hay una gran bola de fuego en el cielo que suele salir por el Este... - y vamos hacia ella.
All right, now the way that you play it is... you pretend there's a force field all around your body... and you try and get as close to each other as possible... without actually touching.
Bueno, se juega de la siguiente manera. Haces como si hubiera un campo magnetico alrededor del cuerpo... y tratas de acercarte al otro lo mas posible... pero sin llegar a tocarlo.
His shoe-polisher box is right there, where he always keeps it, at that lady's place.
Su cajón está ahí mismo, donde lo guarda siempre, donde esa señora.
It's right there in that drawer.
El contrato está en el cajón.
All right? But it ain't gonna change the fact there's a pair of Wets... in the back of that goddamn van!
Eso no cambiará que hubiera un par de fiambres en la furgoneta.
There's that car of his parked right in front of it.
Estacionó su auto frente a su cuarto.
if there's something here that requires your professional expertise, I got a right to know what it is.
Si hay alguna cuestión que precise sus conocimientos profesionales... -... tengo el derecho a saber qué es.
That's attempted murder right there. It's only a short hop to the real thing.
Intento de asesinato y esto es solo la punta del iceberg.
- That's it. - Some of my old high school teammates and I... are there right now having a sort of reunion - us mere mortals rubbing elbows with the greats like Mickey Mantle, Whitey Ford.
- Algunos de mis viejos compañeros de la escuela secundaria y yo... están allí ahora mismo teniendo una especie de reunion - nosotros los simples mortales codeándose con los grandes como Mickey Mantle, Whitey Ford.
It's not right that there's no work.
No está bien que no haya trabajo.
- Goddamn it, we just did talk to'em and that's their answer right there!
- ¡ Acabamos de hacerlo! ¡ Ésa es su respuesta!
That's it right there.
- Allí está.
I was anticipating resistance to this idea... which is why I have a copy of the contract right here that states... the city has the right to take possession of your vehicle. It's right there.
Sabía que iba a ofrecer resistencia... por eso traje una copia del contrato que estipula... que la ciudad tiene derecho a tomar posesión del vehículo.
It was right there, the undeniable proof... that Mary was Carl's child, notJack's.
Allí estaba, la prueba innegable de que Mary era hija de Carl, no de Jack.
It's in that pool over there, right?
La piscina de al lado.
Es aquí. - Bute.
That's all there is to it, right?
Esta dando resultados y tu sientes que estas sola.
it seems that is someone else's heading for Beast Island it's comming right out there
Parece que alguien más se dirige hacia la isla Viene directo hacia nosotros
That's it right there, sir.
Allí mismo.
That's it, just lay it right there.
Eso es, ponlo allí.
How's that? Get a tape and, uh, slip it right in there.
Obtener una cinta y, uh, deslizamiento bien allí.
Isn't it funny how sometimes it takes a total stranger to point out something that's been right there in front of your face?
Es curioso que tenga que ser un extraño quien llame la atención sobre lo que está delante de tus narices.
Almost one. She almost smiled right there, but... Come on, that's it.
Ahí casi se le escapa una sonrisa.

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