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That wasn't me Çeviri İspanyolca

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Because somebody said that I couldn't do it, that it wasn't in me, but it is.
Porque alguien dijo que no podría hacerlo, que no estaba en mí, pero se equivocó.
Not that it's any of my business, but if you suddenly started dating a guy who'd only ever dated other guys, you know, I'd be worried he wasn't serious about you.
No es que me importe, pero si de repente empiezas a salir con un tío que solo ha salido con otros tíos, ya sabes, me preocuparía que no se lo tomara en serio contigo.
- about Shelby and Donnie. - I've been fooling myself into thinking that he was over there for some innocent reason, but he wasn't.
Me he estado engañando a mí misma pensando que él estaba ahí por alguna razón inocente, pero no fue así.
If he had one that was stolen, I don't know where he got it, but it wasn't from me.
Si tenía una de las robadas, no sé dónde la consiguió, - pero no fue de mí.
Bad enough I got to pay her bills, but even that wasn't enough.
Ya me parece mal tener que pagarle sus facturas, pero ni eso fue suficiente.
I think that was his way of letting me know that I wasn't very smart.
Creo que ese era su modo de hacerme saber que yo no era muy listo.
Now, I'm only guessing because I wasn't there, obviously, but I reckon that life in 1950s California, where this car came from, was probably better than life in 1950s Birmingham.
Ahora, sólo me imagino, porque yo no estuve allí, obviamente... Pero considero que la vida en la California de los años 50... Que es de donde viene este auto...
He offered me a check for more money than I've ever seen, and all I had to do was change my story... tell Vic that what I said about the kidnapping wasn't true... but I said no.
Me ofreció un cheque por más dinero del que yo he visto en mi vida, y todo lo que tenía que hacer era cambiar mi historia... decirle Vic que lo que dije sobre el secuestro no era cierto... pero dije que no.
Doctor, tell me there wasn't anyone inside that thing.
Doctor, dime que no había nadie dentro de esa cosa.
You know, you told me that Mike Ross wasn't a threat, and then he handcuffed us with a T.R.O.
¿ Sabes? , me dijiste que Mike Ross no era una amenaza, y luego vino y nos detuvo con una medida cautelar.
Don't you dare say that you were doing this for me,'cause we both know what person in this house you did it for, and it wasn't me.
No te atrevas a decir que estabas haciendo esto por mí, porque las dos sabemos por cual persona de esta casa lo hiciste, y no fue por mí.
Look, the whole reason I got into trouble in the first place yesterday is that I wasn't fully equipped to explore the tunnels.
Mira, primero, la única razón por la que me metí en problemas fue porque ayer no iba bien equipado para explorar los túneles.
Look, I just found out something that wasn't in the news.
Mira, me acabo de enterar de algo que no estaba en las noticias.
I wasn't offended by the lewdness of their jokes or squeamish over the fact that my dinner looked like a shriveled Easter rabbit, nor was I too dainty to sleep on a pillow made of stone.
No estaba ofendida por sus obscenas bromas ni me asqueaba que mi cena pareciera un conejo marchito ni era demasiado delicada para dormir sobre una almohada de piedras.
Your father told me I was having orgasms all those years, but it turned out that I wasn't.
Durante todos esos años tu padre me decía que estaba teniendo orgasmos, pero resulta que no los estaba teniendo.
But I can guarantee you that I will never sell you out. - Well, you told me that mike ross wasn't a threat, And then he handcuffed us with a t.R.O.
Bueno, me dijiste que Mike Ross no era una amenaza, y luego vino y nos detuvo con una medida cautelar.
Now, that wasn't me, was it?
¿ Ese no fui yo, verdad?
I wasn't that surprised when the others turned on me.
No me sorprendió tanto que las otras se volvieran en mi contra.
That wasn't me.
Ese no era yo.
That wasn't even about you, that was about me and him.
Eso ni siquiera trataba de ti, trataba de él y yo.
I knew from the beginning that wasn't gonna last long for me.
Sabía desde el principio que no iba a durar mucho.
It just... it felt really fucked up, and I wasn't expecting that.
Es que... me parecía una auténtica putada, y no esperaba eso.
Harris, you think I wasn't supposed to hear that someone brought a gun on board because the ship is 50 years out?
Harris, ¿ pensaste que no me enteraría que alguien llevó un arma a bordo porque la nave está a 50 años de distancia?
But there wasn't anybody in his lab that had my program skills, and since there was no way I was gonna get security clearance, we worked on the down low.
Pero no había nadie en su laboratorio que tuviera mis habilidades para programar, y puesto que no había forma de que me dieran autorización de seguridad, trabajamos a escondidas.
Look, I know that the reasons for me wanting to end the pregnancy are so selfish, that I'm not ready, that this wasn't the plan, that I have worked so hard every second so that my life was different than my mother's.
Mira, sé que las razones para querer terminar con este embarazo son muy egoístas, pero no estoy lista, este no era el plan, he trabajado muy duro cada segundo para que mi vida fuera diferente a la de mi madre.
A few months ago, a physicist from another design group came to me and he told me that his model wasn't going to work.
Hace unos meses, un físico de otro grupo de diseño acudió a mí... y me dijo que su modelo no iba a funcionar.
It really helped me realize that my marriage wasn't in trouble.
Me ayudó a darme cuenta que mi matrimonio no estaba en problemas.
It's not that he wanted me to be someone I wasn't.
No es que él quería yo sea alguien que no estaba y apos ; t.
And you told me that wasn't part of the evening.
y tú le dijiste que eso no era parte de la velada.
That wasn't me.
Ése no era yo.
And she told me that she could see... There had been another baby that wasn't ready to... Come into the world.
Y me dijo que que podía ver... que había habido otro bebé que no estuvo preparado para venir al mundo.
That wasn't her, that was me, because I didn't think you would stoop this low.
No fue ella, fui yo, porque no creí que caerías tan bajo.
- She wouldn't give me the time of day, and it wasn't just that she was uncooperative. She was scared.
- Ella no quiso hablar conmigo, y no sólo porque no quisiera colaborar, sino que también estaba asustada.
My parents always stressed to me growing up that it wasn't about what you did for a living, it was how you did it.
Mis padres siempre destacaron para mí crecer que no era y apos ; t sobre lo que hizo para ganarse la vida, era cómo lo hizo.
When I said it wasn't me, what I meant was that I've been doing a lot of work on knowing why it happened.
Cuando dije que no era yo, lo que quería decir era que he estado haciendo un montón de trabajo en saber por qué sucedió.
That wasn't me...
No fui yo...
Whenever the cops would come looking for me, she'd get them to believe that I wasn't home.
Cada vez que los policías iban a buscarme, lograba que ellos creyeran que no estaba en casa.
You know that patent wasn't approved, but I'll take it.
Sabes que la patente no se aprobó, pero me gustaría.
But in order for me to issue a warrant for a DNA test for someone for a crime that was committed 11 years ago who wasn't even a suspect, I'm gonna need probable cause.
Pero para emitir una orden para una prueba de ADN por un crimen cometido hace 11 años, para alguien que ni siquiera fue sospechoso, voy a necesitar una causa probable.
Wasn't me that asked for a ride, Captain.
No fui yo quien quise venir, capitán.
How'd you know that she wasn't me?
¿ Cómo sabías No es que fuera yo?
Maseo called me that before he left, and I looked it up, but it wasn't in my Chinese dictionary.
Maseo me llamó que antes de irse, y lo busqué, pero no estaba en mi diccionario chino.
He knew an exit out of the building that wasn't on any of the blueprints that Felicity hooked me up with.
Conocía una salida del edificio que no estaba en ninguno de los planos que Felicity me proporcionó.
Oh, I wasn't worried that you were jealous.
No me preocupaba que estuvieras celoso.
Dr. Herman, I wasn't kidding when I said that I... That I... that I wanted this fellowship, and today's surgery only confirmed that more for me.
Dra. Herman, no estaba bromeando cuando he dicho... que... que quiero esa beca, y la cirugía de hoy lo ha confirmado aún mas.
I wasn't that surprised when he left.
No me sorprendió que se fuera.
That wasn't me.
- Ese no era yo. - ¿ Qué?
That you would help me if I wasn't dating Danny? Well, I don't kn-know. I mean...
Bueno, no sé...
I asked her what she was buying and she said she didn't wanna tell me but she assured me it wasn't anything dodgy and that's enough for me.
Le pregunté que iba a comprar y no quiso decirmelo. pero me aseguró que no era nada malo. y eso es suficiente para mí.
He'll probably never speak to me again, but maybe you could tell him that I wasn't lying.
El probablemente no vuelva a hablarme de nuevo, pero quizás tu puedas decirle que yo no estaba mintiendo.
So it wasn't the curse that got my jaw wired shut For a month, it was you?
¿ Entonces no fue la maldición la que me hizo tener la mandíbula sujeta con cables durante un mes, fuiste tú?

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