They don Çeviri İspanyolca
83,758 parallel translation
They don't rape you, do they?
A ti no te violan, ¿ cierto?
But the hoops you have to crawl through... they don't give a shit how many zeros are in your bank account.
A la gente a la que tienes que convencer no le importa una mierda cuántos ceros tienes en tu cuenta de banco.
You know, they don't want people going up on the roof all the time.
No les gusta que la gente suba a la azotea.
That way they know the brand to get you, and they don't buy you that cheap shit that makes you break out.
Así sabrán qué marca comprar y no te compran esa mierda barata que da sarpullido.
They don't charge for extra cherries.
No cobran por las cerezas extra.
They don't sit and hide in a bar because it's easier than getting involved.
No se sientan y se esconden en un bar porque es más fácil que involucrarse.
But... we saved America, and we're gonna save Rip and get back the rest of the spear, because as powerful as the Legion may be, they don't have this.
Pero hemos salvado los Estados Unidos, y vamos a salvar a Rip y a recuperar el resto de la Lanza, porque por poderosa que la Legión sea, ellos no tienen esto.
As long as they don't use the Supergirl defense.
Siempre y cuando no usen la defensa de Supergirl.
Love can make people do things that they don't normally do.
El amor hace a las personas hacer cosas que normalmente no harían.
Real royals, they don't need to try that hard.
Las realezas verdaderas, no necesitan esforzarse tanto.
Some study viruses, but they don't live with them.
Algunos estudian los virus pero no viven con ellos.
They don't yet write?
( tío ) Por eso es que necesitamos sus servicios.
They don't go to school.
( tío ) No van a la escuela ya que se encuentra muy lejos.
We should kill them, so they don't suffer.
A veces hay que matarlos para que no sufran.
And n... n... now they don't allow me to go back.
Y ahora no me dejan volver.
They don't know if it's listeria or Legionnaires'or what the fuck it is.
Algo sucede. No saben si es listeriosis o legionela.
I mean, you're not, but they don't know that.
Digo, no lo eres, pero ellos no lo saben.
They don't seem like they know more.
No parece como que supieran más.
- They don't want to testify?
- ¿ No testificarán?
I hope they don't do him any serious harm.
Espero que no le hagan ningún daño serio.
That they don't want to be rehabilitated?
¿ Que no quieren rehabilitarse?
They don't know they're unsuccessful.
No saben que no tienen éxito.
They don't know their lives are over, that they're already dead.
No saben que sus vidas están acabadas, que ya están muertos.
I honestly don't know if they have the faith to see this through.
La verdad, no sé si tienen la fe para llegar hasta el final.
I don't care what they are.
No me importa lo que sean.
Besides, disgraced Black Badge agents don't go to prison. They go to Black Rock.
Además, los agentes caídos en desgracia de Placa Negra no van a la prisión, van a Black Rock.
Why don't you ask them what they're doing to stop the hybrids?
¿ Por qué no les preguntas qué están haciendo para detener a los híbridos?
That I don't know how they got used to.
No sé cómo se han acostumbrado a eso.
You don't actually believe that they'll hand it over, do you?
No creerás que van a entregarla, ¿ verdad?
Maybe, but if I don't try, they're never going to stop hunting me. You know that's true.
Tal vez, pero si no lo intento, nunca van a parar de cazarme.
We got an alert that Cadmus was moving a weapon, and we don't get alerts unless they're releasing a video or we catch them red-handed.
Recibimos una alerta de que Cadmus estaba moviendo un arma y nunca recibimos alertas a menos que emitan un video o que los atrapemos con las manos en la masa.
He's either, I don't know, threatening him or they're blackmailing him, or they are mind controlling him or...
O bien, no lo sé, lo están amenazando o lo están chantajeando, o están controlando su mente o...
You don't know what they're gonna do to me.
No sabes lo que me harán.
I don't, okay, but they want me.
No lo sé, vale, pero me quieren.
Please don't point to where they are.
Por favor, no señales dónde están.
And now, if I don't get that painting to them by the end of today, they'll kill him.
Y ahora, si no les consigo esa pintura para el final del día, lo matarán.
We don't require that much. Just so they can learn... to read and write. In general that they...
( tío ) Tampoco se espera demasiado, simplemente que puedan aprender a leer y escribir, en general que... ( Mona ) ¿ No saben escribir?
By the way, don't they have a room each?
A propósito, ¿ no tienen un cuarto cada uno?
I agree, I just don't think we should be bigoted against someone just because they have big jugs.
De acuerdo, solo que no creo que debiéramos ser prejuiciosos con alguien... simplemente porque tenga lolas grandes.
Because the school run is like a contact sport and they're so filthy that, after I get home, I have to take a shower and, after I take a shower, I sweat for at least 21 / : hours, you know that, and I don't have a reference from Braeband, so that's making me sweat.
Porque la carrera de la escuela es como un deporte de contacto... y ellas son tan asquerosas que, después que llego a casa... tengo que ducharme y, después que me ducho... yo sudo por al menos 21 horas, tú lo sabes... y no tengo referencias de Bray Band, así que eso me hace sudar.
In Monaco, they simply don't exist.
En Mónaco, sencillamente no existe.
I don't remember it, but I... I do know where they were killed.
No lo recuerdo, pero yo... sé dónde fueron asesinados.
You don't think they tried?
¿ Crees que no lo intentaron?
I know where they might have gone. I just don't know how to get there.
Puede que sepa dónde están, pero no sé cómo llegar.
I don't know what other evidence they got.
Tengo algo.
Yeah, I don't know if they blame you, but I do.
Bueno, no sé si ellos te culpan, pero yo sí.
Your colleagues don't know that we're having this conversation, do they?
Tus compañeros no saben que tenemos esta conversación, ¿ verdad?
Listen, dog, on the real, I don't know what the deal is with them, but they kept him a lot longer than me.
Escucha, tío, de verdad, no sé cuál es el trato con ellos, pero ellos le tuvieron más tiempo que a mí.
Don't worry, they're all very, very small.
No se preocupe, son muy muy pequeños.
Frankly, we just don't have the resources to fight off another attack if they all come at us together.
Francamente, simplemente no Tener los recursos Para luchar contra otro ataque Si todos vienen a nosotros juntos.
It's where they put electrodes in your brain, and if it works, then... Then I don't shake no more.
Es cuando ponen un electrodo en tu cerebro, y si funciona, entonces... ya no temblaré más.
they don't 727
they don't like me 19
they don't work 32
they don't exist 52
they don't give a shit 20
they don't listen 19
they don't know yet 28
they don't understand 42
they don't hate you 16
they don't get it 22
they don't like me 19
they don't work 32
they don't exist 52
they don't give a shit 20
they don't listen 19
they don't know yet 28
they don't understand 42
they don't hate you 16
they don't get it 22