They don't know Çeviri İspanyolca
19,374 parallel translation
They might enjoy meeting you... even if they don't know who you are.
Disfrutarían conocerte, aunque no sepan quién eres.
I don't know if you've heard of it, where they have a facade of four of our Founding Fathers on this mountain.
No sé si oíste hablar de él. Están los rostros de nuestros padres fundadores en esa montaña.
'Cause, you know, mascots, they don't die.
Porque las mascotas no mueren.
And... I don't care what they say back in Southie, you know?
Y... no me importa lo que digan en Southie, ¿ sabéis?
I don't really know who they were.
Realmente no sé quiénes eran.
They won't cough it up, and we don't know where it is.
Ellos no dirán nada y no sabemos dónde están.
These politicians... They don't know what war really is.
Estos políticos no saben lo que es realmente la guerra.
They don't really itch, just hurt, you know, like I got poison in my head.
No pica, pero me duele como si tuviera veneno en la cabeza.
Please, don't bother. I've had enough people say they're sorry, and I know you don't mean it.
Ya he oído que suficientes personas lo sienten, y sé que no eres sincero.
I don't know why they killed her.
No sé por qué la mataron.
I don't speak Japanese, but I think they know we're here.
No hablo japonés, pero saben que estamos aquí.
I don't know what they're doing to him.
No sé qué le están haciendo.
I don't know what they're doing there.
No sé qué están haciendo ahí.
Tell them something they don't know.
Cuéntales algo que no sepan.
Only fish don't know they're gonna die.
Pero los patos no saben que van a morir.
You know, they really don't make bad guys like they used to.
Usted sabe, que en realidad no hacen malos como los de antes.
You know, I don't know how they do it.
Ya sabes, no sé cómo lo hacen.
I don't know what they are.
No se que significan,
I don't know that they heard all of them.
No sé si las escucharon todas.
Cooper said they could find no reason to bust Emile, so what we do after this, I don't know.
Cooper dijo que no encontraron ningún motivo para arrestar a Emile, así que no sé lo que haremos después de esto.
I don't know what the corn starch means except it has to be connected, like this phone, which our killer used to call both Tamika and Emile just before they were murdered.
No sé qué significa el almidón solo que se relaciona a esto, como este teléfono, que el asesino usó para llamar a Tamika y a Emile antes de ser asesinados.
Sanchez : I don't know why they turned off the power. Look around.
No sé por qué quitaron la energía.
Third time, they throw away the key. You know that, don't you?
La tercera vez, tiran la llave.
They don't know what they're tryin'to trap.
No saben lo que están tratando de atrapar.
I'm completely out, I don't know where they keep disappearing to.
Estoy completamente fuera, yo no sé donde siguen desapareciendo a.
How? " They're like," He can add like a motherfucker. I don't know.
" Sabe sumar como un hijo de perra.
I don't think the people of Texas necessarily want to execute retarded people, but I think they're like, " You know what?
"Esto es Texas. Así que...".
You don't know how they think?
¿ No sabes cómo piensan?
You can listen to people talking and they don't even know you're listening.
Puedes escuchar a las personas hablando sin que se den cuenta.
I don't know where they're going with this, but it scares me.
No sé adónde quieren llegar con eso pero me asusta.
Because there's no way they're gonna fix these problems if they don't know...
Porque es imposible que arreglen estos problemas, si no saben...
But it don't mean nothing if they don't know.
- Lo sé, lo sé. Pero no significa nada.
These kids may be troublemakers, they may not be "A" students, a lot of them smell weird, but they are smart enough to know you don't leave hard evidence inside their lockers.
Estos niños pueden ser problemáticos, puede que no sean estudiantes "A", muchos de ellos olor extraño, pero son lo suficientemente inteligentes como para saber de no dejar evidencia dura dentro de sus armarios.
Hey, I know they're not real, but it don't mean that they don't have nothing to say.
Sé que no son reales, pero eso no significa que no tengan nada para decir.
I've already told the others, but what they don't know is what it's really about.
Ya se los conté a los otros, pero lo que ellos no saben... es de qué se trata realmente.
I don't know why they give kids pets that die so young.
¿ Para qué les dan a los niños animales que se mueren tan rápido?
I don't know, they must be her mom's.
Serán de la madre.
We don't need to know what they're saying.
No necesitamos saber qué están diciendo.
They don't call him Blind Sammy for nothing, you know.
No le dicen el Ciego Sammy por nada, ¿ sabes?
He'd go on about beauty, how some beautiful people are monsters, they just don't know it.
Iría en la belleza, Cómo algunas personas hermosas son monstruos, Simplemente no lo saben.
Well, they had a van parked up somewhere, I don't know where.
Bueno, tenían una furgoneta aparcada en algún lugar, no sé dónde.
I don't know what they call him here in Europe.
No sé como lo llaman aquí en Europa.
They don't like it when their puppets start to think they're real little boys, you know?
No les gusta cuando sus títeres empiezan a pensar, son chicos reales, ya sabes.
Indefinite means they don't know.
Indefinidos significa que que no los conocen.
I don't know if they're afraid of you.
No sé si te tienen miedo.
They don't know me.
Ellos no me conocen.
They don't know anything about new technology, but once it starts making sense, they throw their dollars behind it.
Ellos no saben nada acerca de las nuevas tecnologías, pero una vez que empieza a tener sentido, tiran su dinero detrás de él.
Don't I bring the family in for an interview and see what they know?
¿ No traigo a sus familias para hablar con ellos y ver qué saben?
Monty was able to get us Jabir's medical records, and there have been several pages redacted, so there are things that they don't want us to know.
Monty ha podido conseguir el expediente médico de Jabir, y hay varias páginas censuradas, así que hay cosas que no quieren que nos enteremos.
And they don't know where I came from.
Y ellos no saben de dónde vengo yo.
Oh, it's just if Macklin didn't have a birthday party, and if I didn't have to go to the OB, and if Mitch wasn't out of town- - And I don't know what is going on in there, but I can already tell they don't like me.
Si Macklin no tuviera su fiesta de cumpleaños y si no tuviera que ir al ginecólogo, y si Mitch no estuviera de viaje y no se qué es lo que pasa ahí pero ya sé que no les simpatizo.
they don't know yet 28
they don't know anything 52
they don't know me 18
they don't know that 37
they don't know what they're doing 16
they don't 727
they don't like me 19
they don't work 32
they don't exist 52
they don't give a shit 20
they don't know anything 52
they don't know me 18
they don't know that 37
they don't know what they're doing 16
they don't 727
they don't like me 19
they don't work 32
they don't exist 52
they don't give a shit 20