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Tread carefully Çeviri İspanyolca

221 parallel translation
But we have to tread carefully.
Pero tenemos que andar con pies de plomo.
The scars may still be fresh, darling, so tread carefully.
Puede que las heridas sigan vivas, querida, ten cuidado.
Tread carefully.
Id con cuidado.
Let's tread carefully.
Tengamos cuidado.
But we'd better tread carefully.
Pero será mejor caminar con pasos seguros.
Now we don't know how many of them there are, so we'll have to tread carefully.
No sabemos aún cuántos de ellos hay, por lo que tendremos que andar con cuidado.
I think we'd better tread carefully.
Creo que es mejor andar con cuidado.
Now, tread carefully.
Ahora, pisa con cuidado.
Tread carefully.
Pisa con cuidado.
Let ´ s tread carefully there, Jane.
Anda con cuidado, Jane.
I'd tread carefully.
Yo me andaría con cuidado.
Tread carefully, it's...
Suba con cuidado, es...
Just tread carefully.
Solo pisa con cuidado.
I have to tread carefully.
Tengo que proceder con mucho cuidado.
Tread carefully, Wayist.
No te pases, Wayista.
Debemos tener cuidado.
I'd tread carefully if I were you.
Pisaría con cuidado.
Do me a favour, Syd. Tread carefully here.
Hazme un favor, ten cuidado.
We'll have to tread carefully.
Tendremos que andar con cuidado.
Tread carefully.
Camina con cuidado.
- He needs to tread carefully.
- Necesita andar con mas cuidado.
Everything, and Everyone, is an open book to me, I'm watching everything you do, so you better tread carefully
todos y todo, es un libro abierto para mi, Estoy viendo todo lo que haces, así que mejor cuidado
Tread carefully, Herr Doctor.
Tenga cuidado, Herr Doctor.
Tread carefully.
Trátala con cuidado.
No time to tread carefully.
No hay tiempo para sutilezas...
You're in his fantasy, Carol, tread carefully.
Estás en su fantasía, Carol, muévete con cuidado.
You can tread carefully, be humane if you want... but don't be weak.
Usted puede ser cuidadoso, humano si quiere... pero no débil.
Tread carefully, Robbie.
Andad con cuidado, Robbie.
No, I'm sorry, but... We'll have to tread carefully.
No, lo siento, pero... o hay que hacerlo suavemente.
Just tread carefully, Gene.
Anda con cuidado, Gene.
We should both tread carefully. Some local doc saw me.
Un médico local me vio.
You will tread carefully.
No te preocupes.
Now look, we need to tread carefully here.
Ahora mire, necesitamos pisar cuidadosamente aquí.
Tread carefully.
Ten cuidado.
Tread carefully. - Your Honor, I -
- Sr. Juez, yo...
Tread carefully.
Vaya con cuidado.
This care home we're going into is full of girls, so tread carefully.
La residencia en la que vamos a entrar, está llena de chicas así que vayan con pies de plomo.
I don't need to remind you two that we need to tread carefully.
No necesito recordaros que hemos de tener mucho tacto.
Tread carefully, people.
Tratadlo todo con cuidado.
If I were you, I should tread a little carefully.
En su lugar, andaría con cuidado.
I have learned to tread very carefully in a burning building.
He aprendido a tejer cuidadosamente para poder acabar mi obra.
May I suggest we tread more carefully, sir?
¿ Puedo sugerir que obremos más cuidadosamente, señor?
I think we should tread very carefully. K9?
Creo que deberíamos andarnos con mucho cuidado. ¿ K9?
Tread carefully.
My advice would be to tread very carefully. Leadership is about commanding the herd when the moment demands.
Es agarrarlo por los cuernos con ambas manos y llevarlo por el buen camino.
We shall see if a spell in the rigging can't teach you to tread more carefully.
Veremos si un rato en la arboladura Le enseña a pisar con más cuidado.
Tread carefully.
Pisen con cuidado.
Tread carefully, dear heart. Why?
Ten cuidado, corazón.
Officers. - Beecher, tread very carefully.
- Beecher, ándate con mucho cuidado.
Well, I'll tread... carefully.
Bueno, llevaré.... cuidado.
- Tread carefully, rogue.
Cuida tus palabras, Bribón.

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