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Try not to worry Çeviri İspanyolca

182 parallel translation
Trate de no preocuparse demasiado.
But try not to worry so much about her.
Pero trata de no preocuparte tanto.
- Try not to worry, Prince Saul.
- No se preocupe, príncipe Saúl.
We try not to worry, to think of all The reasons there must be for the delay.
Por eso tratamos de no angustiarnos, pensando que hay muchas causas que pueden motivar este retraso.
Look, darling... try not to worry so much.
Vamos, Ruth. Te preocupas demasiado.
Try not to worry so much.
Intenta no preocuparte demasiado.
Now give me the letter, and try not to worry about nothing.
Dame la carta y no te preocupes de nada.
Try not to worry too much.
Intente no preocuparse demasiado.
Take it easy and try not to worry.
- No se preocupe.
Now, try not to worry.
Intente no preocuparse.
Try not to worry, Mary.
Intenta no preocuparte, Mary.
" Please try not to worry.
" Trata de no preocuparte, por favor.
Try not to worry, Mrs. Obregón.
Intente no preocuparse, Sra. Obregón.
Try not to worry, Mrs. Renata.
Intente no preocuparse, Sra. Renata.
And try... Try not to worry.
Intenta no preocuparte.
Please try not to worry.
Por favor trate de no preocuparse.
Very well, George, and try not to worry so much about me.
Muy bien, e intenta no preocuparte tanto por mí.
Try not to worry about it.
Trata de no preocuparte por ello.
Well, try not to worry about it.
Bueno, trate de no preocuparse por ello.
You must try not to worry about it.
Debes tratar de no preocuparte.
Try not to worry so.
Y trata de no preocuparte.
Try not to worry.
Trate de no preocuparse.
Well, try not to worry about it, dear.
Trata de no preocuparte por ello, querido.
In the meantime try not to worry.
Mientras tanto no se preocupe.
Try not to worry, Catherine.
Trate de no preocuparse, Catherine.
It won't be long now. Try not to worry.
Falta poco, no se preocupe.
Try not to worry.
Intentar no preocuparnos.
Try not to worry.
Intenta no preocuparte.
Try not to worry.
Trata de no preocuparte.
Um, thanks anyway. Try not to worry.
Gracias de todas formas.
- Try not to worry about the purse.
- Intente no preocuparse por su cartera.
try not to worry. you know i can't help it.
- Supongo que no estaba listo para eso.
I know what you're feeling. But please try not to worry.
Sé lo que estás sintiendo, pero por favor, trata de no preocuparte.
"I know... you miss me,..... but try not to worry."
"Sé que me extrañan, pero traten de no preocuparse."
- Try not to worry.
- Trata de no preocuparte.
Just try not to worry then.
Sólo trate de no preocuparme entonces.
Well, try not to worry, Craig.
- Bueno, trata de no preocuparte, Craig.
Just... try not to worry.
Trata de no angustiarte.
Try not to worry, Captain.
Trate de no preocuparse, capitán.
Try not to worry.
No te preocupes.
Try not to worry too much, eh?
Trata de no preocuparte demasiado, ¿ eh?
Oh, try not to worry.
Trata de no preocuparte.
Try not to worry... I will deal with this.
No te preocupes,... lo solucionaré.
You're panicking. Try not to worry.
Estás nervioso, no te preocupes.
Alguien tiene que hacerlo.
I'll try very hard this time... not to cause you further worry
Si, esta vez trataré... de no causarte preocupaciones.
Look, try not to worry too much.
Trata de no preocuparte.
Don't worry - I'm going to try not to let it happen.
No te preocupes, voy a tratar de que eso no suceda.
Look, Mrs. Rieper, try not to worry too much.
No se preocupe demasiado, Sra Rieper.
Not to worry - I try to stay happy.
Pero da igual. Intento seguir siendo feliz.
Money is such a worry for you, and Maya and I try not to spend too much.
Se que el dinero te preocupa. Tratamos de no gastar demasiado.

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